The Jedi Temple

I made it halfway down the hall before realising I had no clue where the hell I was going, luckily for me I ran into someone who knew me. A Mirialan female named Barriss Offee who was rather excited to see me, who practically pulls my arm out of its socket as she drags me to my room with the door having a horned skull painted on the front. I try to remember as much as I can on Barriss as she began asking why I had been rushed into Council Chamber, this made me lose my train of thought as I tell her my last couple of days with her being extremely attentive with her asking questions with each pause. She smacks me over the head when I tell her about my duel with Ventress (why do people keep hitting me!) "YOU'RE FOURTEEN DANKEL, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!" Barriss hugs me as she cries slightly, I'd like to say I was smooth and delivered an action movie one liner but I'm fourteen again, I awkwardly pat her on the back as I stutter out an apology. Barriss lets go of me and smacks me again calling me an idiot before laughing as she left for the archives, that's when I remember that she currently is working in the medical clinic alongside her studies into the ancient Jedi which I happen to be very knowledgeable about.

I was about to go to the archives myself when my door opened up to Anakin, Ahsoka and Obi Wan standing outside my room. I must have looked suspicious cause Ahsoka asked me what I was up to so I told the truth about going to the Archives which made Ahsoka groan, "You're always in the Archives though! It's like you're looking for something specific but you don't know what it is." Anakin placed his hand on his Padawans shoulder apologising for her and that's when he decided to speak, "The Council has also decided that I must make it up to you because I shouldn't have let you fight Ventress on your own," Well duh, I coulda told you that but I didn't leave him a choice, "So I, with your Masters permission have found what is the best way to apologise." From behind him R2 drives forward with a BD Unit on his head, I won't lie I jumped up forward rather quickly with the Droid jumping forward. The three of them laughed as I inspected the Droid: Scanner, Scomp Link, Comm Link. Yep the Little guy was up to code, "Do I really get to keep him as my partner?" I directed this to Obi Wan who nodded his head and offered to walk me to the Archives which I greatfully accepted, as we walked I began talking to my new friend BD-45 however from his beeps he prefers to be referred to as and I quote 'RoboLord the Destructor', I laughed at him which earned me a kick in the shoulder as well as the title of 'Servant 1'. Now I don't condone violence towards Droids (minus the ones shooting at me) but this Droid was asking for a wrench chucked at it, I decided that letting him continue to try become a tyrant was a bad thing so I began calling him D4 a name he seemed to like.

Once we reach the Archives Obi Wan placed his hand on my shoulder, "Take it easy today, tomorrow you'll be training with myself and Master Plo." He walked away so I walked into the Archives and figured out rather quickly that I have no clue where to start and thats when I spot Barriss sat quietly reading something, going over I notice it's about Typhon which I know very little about during The Clone Wars era so I'm happy to learn as I sit down next to her. She looks at me and giggles slightly before saying something which shakes me slightly, "It's cute how much you're trying, you're going to get us caught." This is met with a lot of awkward stuttering and I'm definetely blushing, D4s beeping (laughter) causes Barriss to notice how serious her throw away comment had effected me. I notice that she blushes slightly as she apologises, we sit there in silence for a moment with me pretending to check my Droids joints (He enjoyed the attention) and Barriss going back to reading. I was debating whether to get up or not when I noticed something in the book, I lean closer ignoring Barriss' protests and point to a name "Who are they?" She follows my finger to the title 'The Hereos of Typhon' her former objections are replaced with a complete nerd rant, she goes on to talk about the Hero of Typhons life leaving out all the flirting as well as Lord Scourge (No doubt he had his involvement scraped that from the records) however what made me happy was Kira Carsen getting her name noted as a Hero.




I spend a couple hours talking to Barriss about the Sith Empire and the end of the Immortal Emperor as well as the limited knowledge of the rise of the Empires Wrath, what really confused me was that there was no mention of the Eternal Fleet or Arcann and his siblings Thexan as well as the more terrifying one of the three Vaylin. Let's just say I'm having words with the two voices in my head, I somehow find my way back to my room and that is when I look in a mirror. I won't lie about my past appearance, I was your average nobody covered in acne a bit chubby nothing worthy of a second glance. But how I looked currently: I had shaggy brown hair, grey eyes, I have a scar on the left side of my lower lip, my nose (I have no clue how to describe my nose, it's your basic nose!), my cheeks had the odd freckle, I was small for a normal fourteen year old on Earth Ahsoka was taller then me by a tiny bit, my physique was small with a limited amount of muscle I looked more femmine than I did masculine. D4 jumped up on my desk as I began to meditate focusing on the ever present Force Ghosts that have decided to latch onto me, they quickly appeared talking about the temple and how much it's changed since The Old Republic which isn't saying much considering that it was a pile of rubble. "Yes, it's no Sith academy but it does look better than when I visited during the rebuilding," right that's why I was talking to them! "Can you guys explain why there is no mention of the Eternal Empire or Alliance?"

