Disclaimer: I do not own any anime, movies, music, comics, or games.


Once Kong heard the call, he wasn't pleased with what he heard; however, the worrying part was that he could sense that Exelcus' had stirred up the local kaiju's of Hollow Earth to answer his call for war.

He had to find his weapon, and fast.

Ymir growled a bit in irritation. He was a follower of the Sheperd; there was no way he would ever answer the call of some bygone era. Moreover, his cousin's life was on the line and he refused to be involved with Excelsus' desire to rid Griesus' bloodline.

Actually, the Yeti's and Kong's bloodlines were distant relatives, while the Yeti's were more introverted kaiju's who preferred solitude and peace. The majority held the potential to become an alpha but never bothered to. And why should they? They already have land and enough food. They're already strong enough and satisfied with what they have. There was simply no point in claiming to be an alpha. For the Yetis, they saw it as a waste of time when they could just enjoy the food and sleep.

The best way to describe the Yetis is that they are incarnations of the phrase 'gentle giants'. Most of the time, they were chill and willing to ignore the majority of the outside world. Though there were cases of hoomans somehow seeing them, they have the art of standing still to the point where the human mind always mistook them for mountains. Sadly, some of their subspecies were caught, like the one they call Bigfoot.

What a silly name, though it did cause his friend issues, often asking all kaiju if his foot was even that big. It got to a point where he was concerned if he was too big for any of the females of his species to find it attractive.

It was a good thing the shepherd was able to put his heart at ease. The poor fellow was too down to even find food when the sheperd found him.

Ymir turned to look at Kong. Why were they still here? They have the axe; the war on the surface world was important and staying here longer would jeopardize the reason they came here in the first place. "Cousin, what is it that you seek? You already have an axe," the yeti inquired, confusion written all over him.

Kong turned to his cousin; there was no look of wonder or anything the yeti expected to see but purpose and confusion. The titanic ape then replied, "Cousin, the axe may be the tool I need but... something is calling out to me; I can feel it; my ancestor has hidden something on this throne. Help me find it."

Ymir nodded his head and started looking for anything strange. Even though he had no idea what it was, if Kong said there was something in here, then he would trust him.

Meanwhile, the two ships that were following Kong had landed and Apex was busy following the trail for the energy source needed to power Mechagodzilla, while Monarch was busy cataloging whatever they could see.

Jia and Spear were more worried about the surface world and what was happening. While Slenra and Sparx were too distracted to observe the kaijus above them, the mutated T-rex was curious if they would be good for the island as sentries for any foreign invaders of her home.

Sparx rested on top of the mutated rex's nose. Her wings had grown tired from flying for hours. In fact, this was the farthest she had ever flown without rest. Turning to her friend or princess, she spotted a look of interest. An interest that always spoke of bad news in the sense that the princess was up to something stupid. Why, oh, why did the princess pick up the king's habit of stupidity? It was beyond her. For goodness sake, she saw one of them (Cody) trying to eat a mountain under the notion that it would make their breath attack stronger and she saw it once. What sort of reason was that!? What sort of creature even eats rocks!? SOLID ROCKS! "I know what you are thinking, my lady. Don't do it," Sparx warned with a glare.

Slenra gave the firefly an offended expression. "Sparx, I haven't done anything yet!" She whined.

A skeptical glare came from the firefly as it looked straight into her friend's eye. Speaking volumes of her doubt over the princess' words.

Sparx sighed and said, "My lady, its written all over your face; you intend to establish yourself as an alpha on this... uh... What did the great Odin call those dogs again?"

" Shitstains?"



Sparx gave the T-rex the 'are you serious' glare. "No. And please mind your language, my lady; you know, if King Cody or King Ning heard you say those, they would be displeased."

If a T-rex could pout, Slenra could have possibly killed Gestroyah with it. Jia certainly caught it and ingrained the image into her soul.

Slenra couldn't help but find it unfair; her father always said those words whenever he was angry, yet he received none of the criticism. "But dad says it all the time..."

Hearing the princess' whine, the firefly gave the T-rex a dull stare. "My lady, your father is constantly arguing with themselves; they are not a good example. I mean, no disrespect but your father has a head that only thinks of rutting his mate, and the other is constantly nagging the main head to fight your grandfather. The only sane one is King Ning, who prefers to sleep."

