Chapter 109

In his car in the parking lot at Shooters, while waiting for Jason to get off work, Parker glanced at his cell. He'd texted Maddie asking her to go to the Halloween Party with him tomorrow night, knowing what her reaction was going to be.

Hell to the no.

Thumbs flying, he sent his response. Yes. It'll make for a great second date.

He watched the icon swirl, indicating she was replying.

Maddie: The first date wasn't a date.

Ha. She kept trying that line as if it had worked to deter him all week. After dinner and a movie at his place on Sunday, he'd shown up at the school and Rec Center Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday to drive her home. In fact, he'd just dropped her off not ten minutes ago. She wouldn't invite him inside her apartment, only allowing him no further than the curb, but he hadn't let her climb out of the passenger seat without a goodnight kiss. Or ten.