Chapter 122

Five Days to Christmas...

From her office chair, Marie stared at her calendar, then at Ella Burkwell and Avery Stowe-O'Grady standing in front of her desk. Her niece-in-law had been waiting for her in the parking lot as she'd pulled in, claiming a problem with something. Ella had snuck in moments later. Not five minutes into Marie's day, and already there had been a change in her schedule since last night.

Again. In the same week.

She tapped her fingernails on the desktop. "Explain this to me. I asked the both of you to handle this. As part of the Event Committee, the task was assigned to the two of you." She didn't throw her power around often, if at all. It was rare she delegated duties in the first place.

"I'm sorry, but we can't help." Avery shrugged. "I have a full shift at the vet clinic and Hailey has a play date tonight with a girl in her class. Ella is teaching all day and has parent/teacher conferences afterward."

"Conferences were last week."