Chapter Fourteen


"Hey, Lucas, we met again."

I bumped into Lucas as I was headed to a friend's house a few days later. I greeted him but he doesn't seem to remember me.

"Hi, hmm......"

He tried to remember my name but he couldn't.

"Talia, from the pack hall on the day of the full moon."

I reminded him.

"Right Talia, sorry I couldn't remember."

He apologized with a smile.

"She's your mate right?"

I asked, praying it shouldn't be as I can't compete with such beauty.

"Yes, she is."

He responded with a smile.

"She's beautiful."

I complimented her beauty as I greeted her too with a smile.

"Do come along sometime."

His mate offered to come visit their house. As I told her I don't know many people yet.

"Sure, I will."

I responded with a smile. If only she knew what she just did.

We parted ways after saying goodbyes.

My heart was burning in anger. How could his mate be that beautiful? And at the sametime l'm happy I got the opportunity to visit their house. Perhaps I could use the time and get close to Lucas.

"We haven't seen you?

Lucas's mate Jany asked.

After that day I have been visiting constantly for over a month now. We have gotten so close that she leaves me alone in the house even when her husband is around.

That also gave me the opportunity to get close to Lucas behind her.

The most annoying part was that Lucas really loved her so much that he wouldn't dream of betraying her.

I got so angry that I had to apply another method even if it was to keep her out of the way.

"The talk of the devil."

I whispered to myself as I bumped into Jany.

But this time I was coming back from my friend's house who used to practice witchcraft. She gave me a portion to add to Jany's drink so she could give me way.

She persuaded me to follow her to her house.

"Okay, if you say so."

I responded as if I was forced to go visit her but I was actually happy which I hid from my expression.

"So what would you like to take?"

She asked with a beautiful smile on her face.

"Just a coffee."

I answered, giving her back the smile.

"Here's the coffee. Let me get a snack to support the coffee."

She brought two coffee cups and handed one to me while she kept the second one on the table.

I slowly added the portion into her drink while she was in the kitchen. The portion won't kill her instantly but it will slowly penetrate into her body and slowly kill her.

She came back and drank the coffee and gave me her last smile.

After that I volunteered to wash the cups to avoid them discovering the portion in it.

I left to my house. The next day I came to visit as usual. When I entered the castle I saw her husband crying bitterly telling her not to leave him alone as he wouldn't survive without her.

I cried my last tears, after all she was my friend. I consoled Lucas and I used that as an excuse to visit always in the name of consoling him.

When Alonzo heard what happened he knew right away that I was the one behind the incident.

As he got better he asked me to marry him which I did.

I took care of their son Norman and his father Lucas.

When he found out that I was the one that killed his mate, he couldn't bear the pain as he also gave up the ghost after a few days of falling sick.

******end of flashback******

Alonzo knew all these things,

He threatened to expose the truth but I pleaded with him to demand anything he wanted so as to keep the secret.

And from time to time he demands a fortune from me just to keep his mouth shot.

Now I'm beginning to get tired of his threats as he never stops.

Now I'm into the mess of him demanding for a slave. The most desired slave by the guest. I had to lie to Norman that I was selling the slave but in truth I was just given out the slave to him without a penny.

"Alonzo, when are you going to stop threatening me for something that happened some decades ago."

I asked with the anger running inside me.

"Oh, Talia if you're tired, lets just open up to your son about what happened to his parents."

He slowly said as if there was nothing to worry about.

"Come on Alonzo, I never said that."

I responded while forcing myself to smile. These secrets are something I was prepared to take to my grave. I have lived peacefully with my son Norman, he has never been suspicious of me for anything. But this time my instinct is really trying to tell me something. I sometimes felt as if he was digging into my past.

"That's good."

He said sarcastically. Smiling as he left the castle.

He came the next six days to check the slaves. I have already given out order to the guard incharge of the slaves to show him the slaves even before he arrived. He brought out four of the most desired slaves for him which he's yet to chose.

A party was held at his demand so he can chose the slaves.

He was about to leave after the party when I walked up to him with a bold smile to cover my anger that was rising like a hot sun.

"Mr Alonzo, It's great you're satisfied with what you've got but I would like this to be the last time that you ask me for......."

He cut me short from my words before I could finish.

"Else what! Huh?, you will do away with me just like......"

He was angered and almost spit it out.

"That's enough Alonzo! That's enough!, I won't take any more shit from you."

I cut in between his words to stop him from saying more words.

"Wow, Talia really, if you say so, I will have to stop then, please tell Norman I will see him later."

He said with a threatened voice.

I was so restless as I don't know what he meant.

'I wouldn't allow you to get close to my son. You know me too well Alonzo, so don't fork with me.'

I whispered to myself as the anger in me was rising.

'It took me a lot to get where I am right now and I can still do more to remain where I am.'

I said finally as I walked back to my chamber.

That night I couldn't sleep as all my thoughts were roaming around my past and what Alonzo meant.