Chapter 11- Arugements

Emma and Lauren left my house at around 5pm. Emma said she had to go help her mom cook, and Lauren was meeting up with a boy. She wouldn't tell us who it was which only made us want to know more. She told us that we didn't know him and we shouldn't worry about it. Obviously we all gave her a look, and told her that if she needed us she should call. A lot of unshifted wolfs date other people before they find their mates, but with the whole Kyle situation you'd think Lauren would learn that it only leads to complications. But I wasn't going to say anything on the matter or start any arguments, I'd let her face her own consequences. 

Nora and I made spaghetti bolognese for dinner, and sat in front of the tv watching one of our favorite shows. She had to leave at seven because Zack was staying at her tonight. I told her that Kyle was coming over for a chat, and she gave me the best advice she could come up with.