Slenra wanted to point out to her friend that having three heads is way more tiring and she couldn't exactly fault Ning for sleeping always. As much as she loves Gestroyah, she knows they are just too weird. With Odin being the most normal and Ning being the weirdest, even she, who was raised by them, had urges to dominate, yet her father preferred to spend his days doing nothing but sleep, eat, or rut, or do all three at the same time with her mother.


Maia Simmons, daughter of Walter Simmons, was ecstatic; they were finally here, the source of unlimited energy. The last piece of their weapon was here; once they have it, the titans will be a thing of the past and mankind will rule just as always as they should.

In the original script, Monarch and Apex were at each other's throats, and this was the moment where Maia would betray Nathan, Jia, and Ilene, but after Gestroyah's existence and the Kaiju War, everything changed. Monarch had to concede that Apex had some points where, if humanity remained reliant on the titans, mainly Godzilla, they would go extinct.

So they reached a compromise: eliminate hostile kaijus and preserve those that can be classified as'safe'. And now, with the whole war reaching its summit, it is prevalent that they have to acquire Mechagodzilla's power source. However, there is another problem.

The mute girl had the ability to communicate with the Kaiju. Though the majority believe that she somehow tamed them, she and her father didn't see it that way. Neither did some of the scientists from Monarch.

It was more likely that the girl was the equivalent of a pet than the owner. Either way, she was the most valuable asset. It's been clear from the video feed that the monster was attached to the girl and the level of human intelligence it displayed was astounding. Which meant that if she could take the girl hostage, that meant this 'Doomsday' would most likely mean they would be able to control the monster.


No, scratch that; the caveman was more worrying. She saw this man jump from 42,000 feet! And he didn't break a single bone when he slammed into one of those bats! She even saw this man tear a T-rex's jaw off with his bare hands! Then she saw him use the same jaw to rip out its guts.

This man can't be human considering he ate everything raw and fed it to his steed (Slenra).

Nathan's eyes narrowed; he knew damn well what this woman's was after and he wasn't blind to the fact that Jia was a target. So he grabbed Ilene A. and whispered.

"Stick close to the girl; I don't like how she's looking at the kid."

Ilene frowned and looked at Maia before looking at Jia. She wouldn't lie; her journey with the young girl made her see Jia as her daughter.

Ilene A. couldn't help but ask Nathan, based on her suspicion, "Do you think it's because of what happened?"

Nathan gave a nod. He had secretly received bribes from other governments for Jia to be transported. But he refused; he couldn't bear the idea of being responsible for the girl being a slave because some people cling to their position. It was clearly obvious what those people wanted from her.

Jia had done something or had something that made the monsters grow fond of him, but from what he had seen, it was clear as day that there was no connection like pet and master. No Jia was treated like family by the monsters, as if she were part of a pack, the youngest and probably weakest, hence the most protected member of the pact.

Her being taken would set off a new hell Earth was and will not be ready for.

Ilene A. couldn't believe what she just heard and voiced out her thoughts. "Are they insane? If they take her, forget Godzilla possibly attacking us; we'll have the devil and Kong, along with their entire pack, wiping us off the planet."

"I know. That's why we have to get her to Monarch after this," Nathan whispered in a frustrated manner.

Ilene gave Nathan a look but she knew that, compared to Apex, Monarch was safer and wouldn't use Jia. Though hopefully they can use Jia to convince the monsters that she'll be safer with them.

Jia & Spear POV

Spear remained silent as his eyes glared at Maia. He knew she was after his young charge. His eyes then wandered off to the men with odd weapons, then to his surroundings. From how he saw it, these odd weapons gave man the ability to spew fire and roar thunder. But there was a limit to how much it could spit out.

If this wasn't an open area, he could kill them one by one, but with the odds against him, he needed to use his hunting skills. He looked up and saw the slumbering bats above them. That would provide some cover for him but how was he going to wake them up?

Fang (Slenra) could do that but the problem was whether she could control them or not. They would be risking Jia if they weren't careful. Right now, the best he could do was make sure to stay close to her.

Kong and Ymir's POV

As Kong continued to search for the weapon he needed, that was when he saw a pile of bones from his kin, but the way they were piled up wasn't like they were cornered or ambushed. No, it was more like they were hiding something with their corpse.

Ymir saw his cousin walking towards the pile and followed suit. Sadness filled his heart as he watched Kong walk towards the pile, only to be slightly disturbed when the giant ape plunged his arm onto the pile like some sort of scavenger but his gut told him that Kong had a good reason.

