ACT 23

Disclaimer: I do not own any anime, movies, music, comics, or games.

Dialogue guide




ANIME OP: When My Devil Rises (Man with a Mission)

End of Anime: Kick Back (chainsaw man)

An: Thank you for the support of everyone.



The T-rex roared in anger as she tore apart the red bats with her jaw while making her escape from the night creature. Sparks was keeping the creature back but both knew the firefly can't keep it for long.

She can hear its roar in anger and frustration as it keeps itself hidden from the light. The rex also saw that her uncle and her father's servant were facing another group of giants.

She was on her own this time, with no allies to call for help. "My lady we must leave, quickly!" Sparks panted.

"I'm trying to get us out!" Slenra growled while biting another bat. She ducks and narrowly avoids the night creature's claw. Sparks once more unleashed a bright light forcing creature back away.


Jia glanced at Spear, both were worried for the T-rex. Their only way of knowing she was still alive was the roars she was hearing. Desperate and afraid, Spear gripped his weapons tightly. Finally making up his mind the man stood up and walked towards the entrance.

He gave Jia a quick glance, letting her know what he was going to do. The girl merely gave a nod and signed. "Be careful."

(Black panther Ost - Car chase )

"What is he doing!?" Ilene asked upon noticing the man. "Wait don't!" Nathan tried to stop him but Spear remembered the door's mechanism after seeing it a few times.

Pressing the button, the hatch opened just as one of the bats tried to make its way in only for Spear to behead it. "Stop!" Nathan yelled trying to grab the man but it was too late.

"Oh my god that guy just jumped! He just jumped!" One man said in disbelief.

Spear however allowed himself to get caught by one of the red bats before driving his weapon into its neck. The man repeated this process until he was near enough to the ground that he let out a mighty war cry as he impales a red bat that Slenra failed to notice.

Slenra who had heard the human's war cry looked up and saw him impaling a red bat but left himself open to another. The T-rex leaps into the air, her mouth wide open as the red bat tried to avert its path but it was too late. In one bite the creature was split in half.

Both man and T-rex roared to the heavens as corpses fell while the red bats roared in anger at the two.

Meanwhile, the people of Apex and Monarch who witnessed it were in awe.

"That caveman is a fucking badass." One of them muttered.

"Did anyone happen to record that?"

"I did."

"They're drawing the monsters away from us," Nathan noted. "Yeah but what about that thing!?" Ilene yelled pointing at the night creature.


This night was one to remember, never before had it felt its hunt to be this thrilling. As it tore its way through the swarm, it roared to the sky. More, it wanted to spill more blood.

However, it was frustrating when the swarm unintentionally aided its prey. No matter, time was on its side. Then a terrifying screech was heard, the swarm made a panic noise and all flew away.

With the distractions out of the way, it set its eyes back on the hunt. Once more it took its time, often allowing itself to be caught and heard by its prey. Oh, how it enjoyed the look of terror they displayed when they realize that it was the ruler of the night.

It can hear their heart pounding as each second ticked, the sudden silence and its lack of presence in the dark making it more frustrating for the meal. There was nothing before in a blink the creature rushes in tearing a tree apart.

Did it miss? No, the prey managed to evade it at the last second. Yes, a glorious hunt, a hunt like no other. It turned and saw its prey escaping, a chase? It drooled, a chase was what it needed.

First, it will hunt the little one, since it was weaker. It roared as it chased them through the forest until a fog obscured its vision. A pointless effort for it can smell its meal.


The caveman jumped, ducked, rolled, and ran as the night demon chases him with glee. Sweat poured out as he did his best to avoid death's claws several times in a row, using every means he can think of to slow it down.

Slenra hissed in anger but waited patiently before going after the two. It held itself from jumping in as the human did its best to lure it to her. As soon as she saw an opportunity she bit into her enemy earning a painful cry.

She had severed its tail, and she relished its agony, her bloodlust spiking as her predatory instincts come to life.

The night creature glared and tried to cleave her face off but Sparks managed to blind him thus the Rex only suffered a scar. Spear roared managing to dismember two of its claw fingers.

The demon of the night howled in agony as it swatted Spear away like a fly. The human took the blow with a grunt before landing. The duo knows that the creature can no longer run nor can they as turning their back would spell doom.

Thus both tried to take its attention making various sounds, and taunts that greatly angered the beast. However, they didn't expect it to have another ability, as they howled in agony as it roared so loud that even the Titans flinched. Though to them it was annoying but never the less, it got their attention.

Slenra grew worried and tried to warn the human of the incoming danger. Spear desperately picked up his weapon and swung blindingly in panic. Slenra could only watch in horror as the creature rushes in for the kill but a stray lightning bolt struck a tree and set it ablaze.

The night creature stopped while letting out a panicked whimper as it steps back. Slenra took note of this, why was it back off? Why was it afraid of the human now?

Spear was still recovering from its cry and thus failed to notice it.

No, it wasn't the human, it was fire! Slenra watched as it now rushes towards her. While it certainly make her throat hurt, this was their only chance. The Rex unleashed flames from its maw. Surprising the creature who narrowly avoided its demise.

The creature let out a cry as it ran away, Slenra huffed throat completely sore from the attack. Meanwhile, Spear was looking at the blood that was now set aflame, glancing at his weapon that was soaked by the blood of the night demon, he quickly plunged it into the flames and noted that the fire had spread faster than it should.

Slenra knowing what Spear was thinking turned back in the direction of the creature. The scent was still fresh along with its blood dripping out of its wounds, the human and she won't have a hard time hunting it.

Their eyes narrowed down as a light rose from behind, banishing the shadows. Then the fingers and claws of the creature slowly crumbled into ash.


The light, it had to escape the light. Its prey had one as well, they were its natural enemy. Something It never thought possible as fear, terror, and despair all came together to force it to run.

Run, survive it must.

Then it shrieked in terror as lightning narrowly missed it, setting it on fire. The creature ran only for its prey to appear and breathe fire. Once more it took off in another direction,

Then that flash of light came, making it scamper off only to find it face to face with its other prey carrying a torch.

The process repeated until its surrounding are all in flames. It roared in frustration and found only one exit. Blocked by the prey it had tormented, the prey that was doing the same thing it had done to all its victims.

The two roared and set everything else on fire, making it watch them as they burned the rest of its means of escape. Despair, rage, and terror consumed it as lightning crashed behind them closing off the last exit.

It roared looking for any means of escape only to find one tree that wasn't burning. Rushing to it, the creature desperately climbed only to realize that now it was facing one of the Titans. Then the titan moved aside allowing the light to touch its body.

It roared in agony as its body slowly crumbled, before losing its grip and falling into the inferno.

/third person/

Slenra and Spear watched the flames consume its body while Kong stood and guarded them. His lightning was ready to strike at any moment, when the flames settled with the night creature's remains was its bones, everyone felt at ease.

An: If anyone is disappointed in Kong's lack of appearance don't worry the next chapter will be Manda and Kong's fight during the time Slenra and Spear are fighting the Night feeder.