Power - 03

That night, despite everything, I felt like I slept well, however, when I woke up I still felt weak and with severe pain in my head.

Waking up was not very happy, endless worries came to my mind, who were my parents? Did I have brothers? What is my name? Was I dreaming of all this?

The reality I was experiencing was really hard to believe, aliens, gladiators ...

I stretched my arms up, I looked around and then I got up.

I was hungry, the room had no kitchen, yet there was what I thought was a mini-bar.

I opened the mini-bar door ...

"What do you want to eat ..."

The voice I heard came from nothing less than the mini-bar.

"Um, a ... tiramisù ...?"

"Close the door and wait a few seconds"

I did as the mini-bar had said. After a few seconds, the mini-bar emitted a beep.

I intended it as an invitation to reopen the door.

In front of me, where there was nothing before, now there was a saucer with a tiramisu on it.

"Enjoy your meal"

I took the plate with the tiramisu in my hand, I was unsure whether to eat it or not, but in the end, my hunger won.

"Mmmh" 'Good!'

It tasted very fresh, like homemade.

* Din

Someone rang at the door of my room.

I went to open it, it was Ri.

"Zeto, how did you sleep?"

"Actually fine." I tried to hide my sickness.

She smiled.

."I'm glad."

Now that I noticed it better, she was really pretty.

'Remember she's a shape-shifting alien' I told myself.

"Well, today is an important day, we have to discuss a lot of things."

After I finished eating, Ri invited me to follow her to her study where we would talk about the Arena and what to expect.

On the way to the office I saw other gladiators walking, very often alone, and others whom I identified as aliens, some with animal shapes and others who differed only slightly from humans.

We arrived at her office, not very spacious, with only a sofa and a desk with a floating chair. She sat in the chair, while I touched the tan leather sofa.

"Well, you will have a lot of doubts on your mind, but unfortunately we don't have much time to face them now, your first fight is near, we have to prepare ourselves as best we can."


"The Slter empire can't afford to waste time, however, don't worry, in the first three fights you are immune to FP losses."

I nodded my head, and a thread of agitation hit me.

(FP=Fame points)

"Well, now I'll tell you what to do ..."

Ri started to explain how the arena was structured and the games present. She had decided that in the beginning, the best move would be to do 1vs1 fights on a flat surface, like the ones I had seen on the first day. She told me that to start those are the best, at the beginning the goal is to train your powers and learn how to fight, without thinking about group strategies or tactics.

"Now I would like to touch an important key, your power, by chance do you now feel something different in you?"

I felt nothing strange in me, no strange "Energy".

"No ..."

"Mmh, this is not good ... but rest assured, there are ways to make yourself aware of your power, first take this."

She gave me a metal bracelet.

"Put it on."

I did as she told me. As soon as I put it on my arm, I felt a slight jolt.


"Now try rotating your forearm quickly thinking about the word info."

I rotated my arm.


In front of me, an information window opened, like those of video games, there was written my name "Zeto", my age "18", and my power "Predictive Gaze", besides this there were also my other characteristics and my photo.

Strength: 11

Agility: 16

Intelligence: 15

Stamina: 6

Favorite Weapon: ???

Mana: 10 MP

Health: 400 HP

Around my photo there were also the characteristics of my "Armor"

Agility Bonus: +1

Health Bonus: + 50HP

There was also another curtain with my secondary skills, for now, it was empty.

"This data you are seeing is nothing more than a reflection of your skills, now what is your power?"

"My power is ... Predictive Gaze ..."

Ri looked very surprised, and at the same time excited.

"Great, Really Great!"


In fact, it seemed good to me too, but not excessively.

"Well, you see, power is certainly something personal, but almost all powers are repeated in multiple people, and you can get similar secondary skills, however, "Predictive Gaze" is different, besides being extremely rare, it is very difficult to get a secondary skill similar to this one, and whoever gets it is usually a very skilled warrior. "

'But ...'

"Maybe at the beginning, it will benefit me a lot ... but if I arrive one day to fight these very skilled warriors you speak of? Wouldn't I be the one at a disadvantage in those cases? "

"Oh" Ri did not expect such an answer from me.

"You see far beyond, huh?"

She smiled.

"Well, sure, but before then maybe you will grow strong secondary skills that will allow you to play it evenly, and then, both secondary skills and powers can grow over time, think about where a skill like" Predictive Gaze "could go… something that makes you able to predict what is happening in front of your eyes ..."

She stopped with a worried look, but I understood what she meant.

'Maybe in the future, I will even be able to predict distant futures? That would be amazing… Ah, now that I think about it… this ability could be useful not only in fights, is that why Ri froze with such a look? '

"Well, you too see 'very far'" I smiled slightly.

For a while, the atmosphere in the room remained heavy.