I waited for a response which never came, the two Force Ghosts went quiet before asking me a question, "Why should we tell the Galaxy that is constantly at war where some of the most powerful super weapons can be found?" That is a fair point I guess but all their best achievments such as them becoming some of the strongest Force users by using both sides of the Force and the Death of Vitiate/Valkorian, "If it meant less Deaths in wars I'll happily be branded the worst Sith in history.." The Empires Wraths voice wavered at this but he quickly recomposed himself as the Hero of Typhon continued, "You probably noticed Scourge also not being mentioned, he is the guardian of Valkorians treasures as well as Iokath and I'm more than certain when you grow stronger he'll sense your prescence so that's something to look forward to." GREAT! An immortal Sith Lord is going to seek me out but wait he lost his immortality when Vitiate died unless... "That is correct, he still lives." GREAT!! This is just getting better and better, I've been reborn to kill one of the strongest Sith Lords to ever exist. "We don't know why you're here child, don't get full of yourself your flame holds nothing to the vacuum that is the Sith Emperor." Well I'm glad they haven't completely put their faith in me, but I can't ignore him maybe if I wait for Luke to reach his Grand Master status I might be able to beat him with his help.

I ended up fulling asleep while meditating and I when I woke up in my room at the Jedi Temple I frowned a little, my old life is really gone and I now have all this knowledge.. I mean imagine you woke up before Google, Facebook and Amazon took off and could help fund them then profit from the success you knew they would achieve. I could use my knowledge of the Clone Wars to come out victorious in the end, I could find Iokath gain power to crush the Empire easily if I wanted... Who am I kidding I don't care about that stuff, I just wanna live out my new life here. I looked at the Jedi Robes hanging on in the closet and quite frankly they are not my colour, I'm rather picky when it comes to the colour of my clothing. I throw a bunch of clothes all over the floor before a knock at the door grabs my attention, opening it revealed a young man in what could only be described as a space caretakers uniform he carried charcoal grey pants and a shirt that resembled my typical outfit that I wore in my past life too well. I thanked him after he told me that Plo and Obi Wan were waiting for me in a training room, after putting D4 in a draw (He'd previously threatened to record me changing.) I got changed I looked in the mirror, damn I look good!


"Padawan what are you wearing? You look ridiculous." Obi Wan Kenobi, why would you do this to me... Then my saviour arrived, Master Plo placed his hand on Kenobis shoulder, "I will not tell you how to train your Padawan however if he is more comfortable in those clothes I would allow him to wear them." I thanked Master Plo while bowing my head, he is one of the few Jedi I respected, Obi Wan did his typical chin grab before agreeing and I did a mental cheer. "Today young one, we'll be assessing your combat capabilities." He glanced over at my Master who nodded his head in approval, "I will be your opponent." He drew his saber and took up his usual Form Five Shien fighting style pose, I drew my Saber and took up my open Form Six Niman stance however as I rushed forward I used the Force to pull the training mat from underneath Master Plo's feet causing him to jump back. I approached while he was off balance however when I went to land a heavy Form Five strike, Plo side stepped me and hit me with a bolt of Force Judgement launching me back. "That's fair.." I chuckled under my breathe as I got back up, much to my suprise the passive Force Healing I possess seems to counter the stunning effect Force Judgement has. I conjure a small flame in my hands after placing my saber on my belt, Plo shoots another bolt of electricity however when it's met by a shot of fire both were dispelled. "Electricity diffuses through Plasma, our special abilities cancel each other out." Science bitch! Fire is a plasma and plasmas conduct electricity, this is because in a plasma a portion of the atoms are ions. This means that there are free charges on the plasma that move if a voltage is applied to the plasma, this creates a current.

