Act 15

Disclaimer: I do not own any anime, movies, music, comics or games.

AN: Thanks everyone for the support and as for Ghidorah's companion, let's just say it's a Showa-era kaiju, and if I remember correctly, the kaiju was Mothra's nemesis in that film. I'm also curious if I should do an intro for this fanfiction because I found a song that actually kind of sums up the whole point of this fanfiction.

Kong felt uncomfortable staring at his opponent, unsure if he would survive this fight. His legs refused to move, his throat felt like something had lodged in it. However, as soon as he heard it speak, his blood boiled as his alpha status had been insulted. Electricity danced around his body as he prepared for battle.

Excelsus was surprised by Kong's abilities, remembering that Griesus and his kin were the most mortal of their race. The only thing they were good at was building things, but seeing one of them controlling the lightning was shocking. Pun not intended. What on earth did the offspring of Griesus breed to gain such control?

The titanic spider turned to Manda, who could immediately see that the mighty serpent had not an ounce of alpha status in its blood. "Kneel down," he commanded, enjoying the snake's struggle as he slowly lowered his head in submission. Only for a jet of pressurized water to hit him in the face.

What!? How did this half-breed stand up to him!? Did he make a mistake? No, the creature was clearly nothing more than a plebeian. So how did he disobey his command!?

Not realizing that Manda was just too proud for something like that. Nothing and certainly no one can command him anything, let alone make him kneel. Not even his alpha had been able to take his life and had threatened to take his life.

The one who commands him is he alone. If he wants to side with an enemy, not even a god can make him change his mind. He would rather swallow his cock than simply allow such embarrassment to fall upon his dignity.

[Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance OST – Collective Consciousness]

"Outrageous idiot!" Excelsus roared and lifted one of his legs.

Kong wasted no time in summoning a hail of lightning onto the spider's back. Manda's previous attack increased the effect, but only angered the arachnid. "Pathetic." Half of the terrain changes with a simple swing. Mountains crumbled to dust, rivers were replaced by hot lava, and the ground they stood on rose.

Kong roared in anger as he jumped into the air, electrocuting one of his legs in the process. This creature dishonored his home and offended his bloodline, such transgressions were unforgivable. The attack was barely felt as the spider knocked the gorilla off. "Small and weak. You bring shame on Griesus' fame." Excelsus hated the traitor, but he respected Griesus' exploits and efforts to reach the top, and seeing how far his bloodline had fallen only enraged him. Griesus has to roll in his grave.

Manda slid to Excelsus' bare eyes, venom dripping from his maw but before he could fire his venom. He felt the sudden increase in heat and looked at the source and saw magma coming towards him. The snake hissed as he scrambled to safety while dodging the limbs that would crush him.

Kong growled as he stood, his armor taking the brunt of the impact. The gorilla narrowly avoids being impaled by the sawed limbs. The Protector of Skull Island roared in anger as he hurled a boulder at his opponent.

Excelsus ignored this, believing it was some kind of desperate attempt, and paid the price for it. The boulder shattered when struck by one of the lightning bolts, its remains and dust settling in his eyes.

The arachnid roared in anger as it tried to regain its sight, only to howl in pain again as Manda vomited its venom before escaping. The snake made its way to Kong and said. "What now? None of our attacks work. Only Gestroyah stands a chance of wounding him." Manda watched as his venom did its best to stop the enemy.

Kong's fists clenched, he'd never felt powerless before until he encountered Monster X, and now history was repeating itself. Was he doomed to fail in defending his homeland? Would his destiny stand on the sidelines forever? NO! He refused to let such a thing happen.

Kong recalled the time when he accidentally ignited some dust while forging, causing a huge explosion. Luckily it wasn't big enough to kill him, but he spent a week dealing with Gestroyah's laughter due to his hair and eyebrows suddenly missing.

The gorilla knew what to do, but it would take time and a good distraction. Excelsus roared as his immune system finally overcame the venom and turned on the two. He'd underestimated them, but now that he knew what these two were capable of, he was sure nothing could surprise him.

Manda rushes in and attacks his joint with a breath attack, Excelsus appreciated the snake's idea. One of its vulnerable parts were the joints, which is why it always covers them with magma. Hardening it would stop him, but unfortunately he had worked against it.

When stomping on the ground, the entire landscape changes again, forcing the snake to dodge the spikes and falling rocks. Manda hissed as he glared at the arachnid before narrowly dodging a pressurized water.

Kong roared as he threw more boulders, forcing the arachnid to cover its eyes. The arachnid wondered what the youth was up to when he finally stopped, his glorious armor covered in dust.

Kong yelled at the top of his voice, Manda quickly slid out of the area, wondering if this idea would actually work. Excelsus stares at the gorilla before realizing something is wrong and realizing that the gorilla did it.


The titanic spider howled in pain and shock as his armor was blown away exposing his flesh, and Kong wasted no time in venting his anger. Manda went into overdrive and grabbed a piece of the arachnid's meat before scooting to safety

The gorilla grins smugly as the spider glares at him and roars while pumping his chest. Excelsus roared and swung his limbs in blind rage, forcing Kong to flee and avoid the rubble until he cornered when one of the rubble fell on him.


Kong didn't flinch, but knew he couldn't survive the blow until a familiar roar erupted as lightning, purple light, and air hit the spider. Excelsus stared at the creature that had attacked him.


