An invincible duo - 29

That time, at the bar, Hel proposed to me to form a team for 2v2 matches in simple rings.

I accepted without thinking much, after all, she was very strong, maybe even more than me, and I liked spending time with her, even if she dressed as tough, she was kind, at least to me.

I also talked about it with Ri and she accepted, even Hel's manager, a Slter with the appearance of a man in his sixties, agreed.

We signed up for our first match, it would have been a week after that.

The days passed quickly and my power slowly returned to work well.

In those days, in addition to training my secondary skills, I also trained team play with Hel.

We were both close combat fighters, so there weren't too many strategies to do, what we had to do was just divide the enemies and get close to them, with maybe some "switches" from time to time. Hel finally told me about her power:

It was called "Deathly Hallows", thanks to this power, Hel was able to create a reaper scythe, could superficially heal wounds, and could slightly modify her body weight.

In fact, they were all skills she had already shown during the various fights during the event, however, the fact that she told me explicitly increased my confidence in her.

I also talked to her about my power.

Our first match together began.

Our opponents had been a duo for some time, one based his attacks on the use of a heavy chain, three meters long, which he could control and stretch as he pleased, was very tall and with a sturdy build, military cut, and square face.

The other was a fighter with bare hands, his skills allowed him to increase the hardness of parts of his body at will, he was at least 1.70 m tall, with black, long, and straight hair, and a face with sweet, almost effeminate features.

Looking at their old replays, we saw how the one with the chain was more unpredictable, so we decided that I was going to face him since I could "see" the future.

There were even more people in the stands than usual that day, I assumed they were for the other duo, however, when the start of the battle rang, the stands erupted in choirs screaming our names.



(Reaper is Hel's nickname given to her by fans)

My opponent seemed irritated by this, and so he immediately launched a frontal attack with his large chain.

I activated my power to see the point of impact his attack would have.

["Wind Movement" activation] I moved to the side and then sprinted towards him, drawing my dagger.

He smiled, the chain I thought I dodged snapped to my side and knocked me to the ground.



"N-Don't worry ..."

'Ahh, I think I have a cracked rib ...'

[550Hp → 450Hp]

'I guess I have to use it ...'

I actually didn't want to use my power too much in this fight, but being my opponent very unpredictable, I decided to use the variation of my power: "Space Seer".

My opponent, using his chain like a whip, threw another blow towards me, I had just gotten up and didn't have enough thrust in my legs to be able to dodge him completely, so before moving I launched a "Wind Cut" against the chain, moving just enough that the trajectory was enough.

Hel, unlike me, seemed to have the situation under control, his opponent was full of cuts all over his body and looked exhausted.

'I can't be outdone '

Now, with the "Space Seer" active, I could act much more offensively, and aim for dodging.

I ran towards him again, the situation was the same as before, but now my opponent aimed at my head from the left, I ducked, sprinting to the left and narrowly avoiding the blow.

My opponent's face, however, didn't seem worried.

I "felt" the impact of the chain in the occipital area of ​​my skull, so I moved my head, a few hundredths of a second later, my opponent's chain passed through the gap I had left.

Now his face darkened.

I was now less than two meters away, my opponent went all out trying to wind his chain around me.

If this had happened a while ago I probably would have only had a 5% chance of saving myself from his grip, however, now, using the "Wind Movement" ability, I managed to escape his move by jumping upwards.

Now I was in flight, with a stroke of his chain inches from my right foot, I then threw a "Wild Cut" at his face, and then, as soon as my foot touched his chain, I pushed forward. , accelerating the movement with the wind.

The "Wild Cut" impacted his face, wounding him, I arrived shortly after and fatally wounded him in the neck.

The crowd cheered, I felt an indescribable sensation, it seemed to be at the top of the world, I turned to Hel, she too had just defeated her opponent and was looking at me with a very happy face.

[In 2v2 fights the number of PF given to gladiators is different from 1v1 fights, the first fight won +10 FP, lost -8 PF, the winning streak increases the PF obtained by +1, ex: 2nd consecutive victory +11, 3rd +12, etc .; vice versa for series of defeats]

[Zeto: 105 → 115 PF

Hel: 112 → 122 PF]