Kong held back his disgust at his actions as he continued to disturb his predecessor's deathbed. There was something beneath them, something powerful, something that was resonating with his heart... no... his friend's scale that lodged it into his chest.

Ymir could only watch as his cousin continued to dive deeper into the pile and then it happened.


The call... the drums... that he and his kin used to hear when his cousin's ancestors ruled the lands.


Even if he had been born when this melody had been silenced, his blood still remembered it. This was the song of kingship and dominance.


Even if he had no idea what was causing it, he felt free. His heart pumped with excitement. He didn't know why he was so happy; no, that was not it. He knew why; he just didn't know the right words to say.


Kong dugged and dugged until his hands finally touched something. When he pulled it out, both Kong and Ymir knew it was a weapon that was finely crafted but something was amiss. Ymir couldn't understand why, in the world, his heart was pumping with joy over a stick. But both knew something was amiss.

First off, the tip of the end was more like a handle. Second, the design was more like a spear than a stick. Which meant a piece was missing. The spear was glowing with a weak light but it was enough to illuminate the cave painting that they missed.


When the handle lit up and the walls were covered in shadows, both kaijus and humans couldn't help but admire the reveal of a hidden culture of the titan primates. Even Maia, who finally found the final piece, had to stop and take in the view of the art.

Yet for Kong and Ymir, this wasn't some art but a message from a long, distant past. Coming from Griesus' era. Kong stepped forward and compared the illustration of the spear with the one he held. They were exactly the same but the paintings show that Griesus was forging a new weapon that would surpass the axe.


The last piece was missing; it didn't exist yet. Anything he placed as the blade was incompatible with the spear he created. Simply put, Griesus was way ahead of his peers, kin, and era. And the weapon he created was the same, as it was too powerful for it to be used properly.

"I was born too early and my era was too late."

Kong could almost hear the anguish that his ancestor must have felt. His ancestor's mind was ahead of his time. Griesus couldn't finish it; the weapon was too advanced, and the materials he had used were from multiple monsters.

"The last piece shall be up to you, my last kin."

Ymir and Kong blinked; he knew... He knew they would be driven out of their homes and tried to prevent it from happening, but failed. If Kong remembered Odin's word, his ancestor made a huge gamble.

He only had hope that one of his kin would survive and finish his work. Looking at the plate lodged in his chest. He could feel it. The last piece to complete the spear was in him.

His friend was the final piece of the puzzle.

Should he risk dying to complete a bygone era's work? With a determined look, he lit a fire that was ignited by the deaths of his family. Kong handed the staff to his cousin and began to tear open his chest.

The great ape roared in agony, waking up the large bat-like beasts in the catacombs and beginning to swarm around them. Ymir roared and crushed one of them as a warning not to touch his cousin.

Slenra rushed towards the great ape, roaring in worry as she watched her uncle continue to tear open his chest to rip out her father's scale. The humans could see the ribs and the lung but what shocked them the most was what was attached to his heart.

It was a piece of the devil. And from just the looks of it, it was eating Kong's heart and every time Kong tried to pull it out, it resisted as if some form of parasite had refused to leave its host.

Ymir was horrified but what he saw—how could something so vile attach itself to his kin? It was worse than the plague itself! Yet he admired Kong's perseverance to remove such monstrosity from him.

Yet for all Kong's might, the damn thing refused to let go of his heart. He could hear its whispers of temptation, images of his near deaths, and how it was this that always saved him. So what? Did you really believe he would be so weak to throw aside his pride for this power? NO! He refused; he wasn't so weak to require this sort of power. To throw his pride and being for this would be an insult.

With one final pull, the scale the Gestroyah handed was finally removed, and in one rush of motion, Kong immediately slammed the scale where the blade of the spear should be, causing a large ripple of energy.

Around this time, Maia Simmons had already sent the energy signal back to Apex before being struck by the ripple.


Walter Simmons was the happiest man alive; his daughter had succeeded, and now they have the power needed for Mechagodzilla to become their weapon against the titans. Ren Serizawa immediately went to work and activated the machine. It was time to show this monster why humanity stood at the top, not them.

Yet something awakened, or rather, two souls were awakened the moment Ren attached himself to the machine and yet for the two souls internal conflict, Ren Serizawa and these two had one thing in common.


Walter could only watch in horror as his prize machine took life and roared, destroying everything on its path as it headed straight where the fight was happening.