A big gift for you

"Jenny Rhodes, you can get out of jail!"

The prison door slowly opened in front of me.

With a rusted door, there was an unpleasant creaking sound.

Under the sun, I walked slowly in my prison uniform, looking at the Bentley parked outside the door, and the figure at the door who wanted to sneak in to greet me. I couldn't help laughing.

The scars under the corners of the eyes have become more prominent.

"Boss, I finally waited until you were released from prison!"

Simon went up to hug me, and he looked the same as he was five years ago.

"Send me to the wedding ."

I got into the car with a mocking sneer on my face.

Juliet and Harold, the dog couple, chose to get married on the day I got out of prison. Aren't they just waiting for me to come over and give them a big gift?

Harold, aren't you very proud at this time?

Five years ago, you lied to me about an ordinary traffic accident, but you were drunk driving at that time.

If you are caught by the traffic police, you will definitely go to jail. I believe you, and I will cover for you.

When I went there, I found out that it was not an ordinary traffic accident, but it killed someone!

I tried my best and was sentenced to 5 years in the end, but I loved you to the bone, and I was willing to go to jail for you, but everything was a scam.

After I went to jail, I realized that it was not you who drove drunk, but my half-sister, Juliet Rhodes.


However, behind this incident, the support of the Rhodes family cannot be run away.

Now that I'm back, you, Juliet Rhodes, and the Rhodes family.

Don't even try to run!


Sophie Hotel.

"Boss, are you sure you don't need to change your clothes? I've bought all the luxury dresses from brands in your size."

Simon couldn't help but remember.

I looked down at the prison uniform on my body and sneered lightly.

"Just this , I've gotten used to wearing them over the years, and besides... it's also convenient to wear them."

I pushed the door open and got out of the car.

The banquet should have started, and there were no guests outside, so I entered the hall without any hindrance.

It was filled with giant wedding posters, and when I looked at the happy smiling faces in the photos, my anger was rekindled.

"Invite the bride and groom to exchange rings, and then the groom can kiss your bride!"

When I opened the door, I heard the emcee say this.

"Wait a minute! I, anti!"

My voice was loud, and my cold tone was out of tune with this harmonious atmosphere.

The lively place instantly cooled down, and everyone's eyes fell on me.

I was wearing a washed and whitish prison uniform, looking at the center of the stage with firm eyes, and set foot on the flower road that should have been taken by the bride.

"Who is this man? Where is the security? Where is the security?"

"Shhh! What's the security guard called? Look at her scars! Can't you see who she is? She is the eldest lady of the Rhodes family, Jenny !"

"Jenny Rhodes? Wasn't she in jail?"

"If she behaves well, her sentence can be commuted, and it's time to come out! It's just that on this happy day, she came here wearing a prison uniform, which is a bit unpleasant! It seems that the past few years in prison have lost all etiquette and honor. !"

The people below are talking about it, and I don't care.

Standing in front of the pair of dogs and men, there was a faint smile on my face.

"Why are you so surprised? Are you not welcome?"


I laughed and Harold lost his mind.

I saw the look in his eyes that looked at me madly, and i smiled even more enchantingly. Even if there was a dark scar under my eyes, it couldn't hide my appearance.

But Juliet Rhodes, on the one hand, couldn't bear it.

She couldn't see the slightest smile on her delicately made-up face, and looked at me viciously, "Jenny Rhodes, do you still want to entangle?! You've been in prison for so many years, Harold has long since been with me!"


I raised a unilateral eyebrow, "You knew that he used to be my man?"


"Don't be ashamed! You two broke up long ago!"