Marry or not

His tone was lukewarm.

"Why should I marry you?"

He asked me back, if someone else said this, there might be a sense of sarcasm, but at that moment I could feel that he was waiting for my answer.


My expression became more sincere.

Again, I took a cheeky step forward, put my hand on the armrest of the wheelchair, and slowly squatted down.

I raised my head and looked at him, "Because you need a wife, and I just need a husband."

Once again, I admired my thick skin for saying such nonsense to get close to this man.

Just don't know how the man in front of you will react?

According to the information surveyed by Simon Miller, although Nate Archibald is the most important core person in the family, because of the disability of his legs, he has no way to inherit the family business.

But even if his legs are disabled, his sexual function is still sound. Since he can no longer become a qualified heir, he must take on the heavy responsibility of inheritance——

In the direct line of the family, they give birth to the next generation of heirs.

Speaking of which, in terms of the family status of the Archibald family, everyone must have squeezed their heads and wanted to squeeze in.

This eldest lady of the Sparks family is really special enough, and she has repeatedly regretted her marriage.

Georgina Sparks, since you don't want it so much, you might as well do it for me.

My mind turned back and forth, but the man in front of me suddenly laughed.

"Just because of this?"

He seemed to be a little angry, "Even if I, Nate Archibald, can't stand up, it seems that I don't need to marry a woman who has been in prison."

I was not surprised to hear his answer.

I'm not in a hurry.

Still squatting down, looking at him with an upward attitude.

"I thought you were just trying to find a random woman to prevent troubles at home. It turned out that I was wrong. I'm sorry Nate, it's normal for you to hate a smudged woman like me."

As I said that, I slowly stood up straight.


After I finished speaking, I turned around immediately and left without a trace of nostalgia.

My heart is silently counting down.

Three, two, one...

"Wait a minute, maybe we can talk."

Sure enough, the man stopped me.

When I turned my back to him, there was an intriguing smile on the corner of my mouth, but the moment I turned around there was a look of loss.

"Huh? Nate, what do you mean? You... don't you think I've been in prison?"

When I asked this, Nate Archibald pursed his lips.

The already thin lips were pressed into a tight line.

"I agree. In exchange, if you need anything, you can say."

Nate Archibald is very generous.

As this woman said, he needs a marriage relationship to prevaricate the family.

But more like what he just said, he is not short of women, and he will not choose a strange woman in a prison uniform because of urgency.

The reason why he stopped her was that when she was talking to him just now, she would hold onto his wheelchair and squat down.

The moment she squatted down and looked up at herself, he felt well.

Since everyone is the same, it is better to be her.

"Nate, it's my honor to be able to marry you, I don't have any conditions."

I repeat, but he gave me another problem.

"It's impossible to get a divorce if you follow me. I'm just a cripple who can't move my legs. Are you sure you want to spend the rest of your life with me? Even the most basic couple life?"

Couple life...

I immediately understood what he meant.

Although I don't shy away from talking about such a topic, he still made me blush when he asked such a straightforward question.