What went on was Plo Koon switching to a one handed stance as he began to get into a rhythmn of blocking several fireballs with jolts of electricity and blocking several quick strikes when I advanced, it was obvious that he wasn't taking me seriously anymore so I activated my Enhanced Force Sight which is what allowed me to survive my fight with Ventress. I dashed forward for the final time and began swapping between quick Ataru strikes and heavy over head Djem So strikes, the more I pressed the offensive the more Plo Koon began to move. "Impressive young one, how long can you keep up this assault?" He saw through me that easily? The Enhanced Force Sight takes a lot of Stamina to keep up throwing those fireballs also drains a little bit but not as much, I wasn't the most athletic person in my previous life so I'm probably not the best at stamina conservation. I locked Sabers with Master Plo, my plan was to use my crossguard to try disarm him like how I had Ventress however that didn't go to plan, as I pushed up along his saber Plo Koon spun his blade so it hit the under side of my crossguard disarming me. "Well done Dankel you gave me quite a workout." I pulled my Saber to me inspecting it for damage, damn Beskar is amazing, after clipping it to my belt a thought popped into my head. "Master Plo, is it possible for me to learn that electricity attack?" This was when Obi Wan spoke up, "Dankel perhaps you should master the abilities already in your possession before you try picking up new skills, after all a jack of all trades is a master of none." Jokes on you, I know the full quote is a jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one .


This went on for two weeks with me being trained in offense and concentration by Master Plo, with Master Obi Wan taught me defense and patience. My Master very much didn't want me to use Form Six and I do understand why with him being the master of Form Three however I really don't want to be stuck by one fighting style especially when I'll likely be up against the likes of General Grievous and Darth Maul in the future. I duelled Ahsoka a couple times, her reverse grip was different which is why Obi Wan was happy to allow this sparring, I didn't use my Enhanced Force Sight as much as I should have because I didn't want become dependant on it. I discovered that my Lightsaber had the ability to change not just the blade length but the hilt itself, it could extend its hilt (similar to Senya Tirall's Lightsaber) to create a short spear were the blade also halved itself, the crossguard could also shrink in size with the blade creating a dagger. With the dagger I could very easily parry Ahsokas reverse grip Form Five fighting style and beat her six times out of ten by switching the configurations as well as the fact that the extenion for the short spear is somehow also made of the fantastic metal which is know as Beskar I mean seriously were did it all come from!

I had one more week before the 212th was redeployed so I decided to spend it reading and running a flight sim, I know what your thinking Dankel you are recieving Lightsaber training from two of the best duelists in the Jedi Order however Master Plo had been deployed halfway through the third week. My own Master became focused on prepping his forces for departure, I had offered to help but he said and I quote "I would much rather you mentally preper yourself young one," so I took that to mean 'Do whatever you want Dankel." When reading I focused on texts regarding ability enhancing Force Powers similar to my Force Sight, if I was remembering correctly the Malevolance is the next big threat meaning I may have to consider a duel with the grand clanker sooner than I hoped. Barriss kept me company when Ahsoka was training with Anakin, she even tried duelling me a couple times however her being a practitioner of Form Three made beating her rather easy considering she didn't like to fight anyways. I also had to deal with the spirits that are piggybacking on my life, I wanted to talk to Master Yoda about them but casually naming one of the most fierce Sith Lords of his time might get me put on lockdown which the two voices in my head agreed was not the smartest idea.

On the day before our departure Master Yoda came to oversee a sparring match I was having with a Padawan I hadn't actually learned the name of but he was rather skilled in Form Four so I was happily duelling him, the Grandmasters arrival threw my opponent off so I kicked him in the gut knocking him down. "Hello Grandmaster, how may I help you." The Padawan got up and rushed forward to strike me in the back however I side stepped him taking him to the ground, "Sorry you had to see that Master however I did say he should take any cheap shots like that he could see." Yoda nodded and beckoned me to follow him, "Dookus apprentice Ventress, I have encountered." Oh right the peace talks with King Katuunko, "So the peace talks were interrupted then?" Master Yoda looked up at me, "Successful, my mission was," I sighed in relief, "I'm glad Master but why tell me specifically? I surely woul..." That's when he presented me with a harness, I put it on with Yoda climbing in the back, "Run you must, your progress I wish to see." Both me and Yoda had a laugh as I ran through the temple with him on my back, the looks on everyones faces especially members of the council who were mortified. He had me run all around the Temple until I had reached were we started, "As fun as this was Master can I ask what the point was?" That's when he hit me on the head, "Run again you must, only then you will see." So I continued to run, I got about halfway around before I collapsed my new body was strong however there was no way I could run around this corridor again I was amazed I could do the first one.