The residents of Skull Island witnessed a large explosion and Monarch, who was busy evacuating the area, set about rescuing the Iwi tribe. This should be a simple surveillance and free Kong from Skull Island, far from Gestroyah's reach.

When they discovered that a little girl could communicate with Kong, they felt they could convince the giant ape to fight the destroyer of humanity. Jia didn't take it well when they started calling Gestroyah an evil monster, claiming that they must have done something to make it angry at her.

Then everything changed when a collasal spider appeared and destroyed the island's stability and was now about to sink to the bottom of the sea!

"What the hell caused that!?" asked Nathan

"I don't know, but we have to get out of here."

"How long before the whole island goes under?" Ilene Andrews asked.

"I don't know, maybe ten minutes? Thirty at most?"

Jia didn't understand what the adults were saying, but she knows whatever it was, it's dangerous. She prayed that Kong would survive this fight, and her answers were soon answered as Gestroyah and Battra arrived, with the former immediately unleashing a rapid breath attack.

"Yes, we really have to go now!"

The hybrid lands on the sand and tilts its three heads toward Jia, who does a series of hand signals for everyone to see. The Iwi tribesmen knelt on the ground as if worshiping a deity.

"Is... she talking to that?" Nathan asked in disbelief, understanding what the little girl had said to the beast. It was a bit silly to see a little girl talking to a dragon, but also sad that she begged him to stop the spider.

"I think so." Ilene A. can only whisper in amazement how a little girl could communicate on such a fearsome animal. Was there any connection? Could they stop the monster that way?

Then, to her shock, the three-headed devil nodded briefly before Jia smiled and ran to him before hugging each head, but nothing was more shocking than the beast did next. It took one look at the two adults before gently pushing Jia towards them as if confiding in their safety. His eyes resembled those of a parent, a soldier about to go to war. Then it turned to the tribesmen, and they all took turns touching its scales as if giving it a blessing or a farewell.

Why? Why should the end of humanity treat this girl and her tribe with so much care? Did they make a mistake? That scene alone had made them doubt the prophecy they had encountered. Was it really bad? How wrong were they about this creature?

The beast flew up and walked onto the battlefield alongside Battra. He was unaware that this one small act had been recorded by Monarch and now regarded Jia as a valuable asset.

Gestroyah POV

"Who is the human?" Battra asked.

"A good guy." said Ning. "I will miss the child." Odin held back his tears. Cody was too busy trying to hold back his sobs.

"Ah, just like my... first human friend." Battra sighed a little sadly. It was brief, but this human had done something his sister had failed to do for so many years. He made him talk about his problems.

"Well, Jia will like you when this is over. How about we introduce her to you?" said Cody. "And you have us now, so you don't have to feel lonely anymore."

"Yeah, so don't worry buddy." said Odin.

Battra stares at the trio, wondering how this asshole king gave birth to such a strange but lovable cub. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry for what my sister did to you." He said. The Chimera blinks but nods, accepting the apology. "From one destroyer to another, trust your gut and know that I won't blame you when it comes time to kill us all."

Gestroyah nodded as they entered the fight. Kong glanced at his friend, slightly envying his healing ability.

"You dare challenge your king?" Excelsus growled.

"Buddy, not even the damn old coot could make us kneel, 'cause he's our father. Odin lets out a mocking grin. "It's four against a grandfather, surrender. Don't make it any worse than it has to be." Cody said. "Cody, we all know he won't take this offer." Ning sighed. "I can at least try." said Cody. "Hello Kong, hello Manda."

Excelsus stared at the Chimera, he can smell the blood of a Guardian and a Destroyer mingling within them. Not only that, but how his own alpha status felt threatened by this upstart bothered him.

Taking the opportunity to observe it, it was clear that this creature was different from the way Griesus' descendant interacted with it. However, if the great ape thought he already had one by calling for help, then he will shake that belief. The spider roared at the sky before glaring at her. Gestroyah growled, knowing they had screwed up and knowing that things had just gone badly.

His opponents had noticed the rumble, and huge rows of teeth and tentacles rose from the depths of the ocean before his main body resembled a hybrid of shark, octopus, and crab. From the hole he came from a humanoid creature with a hundred arms, and finally from the sky a screech and a shadow of a large bird engulfed in flames. Soon more monsters emerged from the depths of the hollow earth, answering the call of an ancient Alpha.

Gestroyah blinked. "Shit, this thing brought an army!" Odin blinked in disbelief. "I assume the three are working with him." said Ning. "A phoenix, an octopus and I'm guessing that's a reference to Hecatoncheires." said Cody.

Kong watched Gestroyah flee and realized they were launching an attack and figured out what they were doing. Raising another thunderstorm, Kong hit his ally, the act having confused everyone except Manda.

The Chimera roared as it released all of its stored energy into its surroundings, the destruction it unleashed etched in the minds of its enemies and allies forever. "What did you eat, boy?" exclaimed Battra in awe. "And when did Griesus' kids start ordering lightning bolts!?"

Excelsus could only stare in disbelief as the cub changed the situation. A whole brigade is gone in no time. Her surroundings had changed completely. With whom did Dagon's heir breed to create such a powerful brood? Desire burned in his heart that he would bring this cub to its knees if that was the last thing he was going to do.

AN: Welp, this is another chapter for today and now a 4v4 battle.