Act 8

Disclaimer: I don't own any anime, movies, music, comics, or games.

Beta-reader: Unholy Light

Bold - Right Head.

Natural - the Middle head.

Italics - Thoughts/Telepath dialogues/ flashbacks/ Left head


Defiler, Torturer, Grand Illusion. His name had much meaning, but none fit him, for his name was nothing but a mockery of his stature.

Little shit.

Yes, in his race, language, that name was quite literal. Unlike his brethren, he was the runt of his race, the smallest and weakest. Known for their immense power, he only wielded illusion.

Then they came to his dimension. Monster X watched his entire race become extinct, slaughtered and consumed like cattle.

Instead of fear, hatred, he felt joy, envy, admiration, and respect. He envied this mighty creature nay GOD! That was the only thing that can fit with such a presence. Even that word can barely describe the overwhelming power.

Then, as he was about to be devoured, the deity stopped. Was he worthless that not even a God would dare consume him?

Yet, this God shattered that belief.

Do you wish for power?

YES! He wanted power, power to prove his worth to this God. HIS GOD! He wanted to serve this mighty being with all his heart. So that one day he'll be consumed and be one with Monster X.

Countless battles, his power rose, and thus the once mockery of his entire existence became a foreboding warning to the stars.


Notrambas howled in pain as his opponent punched and clawed his body. The chimera grabbed him before throwing him to a building.

He groaned, but this pain was nothing, a tendril wrapped around his prey's leg. The intruder dragged his opponent around. One of its heads unleashed an attack similar to its master.

Notrambas moved away. He was not arrogant enough to take hits like the rest of his master's servants.

Gestroyah charged at full speed, tackling the enemy and smashes him to the ground. Not wasting time, bone claws erupted around his arms.

Notrambas screamed in agony as the chimera gutted him. Not giving up, he unleashed his minions to distract the enemy.

Gestroyah unleashed a powerful nuclear pulse, reducing the pulsing flesh or ash. For a finishing blow, the chimera then tore his opponent in half.

Gestroyah POV

Ning glared at the body. That was too easy. X wouldn't send a weakling, would he? It just didn't fit with him that X would send something this weak.

"LOOK OUT!" Odin yelled, taking control of the body.

Ning yelped as a spiked tendril missed his throats. They turned to where it came and saw Notrambas on the far right, uninjured.

Ning growled in annoyance. Thousands of ideas and simulations ran through his mind.

This creature is capable of mind-control, maybe it has an illusion. All were troublesome to fight. How can you fight something that your eyes can't see?

Monarch POV

Everyone cheered as they watched humanity's doom dominate the fight. But it turned into terror when it revealed its ability.

The humans were now planning a way to help the hybrid but came up empty. They never encountered something like this creature.

Then they watched Gestroyah launched a massive scale attack. That attack would work, and nothing can dodge something that big.

Yet, they were wrong as the creature reappeared uninjured.

"How do we beat this thing!?" Rick yelled. "It has unlimited lives with that illusion."

No one can answer that question, but they can only hope.

Gestroyah POV

Adaptive Learning was working double time, but Gestroyah can't just learn by standing still. And so they charged at the monster.

The two titans collide, shaking the foundations of the city. The humans screamed in terror as they fought to the death.

Tank, jets, helicopters, and even drones were firing everything they had at the two. It wasn't any good. You would think they learned their lesson by now.

Gestroyah shrugged off a psychic push and grabbed the alien, only to roar in pain as spike jutted out and drilled its way through their hardened scales.

A tendril wraps around their throats and hauls them around the city. Ning powering through the pain fires a spiral ray, grazing the enemy. Cody took control of their wings to upright themselves as Odin fired a gravity beam which Notrambas avoided.

The invader laughed before gigantic debris slammed into his blind spot. Odin smirked as their opponent glared.

The surrounding reality shook before enormous hands squashed them. Gestroyah then released another burst of energy.