"As far as you can go this is?" Yoda asked as I attempted to get up, "Stronger than this I thought you were hmm?" I got up before I begin running again, I'm obviously slower this time but I make another lap. "Lemme guess run again?" Yoda just nods and I begin running, it was dark before I collapsed a quarter way through my fourth lap. "That's it I'm done Master Yoda, was that good enough?" The Grandmaster patted my shoulder and nodded "Good enough is it for you?" he said as he walked away, two Temple Guards came and aided me to my room, D4 scolded me for being out late saying something along the lines of "As your Master I demand you take care of yourself peasant." It's cute how he cares. I collapsed on my bed falling asleep, however yet again I was forced to talk to my ancestors cause I don't know how to hang up the goddamn Force Phone! "That Yoda is an odd one, all the members of his species I met spoke normally." The Hero of Tython said, the Empires Wrath sat down before stating "I never fought any of his kind but I'd say that Grandmaster of yours would give old Satele a run for her money." I looked over at them before asking a question I'd pondered for a while, "Your guys thoughts on Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One?" They stopped whatever they were doing and both stared at me, "I wouldn't have wanted to fight him if he was trained during our time but now I'd say he'd be rather easy to beat with how limited his training actually seems to have been, as much as I hate to admit it my Jedi Council would probably trained him in the dark as well as the light." I looked up, I was being woken up, "Perfect balance."




"Let's run it again Cody!" I took up a defensive stance as a circle of Clones gathered around me, I'd taken to the training Anakin gave Ahsoka throughout the Cloner Wars. The Clones were defintely harder to predict than the droids however I quickly figured out the pattern, Dart always shoots first, by the time Master Obi Wan came to tell me that we were departing I could last a whole 2 minutes against them. "Master the Seperatists have a new Super Weapon don't they, that's why Master Plo deployed so suddenly." I asked/stated as I walked with my Master who seemed somewhat shocked. "How could you possibly know that Dankel, were you listening when you shouldn't have been," Crap how the hell am I getting outta this one, "I had another vision Master, I saw a battlefield with some Clones in a escape pod in a debris that looks a lot like a bunch of Republic cruisers nothing remotely Seperatist mixed in." I continued rambling, throwing in random details I knew about the Malevolance and my Master began taking notes! "We'll see if this vision of yours pans out shall we?" We arrived on the Bridge to see the Holotable projecting Masters Yoda, Windu, Skywalker aswell as Ahsoka and Chancellor Palpatine. "I do apologise for being late, my Padawan was busy being stunned by the Clones." Ahsoka went to ask what he meant but was cut off by the report of Master Plos disappearance, "May I speak?" What am I DOING! After getting the go ahead from Master Windu I begin to talk. "I know that the visions aren't set in stone Masters but I do think this one might be of some use."

After telling the Council of my 'Vision' Ahsoka had went on to say how they needed to save Master Plo using my vision as a arguement, my focus however was on the Chancellor who was staring at me out of the corner of his eye. Once the meeting had concluded I was excused to go back to whatever I was doing as and I quote "I would rather you focus on being a Child in these moments of rest Dankel, I don't want you growing up faster than you need to." So I went back to my quarters to work on my Sonic Screwdriver cause it's awesome! Anyways that's when D4 announced to me that I had a priority call from THE CHANCELLOR! "Hello Young One, Dankel was it?" He sounded so kind but I knew it was a front, he looked tired like he was already fed up with this conversation.

"Yes Chancellor, my names Dankel Fec," I continue working on what I was doing, dude could tell me he was Darth Sidious and I genuinely could not care less, "Were you trying to reach my Master?" I was trying to give him an out, I really didn't want to get dragged into his plots more than I already am by default.

"No no I wanted to talk to you Young One, I wanted to hear more about your Visions." Ok that made me put my tools down and clearly my confusion was plastered on my face, "I've always found the Force and the abilities you Jedi possess so fascinating so I was wondering if you'd tell me about them." So that's it, Force premonitions became a rather rare ability due to the corruption in the Order so he wants to figure out whether or not I'm a threat or not.

"Truthfully Chancellor, I don't know how they work I get them randomly at rather inconvenient times, they make it look like I just zone out." He's a good listener when it suits him, "I sadly can't see very far in the future I'm afraid if you were going to ask me about the end of the war." I fake sadness as I go back to work, I do my best to make it look like I'm just fiddling.

"Oh no my child I wasn't expecting that of you, I apologise if I upset you." He looked at something off the call, "I hear you had an encounter with a Sith and survived, you must have been scared." I could feel his eyes burning into the side of my skull, trying to get ingo my thoughts.

