Chapter 116

Maddie slowly opened her eyes, attempting to orientate herself. It had been three years since she'd slept in a bed with a roof over her head. The night before last, Parker had demanded she come home with him. Thankfully, her bug had only been a twenty-four hour thing, but the comfort of his home and his arms had made being sick not so bad.

Gah, he'd been amazing.

Their lovemaking had been even more amazing. David had been her only true experience in that area, aside from her first boyfriend Freshman year of college. Neither guy had been particularly spectacular. Parker? Holy crap. He'd set her on fire, and she hadn't cared an iota about the burns.

Moreover, he'd been tender and sweet with a side of naughty. He'd taken her to work at the school and had picked her up again after her shift, not even giving her the option to go home. They'd come right back to his house for a late dinner he'd cooked-le sigh-and had made love twice more. Triple le sigh.