Not taking any chances, the trio fired their breath attacks randomly. "Shit, its illusions are too strong for us to break through." Ning growled.

Odin grunted before Cody noticed something amiss. Firing his breath attack, it shocked him to see blood coming out in the air.

Notrambas' illusion then fades, revealing that Cody had shot him.

"How did u... know?" The alien asked in disbelief.

"Fuck you, that's how." Cody said.

"Cody, explain while we have time." Ning said through their link.

"I think our body has adapted to his illusions. I can't see him, but I feel the air colliding with something."

Odin blinked before deciding to try something. "He's right. I can feel something pushing against earth's gravity and it's coming from him." He said.

Ning tries it, and he can feel some weird energy emitting from his enemy.

Skill: Power Detection

The power to sense supernatural powers within others. Sub-power of Superpower Manipulation and Supernatural Detection. Users of this power are Detectors.

The trio smiled. While not what they needed, they can make do with this.

Godzilla POV

He was close. The creature and invader were fighting somewhere on the land. Growling with irritation, he swam faster.

Still, the question remained in his mind. The creature was his spawn, whether or not he liked it. It was clear it won't submit, so the only option was to kill it.

Yet Mothra's question had planted itself into his mind. "Can you blame a child fighting for their right to live?" Mothra had always been soft, and he can't blame her. They were facing a hatchling, the first and last hybrid.

Yet they need order, or there will be chaos. His nemesis has proven it. So he will kill them before they become a greater threat.

Monarch POV

The humans were recording the battle to figure out a way to counter these threats. Gestroyah and Notrambas were going at it.

Trading blow by blow, neither stopping until Notrambas used another illusion, disappearing into their very eyes. Gestroyah was looking for it before the left head fired its attack.

Notrambas revealed itself as a psychic shield surround its body. Then it fires its range attack, sending the growing titan across the city. Then the alien began changing the entire terrain.

Everyone was in disbelief. Just how strong were these two? At this rate, the city would be a wasteland.

Gestroyah POV

The hybrid groaned as they stood up. "We need a new plan." Ning said. "I got one... ATTACK!" Odin fired one of his gravity disks.

Cody followed, launching air bullets. The attack collides with the alien. Ning roars and charges at full speed, shrugging off any hits.

Notrambas grinned as tendrils wrapped themselves around them, and before they can use a burst attack, the alien fired electricity across their body.

"Interesting. A hatchling with this potential is rare." Notrambas said.

"Let me guess X sent you to test me." Ning said.

"Fufufu... my master has rarely taken interest in anyone than his nemesis." The alien tilts its head. "He might see you as a mate if you become powerful enough."

"Ew gross, I'm not interested." Odin gagged.

"It hardly matters, you will submit or die."

"How about option three?" Ning fires an invisible attack, but Notrambas avoids it by instinct.

"You missed." Notrambas spoke.

"I didn't."

A blue ray of energy strikes Notrambas while freeing the hybrid at the same time.

Godzilla has arrived, and he is not happy. He glared at the two, but more intensely, with Notrambas and Cody.

"Um truce?" Ning offered, earning a snort. "Broody old coot." Odin grumbled. "Shut up Odin, you might piss him off." Cody growled.

Godzilla growled before facing Notrambas.

Godzilla POV

He watched the invader while making sure not to lose sight of this creature. The invader was disgusting to look at.

He roars as he charges with a ferocity that rivaled his hate for his dead nemesis. Notrambas dodges his tackle.

"So Ghidorah failed to kill you. I warned them not to underestimate you, but unlike them I-"

A purple ray slams into him. The alien glared at the hybrid, who glared back. "You talk too much." Ning growled.

Godzilla wasted no time catching the invader off guard as he bites into its flesh.

Notrambas howled in pain, giving Godzilla time to fire his atomic ray point-blank. Gestroyah fires their breath attack, trapping the enemy.

