Act 21

Disclaimer: I do not own any anime, movies, music, comics, or games.

Dialogue guide:




Anime Ed: Kick Back op chainsaw man

An: Thank you for the support of everyone and






Everyone on Earth believed that as Tokyo erupted. Thousands of people died in the explosion, and those who lived were all turning into twisted, deformed flesh. Kaijus of all sizes and shapes prowled the city.

Although humanity made every effort to persevere, it was in vain as a god emerged from the earth in a manner similar to how the devil had once done. Its lifeless eyes and dark red skin stared straight into the souls with pulsing veins. The creature's striking resemblance to both Godzilla and Gestroyah alarmed humanity.

Then they watched as it roared to the skies, bringing down hundreds of buildings as it turned the people nearby into a bloody mist.

The gruesome display of power horrified monarch, who had seen it in action. They were reduced to watching as the god of destruction wreaked havoc on the landscape.

"Direct all forces into that thing now!"

Mark sensed there was a problem with this situation. He sensed that something was going on and that it wasn't good. This assault, this escalation, wasn't what it seemed to be. Its movements and sporadic pauses provided a hint.

His eyes widened as he realized what the creature was up to. It was bait, but for what purpose? Two monsters appeared in his mind.

Meanwhile, Gestroyah was terrified when they heard Shingodzilla roar at them. They were perplexed as to how it came to be when they had already purified the entire sea of toxic and radioactive waste. Did they overlook something? Or did Shingodzilla already exist?

They noticed Godzilla and Mothra approaching them after sensing two familiar presence. They can sense the emotions of the couple.

Battra, on the other hand, was unconcerned about the two. Instead, he was preoccupied with why he was sensing his sister's presence among the hatchlings on the creature. Then a chill ran down his spine, slowly turning his attention to the source: who was Biollante?

When he saw the plant monster switch between her original and alternate forms, the demonic moth nearly screamed. As her rage grew, he could hear her teeth grazing against each other. The emotions emitted by nature's avatar were terrifying.

Biollante didn't know why, but the moment she saw Mothra, she hated her, but she also felt immense sadness and love for her. Her rage, however, overpowered those feelings as she demanded Mothra's head with every fiber of her being.

Godzilla, Mothra, and Gestroyah all felt it, and their attention was drawn to her. Godzilla grew wary and let out a warning growl, but the mother earth's avatar ignored him and charged toward the queen of monsters. Despite his fear, Battra intervened between the enraged plant monster and his sibling, preventing the enraged avatar from approaching his sibling.

"It's always you!!! Not fair, not fair! They were mine, MINE!!! It was supposed to be me!" she screamed as Mothra struggled to free herself from the binds. Those present felt the madness as her form twisted into an abomination known to all monsters.

"A little help here!" yelled Battra as he struggled to push Biollante back. A small part of him rejoiced to see his mother finally reprimanding his twin, but the demonic moth had other plans. He is aware that Biollante intends to murder Mothra.

Gestroyah was already on Biollante, roaring in her face, before Godzilla could do anything. "What are you up to, Biollante?" Cody inquired. "They are our wartime allies," Ning explained. "We can't afford to start any infighting," Odin muttered.

Gestroyah felt a strong desire to punish their mate. They didn't know what it was, but they felt insulted in the worst way possible by Biollante. The desire to permanently scar her as a reminder of her place was agonizing for them, but they resisted.

Gestroyah's expression terrified Biollante, and it appeared as if they were considering killing her or, worse, banishing her to the underworld forever. The sensation grew stronger until she quickly prostrated herself and cried out in apology.

The chimeras were quickly calmed after witnessing this state, and they immediately consoled their mate. Battra, unbeknownst to them, was prepared to fight them if they followed their instincts. He didn't mind if the hatchling overwhelmed him. He would fight them until he died. What kind of son would allow their mother to suffer in any way?

"Okay, explain why did you attack Mothra?" Ning asked.

Battra stepped in before Biollante could respond. He explained, "It's because of what my sister did." "Come again?" The three heads nodded in unison. Battra groaned. "Can't you feel it? Concentrate and feel its life force; don't focus on one aspect of its being, but feel it all."

The chimera obeyed his commands, and they once again felt Shin Godzilla's life force. It was similar to theirs, but with Battra's instructions; they felt the energy they had lost. It had the sensation of... oh... oh... Oh, no!

Why do they feel Mothra's life force mixing with theirs!?

Cody exclaimed, "We have a child with this bitch!" "How, where, when, and why!"

"Hey, that's my sister." Battra scolded.

Cody grumbled, "Your sister is a bloody-fucking draft cunt."

There was a moment of silence before Battra said. "That is the only time you get to call my sister any kind of cunt."

"But that makes no sense because she's been trying to kill us since day one," Ning pointed out.

"Did it time travel? Is this a kaiju terminator?" Odin was furious. They have a freaking child on the loose.

Battra felt sorry for the hatchling. He should know that being a father was never easy. The situation irritated him as well. Wait, Godzilla had an affair with Ghidorah, and Mothra had an affair with Gestroyah.

This was a dysfunctional family, and they kept referring to him as the worst member. It's why he never mated in the first place, despite the fact that Mantis has been trying to get into his sack for eons. In that case, did that crazy girl die? He certainly hopes so.

"We'll deal with it later; Biollante and I will deal with the kid, and you guys will deal with Excelsus," Gestroyah said. The chimera was concerned that Biollante would have another episode with Mothra, even though this could be a one-time occurrence.

