Chapter 106

In a town this size, with a mere eighteen-hundred residents, the Police Station only had one deputy and one dispatcher on duty after hours. Both tended to take cat naps during slow periods. Which was often. It was all too easy to sneak in and get back at Parker.

Push her around, would he? Get her all flustered, would he? Make her remember why he'd been the focus of her teenage infatuation, would he?

Well, fine. Maddie would let him know how she felt about that.

Harmlessly, of course. Contrary to what people thought, she wasn't a mean person and she did have feelings. And, after all, she did like the guy. She just needed him to go away. And stay there. For the sake of her sanity.

Thus, as she'd left Hair Lair last evening, she'd dropped off a little prezzie at the station. Parker's stapler. In a Jell-O mold. On his desk.

Childish and petty, perhaps, but fun.