"I WILL NOT FAIL!" Notrambas roared, unleashing a powerful wave of energy.

It blew away the two titans before the extraterrestrial charged for Godzilla. The king tried to claw it, but the creature avoided it before wrapping a tendril around the titan's neck.

Godzilla made a surprised grunt as it dragged him across the city. He was then tossed away to a nuclear plant before being blasted by a beam of light.

The alien turns to his prey and blocks an incoming blow. "Fool, my psycho-power is second only to my master." Notrambas taunted. Odin and Ning then fired their breath attack, but it did nothing.

Godzilla got up and watched the two struggled in their stalemate.

Gestroyah P.O.V.

Ning growled as they tried to push through the barrier. He then remembered a certain anime and death battle episode.

"Odin, Cody, focus all your power onto our right arm and legs." He ordered.

The two complied, and their right arm transformed into a grotesque appendage. The hybrid roars, smashing the barrier with brute force along with the enemy.

"FUCK, THIS SHIT HURTS!" Odin yelled as their arm shrank.

Their danger sense went off as a massive spike ram straight into the abdomen. Cody quickly uses their plasma power to cut off the piece.

Removing the object, they all grimaced as the hole in their body closed.

Then they screamed in agony. They can feel their mind violated by an unseen force.

Godzilla was in the same boat as the king, trying to claw something out of his head.

They can hear their opponent laughing at their pain. This pain was too much for them to fight through. Gestroyah struggled to get up.

There was a hum, a familiar hum.

Notrambas noticed it and turned to the source. It was Godzilla. His eyes were bloodshot, blood oozing out from his self-inflicted wounds.

Notrambas POV

What is this? What kind of creature is this!? He shouldn't be moving at all. He then tried his mind control, but something rejected it.

"What are you?" He muttered.

Godzilla fires his beam, but the creature avoids it. He began spitting green blobs.

One hits Godzilla, and the king howls in pain as it melts off his scales.

The creature grins and smashes into the king. However, he underestimated his opponent. The next thing he knew was a tail slamming into his face.

The king wasn't finished and fired another beam, slicing off one of Notrambas' tendrils.

He screamed in agony and launched a powerful wave. Yet the king takes it head-on, slowly making his way to the invader.

The terrifying titan grabs him and smashes his body repeatedly. He knew his death was imminent if he let it continue.

Hundreds of wires encircled around his opponent and pulled it off.

Just as the monster got up, so did a tremendous amount of energy. Gestroyah was onto him, beating him up mercilessly, each blow gouging out a chunk of flesh. Before being stabbed by the enemy.

Yet he grinned as his tendrils began attacking him, keeping him grounded on one end while the other attached to his opponent.

"Our turn."

Notrambas watched as the creature charged their attack storms and hurricanes formed, land shaking as lightning struck from the heavens.

Godzilla charged his breath attack, his spikes glowing like never, ready to unleash his power.

No, he refused to die like this. Only his God may kill him. Yet, for all his might, nothing will change his fate. He will die here, at the hands of a God and a Devil.

Thirdperson POV

Humans and Kaijus can see an enormous blast beyond the horizon. The humans and kaiju can hear the invader's scream of pain before silence.

Godzilla panted, feeling more tired than ever. His opponent was more troublesome with his mind games. He had to trust his nose and ears to figure out where it was.

Hearing someone landing, the king turns to see Gestroyah. Two titans glared at each other. The fight was far from over.

Tension was high in the air. They will spill more blood on this land. Then the rebel turned his back, leaving him. Rage raised in his heart. How dare it look down on him!

He roared to assert his authority; the creature roared back while summoning thunderstorms, reducing everything to smithereens, making its intentions quite clear. Neither backed down as they tried to impose their desire.

One sought order, the other freedom.

When the dust settled, Gestroyah was gone, leaving only an injured King.

time skip

Months passed since the battle. Gestroyah's appearance had caused a massive panic in the world. Were there more of him? Just how powerful is it? Where did it come from?

