Act 17

Disclaimer: I do not own any anime, movies, music, comics, or games.

Monarch POV

Gestroyah was no longer present, but an unknown threat had taken its place. This creature demonstrated its abilities, and no one knew how to defeat it. They saw it bleed, but given that it took blowing up an entire island to even injure it, it sent a message about how tough its armor is.

They don't even know if Godzilla can handle this threat on his own.

The twins couldn't find any information about it, so it had to be much older than any monster they'd discovered. It also held a grudge against Kong, focusing entirely on his demise rather than Gestroyah, who posed a greater threat.

When Mark read the report about using Jia to communicate with Kong, he rubbed his eyes. He then casts a glance at the monitor, which was filming Manda transporting Kong to Australia. The other screen showed Godzilla attempting to control the rogue kaijus.

They have no idea where the giant spider has gone after digging underground, so they must brace themselves for the worst. His attention was drawn to the video of Jia's interaction with Gestroyah. How did this little girl manage to control it? No, she did not tame it, but it has left an imprint on the creature. Did this girl possibly raise it? No way, but how else could a child command such a beast?

Gestroyah's eyes, on the other hand, terrified Mark. They resembled humans. Those eyes should not belong to a monster bent on annihilating humanity. Its concern went beyond that of a master and a pet. It's almost as if he's staring at a human being.


The great ape groaned and sat up, surveying his surroundings. Where was he if this wasn't his home? He noticed Manda, who was sleeping, but he also noticed the serpent was injured. So he turned his gaze to the setting sun and pondered what he should do. His home was gone, and his friend was either lost or buried.

He was a domainless alpha. Kong growled as he noticed a strange beast and heard a familiar sound. It brought back memories of when these creatures awoke the skull crawlers. Manda had also awoken and hissed at the approaching threat.

Manda drooled with venom as electricity surged from his body. It appears that they will have to deal with pests this time. One of the beasts turned to reveal a familiar face. He was worried because it was the human girl he had grown to care for.

Jia made a series of gestures that Kong recognized. These were friendly beasts. Kong was cautious. He'd had nothing but unpleasant experiences with this thing. Manda had no idea what was going on, but since Kong wasn't attacking yet, he won't do anything.


The mute girl had been busy asking adults whether they had found her friends. Spear stood guard, as instructed by the tribe's leader. While he didn't understand what they were saying, he could tell they were getting frustrated.

But, after what he did to the last two guards who tried to take the girl, many people were careful not to set him off. Spear tightened his grip on his spear as memories of his home surfaced. As the day remembered how the 'Fang,' or as the child called it, 'Slenra,' saved his life, he owed the great one his life.

When he returned from the hunt, he discovered his family's remains being devoured by the Death Jackals. Spear had no intention of surviving that day other than to hunt down the creatures who had murdered his child and wife. He had killed so many of them, but when he was about to be devoured. With Jia on her back, Slenra arrived and slaughtered them all.

He has since repaid her and considers her to be his own. Now that Slenra had been taken by the great one, it was up to him to keep Jia safe.

When they finally found Kong, Spear explained he was joining them and that they couldn't stop him. He had a gut feeling Jia was in danger, and he had never been wrong before. When Jia explained they needed Kong's help in locating the infinite energy of the hollow earth, Spear's instincts went wild as he looked around.

Biollante/Battra POV

The titanic plant monster was becoming increasingly concerned as a result of Gestroyah's absence and the failure to respond to her calls. She was aware that they had fought an alpha, but she couldn't identify who it was.

Excelsus' brainwashing roar nearly overpowered Slenra and Sparks. Fortunately, Biollante was able to put them to sleep, and her unique biology protected her from suffering the same fate.

She looked at the sleeping dinosaur and knew she couldn't leave the hatchling alone, not with whatever was causing this chaos. That's when she heard a buzzing sound and narrowly avoided a screaming bug.


Biollante watched the insect crash and dig a trench with its body before burying its head in a hill.

"Nailed it," Battra muttered proudly before looking around. "Now, where is..." The demonic moth came to a halt when he saw Biollante. "Oh, sweet mother... they weren't kidding when they said they fucked your avatar so badly she regained her sanity."

Biollante was Gaea's avatar, so she was an incarnation of Battra and Mothra's mother, implying that they were both Gestroyah's adopted children... However, if that is the case, then...

As he came to a terrifying realization, the demonic moth's heart was filled with fear and despair. Gestroyah is Godzilla and Ghidorah's offspring... Does this imply... Is Godzilla his grandfather?

OH MY GOD! What kind of malarkey is this!? Battra almost begged that it was just another manifestation of his mind's insanity. This was worse than Godzilla cheating on Mothra, but the proof is right in front of him. Biollante was carrying a trace of Gestroyah's scent, which only meant the two had mated, and it was a far cry from the fresh scent. Battra screamed to the heavens, cursing his sister's mate for the humiliation he was experiencing.