Battra considered protesting but decided against it. Personal feelings aside, he knew he couldn't argue with the arrangement. With his mental state, he may aggravate the situation. Even so, it was revolting to see a hatchling about to face off against its own child.

The group quickly dispersed and dispersed in various directions.


Pain and suffering had been their constant companions since the day it could remember. Even now, the pain persisted as its body continued to grow and transform into something new. All it knew was that it had to survive in order to keep moving. Then something discovered it and raised it as its own.

Glimpses of a memory of a massive beast flying through the sky while another nearly burned it alive kept it awake. Until it happened to meet another giant by chance.

It was aware that the creature caring for it was not its ancestor. The giant fed it while telling it about its glory and kingdom before telling it that its father, like its grandfather, had betrayed his caretaker. Gestroyah and Godzilla

The giant cannot win by itself, but with it by its side, it had a chance to win a war. His caretaker was fighting for his kingdom while also raising it. It knew exactly what it had to do... He needed to get stronger, faster, and taller. It used its curse and gift for the first time to benefit its caretaker.

Despite his pain, he marched on, forcing his body to grow. His caregiver was unaware until he revealed it. He was now patiently waiting for his father. But why? Why does it feel so off? What is the source of his emptiness? He had a purpose and a place. He was aware of his responsibilities, so what was he doing wrong? As if he were missing a puzzle piece.

Suddenly, he felt two individuals approaching him, one of whom was familiar. His father had descended from the heavens with a mighty thud, followed by a flowering flower-like beast.

When the dust settled, he felt small in comparison to his father, but he also admired him because his father was a magnificent masterpiece. As it approached the two, the ever-evolving creature moved forward, its tail swinging excitedly.

It said, "Hello, father."

Thirdperson POV

When they arrived, Gestroyah and Biollante had many expectations. Cody quickly retorted that this wasn't one of them. "Hello, son," he said.

The awkward silence that followed was caused by Biollante's confusion over why the two suddenly appeared to have discovered they had mated the same female. They had just one goal in mind deep within the evolving monsters.

The Father and Son cried, "This is goddamn awkward!"

Shin Godzilla pondered, "Why can't I say my lines? Why did the nice one feel the need to speak up and mess everything up? They are currently at a standstill. He wasn't angry with the nice guy, just frustrated that his plan had failed.

Ning screamed in their telepathic link, "Damn it, Cody, I told you to keep quiet!"

Cody complained, "I can't help it. This is our son."

Odin said, "Just keep your mouth shut and let me handle this."

Odin asked, "So... how's your day going?"

Shin Godzilla said, "Eh, it's okay, could do without the ants (humans) though."


There was more silence, during which Cody grinned smugly at Odin. Through their link, Odin growled, "Not a word!" The oxygen destroyer laughed. "Hey, I'm just glad I'm not the only one who screwed up."

Shin Godzilla was yelling, berating himself, and berating his fathers for being awkward at the same time. How in the world did these dummies become dominant alphas!? Fortunately, Ning managed to restart things.

Ning pleaded, "Look, son, I have no right to say this, but I'm asking you to stop." "We're not required to do this,"

I'm sorry, father, but unlike you, I will not betray him. I will not side with traitors. Shin Godzilla only stared before he said, "Stop? He told me you would say that."

Cody pleaded, "Son, please listen to us." "You're just being exploited."

"And you won't?" Shin demanded angrily. "Father, we both know what's out there, and here you are."

"Don't force us to do it, sonny," Odin said.

Biollante noticed something was wrong when she suddenly sensed hundreds of people around them. "Unfortunately, father, we are well past that," Shin Godzilla growled, his spine glowing.

Hundreds of monsters rushed out of the ground and tackled Gestroyah to the ground, while Biollante flew away and attempted to help Gestroyah, only for Shin Godzilla to fire his purple ray beam. Although it was smaller than Ning's version.

Biollante growled at Shin Godzilla, who grinned mockingly as he advanced. His companions were doing everything they could to keep the chimera at bay, but the fear they felt only grew. The creatures paled as they saw a metallic thing emerge, severing one of their kind in half. Then another before hearing a buzzing sound as they were torn apart.

Gestroyah roared in rage before looking around and discovering Shin Godzilla fighting Biollante. Shin lets out a pained cry as the three unleash their breath attack without hesitation. Before attacking another Kaiju, Biollante turned towards them.

Shin Godzilla growled, staring at his creator. "Stand down," Gestroyah said as he increased the gravity over Shin Godzilla. The mutated beast hunched over as its own weight slowly crushed his body. "You underestimate me, father," he said, unconcerned about the weight. "It's my turn."

The chimera screamed in agony as Shin Godzilla's tail pierced their scales, followed by a breath attack. Without missing a beat, Shin sweeps Gestroyah's legs with his tail before proceeding to whip them. Undeterred by the pain, they quickly severed the tail with their makeshift blade arm, earning a howl of pain from their son.

As both monsters healed their wounds, Shin Godzilla's blood boil with excitement as his tail regrew. Gestroyah growled. They didn't want to harm their son, but if this goes on, then it's going to end with one of them dead.

Both monsters roared as they charged toward each other, colliding and erupting in light and shockwaves.

AN: Finally done with the chapter. How's everyone doing? Before anyone gets mad at the mc struggling, remember they don't want to kill their son. There's also another reason, but I will reveal it in the next chapter.

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Special thanks to Spooky splash and the wonderful fan art that I'm using as a cover.