The governments were working overtime to calm the people; they wanted answers. Yet not even Monarch can't figure out its origins. Some refused to believe that it prophesied this being.

Skull Island

Gestroyah was looking at Kong, who was staring back right at him. He was not happy. King Kong was angry. What caused it?

Manda, the great serpent, was sleeping in his bed. The spot was so comfortable for the serpent that he stole it.

"Why are you looking at us like that?" Odin asked in annoyance.


"Um... Kong, please put the tree down..." Cody pleaded.

Kong merely glanced at the left head, then at the sleeping serpent. With a huff, the great ape grabs the serpent and hurls him away.

Manda screamed as he crashed to the ground.

Kong scoffed as he walked to patrol his island. Manda came back with a scowl.

"Manda..." Ning warned.

"Of course alpha." the serpent bowed. He wasn't foolish enough to start a fight. Not anymore, that is.

Ning nodded. He contemplated on something before voicing it to his 'siblings'. Odin and Cody glanced at the middle head before they grinned.


Notrambas's death was expected, but he didn't expect an alternate version of his nemesis to barge in. It was a shame that his minion couldn't force the hatchling to grow further, but that was a minor setback.

For now, he will watch its progress. It already had two monsters working for it.

Monarch POV

The monarch organization was busy analyzing Gestroyah's blood samples. Whatever they do, it seemed to strengthen at a fast rate, making it hard to study.

Then they discovered a terrifying secret. The blood was nothing more than a tiny version of the creature. If given time to grow, it would probably be around the same size as the original.

They did everything they could to kill it, but nothing worked. Luckily, it was in a dormant state and, hopefully, they can figure out a way to get rid of it.

Apex POV

Mechagodzilla was in the making, but for now, Gestroyah intrigued them. This creature was more powerful and its animosity toward Godzilla was a bonus.

However, they too were wary of the creature. Not even Ghidorah can reduce an entire city to rubble with a roar. They thought the ORCA might direct the creature, but they noticed it displayed human intelligence.

Still, the appearance of an alien Kaiju was a surprise. It was a shame they couldn't find any samples. Unaware that Gestroyah was responsible.

He wasn't stupid enough to leave samples or parts of his opponents. It was the reason he summoned that storm.

Still, they had gotten enough information from this. Ghidorah was working for higher-order, and his failure had alerted its master.

Now the question is how monstrous would the master be to tame such a beast. What can they offer it?

Gestroyah PoV

The trio was busy looking for a perfectly uncharted spot in the sea. Now, what would they gain by doing this? Allies, while Gestroyah had no interest in becoming an alpha, they don't have options.

They needed an army to combat Monster X's own. While they can keep hunting powerful opponents, that wasn't ideal for the long term.

What good are allies without the power to lead? Kaijus respected power and they had that in spades, but would they obey him? Maybe.

Finally, finding an island they landed, it twice the size of skull island. It was beautiful and calming. They had told Kong about their plan. While miffed, they pacified him. They had no interest in making him submit. They wanted an ally.

Kong can keep his alpha status and island, and they keep theirs. It saddened Kong to see his friend go, but at least they weren't enemies.

Now here they are, on an uncharted island that unbelievably remained hidden. As if it was waiting for him or something.

They were unaware of a plant moving. Its shape was like a snake and flytrap.

Gestroyah then roared to the heavens, signifying that this is his turf now. Unaware of awakening something deep below.

It smelled something entering its home. Something intoxicating, powerful, infinite. It drooled, it wanted this visitor. A male had landed in its abode.

It was exciting. For far too long, it had waited, and now it will finally fulfill its role.

AN: Here we go to another chapter. Godzilla and Gestroyah have defeated Notrambas. Now we enter a new chapter. Get ready for the birth of Monster Island. Yes, Gestroyah is now taking the Alpha status. It's gonna be a bumpy ride.

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