Godzilla, who had just defeated another rogue kaiju, heard Battra's roar and was enjoying it, while Mothra wondered what kind of dark discovery Battra had made to cause him to scream like that. The last time she heard it was when Battra tried to mate with Mother's avatar.

Battra refused to talk about it, and Mothra discovered Battra to be so broken that he didn't do anything to humans for eons. He simply collapsed on the field like a corpse.

Biollante only watched the demonic rant at Godzilla, but she felt compelled to chastise him. It was the same as whenever Slenra went and chose a fight with the creatures that had been visiting their island. She also thought his appearance was very familiar before realizing it was Battra.

She was still perplexed as to why he had left her screaming with apologies, but she had no time to think about it now that she was mated with Godzilla's child.

Battra calmed down after his rant, remembering why he was here. He'll do what he's been doing for billions of years. Ignore everything and concentrate on the task at hand. After all, Biollante was just his mother's avatar, so it didn't count, right? RIGHT!?

"Battra, where has my mate gone?"

"Deep under the sea," Battra explained. "They're fine, I can feel their life force, but..." the demonic moth became lost in thought.


"Their life force. It's changing at a rapid rate." Battra was concerned about the hatchling's mental health because of this unnatural growth. He had seen another creature with a similar ability, but its lifespan had decreased so quickly that it lasted only ten human years. Hopefully, the hatchling will avoid the same fate.

"Do you know who's causing this?" Biollante asked.

"An ancient Alpha, Excelsus," growled Battra. Excelsus was never his favorite. He was a tyrant, but he admired his power. It was for this reason that Battra had to prioritize gathering allies in order to have a chance in the upcoming war. That meant they had to return to Godzilla, but he knew the bastard would demand their servitude and force them into hibernation.

Slenra had awoken, and the two used the makeshift tunnel to leave the island with Sparks.


Jia sat on the great ape's shoulder and hugged him as he stared tiredly at the ocean. Manda had gone off to find food. The great ape noticed that the mute girl was struggling internally to say something.

"What's the matter?" Kong inquired. Jia blinks, uncertain what she wants to say. Kong was a friend and a guardian of her tribe, and what she was about to say could send Kong to his death, but the image of Excelsus destroying their home resurfaced.

So she explains what Monarch desired as well as their theory about Kong's ancestral home. Kong was at a loss for words and emotions. He was already aware of his ancestors' home thanks to Gestroyah, but he didn't care. This could be his chance to find a new home and learn more about his ancestors and why Excelsus despised him so much.

Perhaps his ancestor created a weapon to compete with the rest of the world's alphas, and according to Gestroyah, his kind was a race of builders. Their most valuable assets were not their fists and brute strength, but their minds and creativity.

Kong returned his gaze to the sea, his eyes filled with vengeance and determination to discover his kin's past and finally bring down the mighty beast. Their thoughts were cut short when they heard screams and gunshots behind them.

When Kong turned around, he discovered the humans facing Slenra, though their strange weapons were barely doing any harm. The great ape was still concerned and quickly put Jia to the ground, motioning her to run to Spear's camp before rushing to the scene and flattening those who dared to harm Slenra.

Monarch was in disarray, as Kong and Slenra slaughter Monarch's men left and right. Dr. Ilene noticed Jia running towards them with Spear behind her, his eyes terrifying her. He had the eyes of a berserker waiting to be unleashed.

Jia begged the doctor to stop hurting her friends, or Kong and Slenra would not stop. Dr. Nathan immediately ordered his men to stand down and lower their weapons. Although the men did not want to, they had no choice. The doctors must have a plan.

Jia ran over to the monsters and motioned with her hands for them to stop fighting and for Slenra to stop attacking other people. The firefly then made a pattern of light, and Sparks translated for Slenra. Before experiencing another flash of lights, Jia made another set of hand signals.

The two lost themselves in the conversation as it continued. What was more amazing than Nathan and Ilene realizing the big firefly was speaking to the girl in morse code was that the mutated T-Rex understood sign language!

They can understand a gorilla, but a dinosaur? Of course, all the unified governments and organizations saw it, not just them. When the rampage began, Drs. Ilene and Nathan had been in contact with their colleagues to update them on the situation, but they had left the video feed on so that Monarch could use the cameras to see what was happening and saw this. If Gestroyah comprehending her and following her orders didn't establish her value and skill, this most certainly did.

Gestroyah came first, followed by King Kong, and now a firefly and a dinosaur!? Which monster will she tame as her's next? GODZILLA!? They could see one thing clearly: Jia was the most dangerous person alive and most likely the only one who could save them.

AN: Done and done, Jia is going places with my friends and she doesn't even know it. King Kong pack up cuz you're going to Hollow Earth with Manda. Biollante and Battra's past is just the start of the demonic moth's downward spiral of insanity. Be sure to review so I can improve and also I passed the board exams so I have to look for a job and cutting my time even more in making this fanfic.