"Not really, I mean I can do this." Showing of my Pyrokinesis to the dude behind the whole Clone Wars is a double edged sword, he'll either see me as an asset or a threat. "Can I tell you something Chancellor?" He looks taken aback by my sudden change in demeanor but nods his head.

"When I was fighting Ventress, I had fun," I looked up at the Chancellor who waved his hand to get me to continue, "I enjoyed evry part of the fight, well minus the wounds I guess, it just felt like the longer I fought her the stronger I became and I enjoyed that strength but that's not the Jedi way so I'm lost I guess." Perhaps giving him the idea I can fall to the Dark Side will make him want to keep me around.

"The Mandolorians used to be a proud people full of fighters who even went to war with the Jedi, maybe those are your Ancestral roots coming through to aid in your survival young one, I did enjoy our chat and who knows if your visions continue to bare fruit I may ask for your council more often." And with that the Sith Lord hung up on me, I just lay back in my chair before letting out the biggest sigh of relief I'd ever had to, I mean that guy could probably have snapped my neck anytime he wanted hell he could have Dooku kill me although with how that went when he asked him to kill Padme I'm not particully worried. I carefully put down the the work I'd managed to get done before getting up and heading to the mess hall, as I entered I found a food fight taking place with Dart at the center of it all. I began walking through the mess, the Clones that noticed me stopped immediately however a larger portion didn't notice me due to my height. Dodging the flying food was a lot easier than blaster bolts, I may have used the Force to send the drinks that were thrown back around at someone else.

By the time I reached the middle almost all the Clones had stopped with the exception of a group of ten Clones, everyones favourite ADHD Clone included, they all threw what they were holding at the same time however with a little guidance from the Hero of Tython I was able to freeze all of them in the air. "Hey guys, wanna explain what the hell is going on in here?" A torrent of explanations came through all of which contradicted each other so I threw everything back in their faces bar a small bread roll which I took for myself, "I want this all cleared up ya hear! I don't care who started this, you ten continued even after your fellow comrades stopped." I stared at them, all of them staring at me all of them visibly shocked when a smile grew on my face. "You lot will be my training partners from now on, understood?" They all stood to attention before they began cleaning up the mess they made. When I turned around to walk out the Mess Hall I couldn't help but notice my Master and his Clone Commander fastly approaching me, "Will we need any punishment for these Clones Padawan?" Obi Wan asked as I walked past them. I couldn't help but smirk as I said, "Come by my first training match with them Master and then you can decide."

I decided I wanted to work on hand to hand combat so I wanted to see if my body had any muscle memory for it, spoiler alert it did. My Master ended up cancelling my training session halfway through as he didn't want the Clones stuck in the Medbay, "I'd say that was punishment enough General." Cody grimmaced as the ten Clones limped out, Obi Wan nodded before bringing me up to the bridge. "Can someone get me all the reported super weapon attacks?" A Clone brought up a holomap of all the systems where the super weapon has destroyed fleets, they are obviously going in a straight line, "Can you put up all key Republic bases up as well please?" And again the Clone pulled up all the different outposts and as plain as day, the Kaliida Shoals Medical Center was very much on a direct path with the Malevolences path of destruction. "Master, call it a hunch but looking at the path of the enemy it might be smart to reinforce this medical outpost." Obi Wan looked at the clear pathway, "Get me in contact with the Naboo, Dankel you might have just saved a lot of lives." He was about to rush off before spinning back around, "Inform Anakin for me will you."

Anakin and Ahsoka who had just returned with Master Plo was rather happy to hear he had a destination for his bombers, his Squadron had already headed towards the Balmorra Run when the reports of Medical Transports being attacked came in with my Masters fleets deploying far earlier than they did in Canon. By the time we reached the Medical Outpost I had managed to finish my prototype for my first Sonic Screwdriver, the sounds of the front canons firing filled the corridors so I clipped my Saber and the prototype to my belt and ran for the bridge. I arrived moments before Senator Padme Amidalas ship came out of hyper-space, leading to the assault on the Malevolence to be holted. "So rescue mission?" I asked as D4 and I chased after Anakin and Obi Wan who were too focused to notice me until they'd already taken off, "You my Padawan are going to guard the ship." Like hell I am!



Dankel Fec: Current Ability Level

Duelling - On par with Padawan Anakin Skywalker

Connection to the Force - Limited

Force Abilities - Telekinesis, Pyrokinesis, Force Sight (Advanced), Force Healing (Passive).

Current mastery over the Abilities on a scale of 10;

- Telekinesis = 3

- Pyrokinesis = 4.7

- Force Sight (Advanced) = 2.6

- Force Healing = 0