Team B - 48

When I left Ri's office, I tried to calm down, after all, I had received good news: Hel had not suffered irreparable damage using her power, on the contrary, she was "evolving".

Now I had to concentrate on the problem closest to me and that is the final of the tournament which would be the following day. Before going to Ri, I contacted Pak asking him if he wanted to join our team for the final.

I checked the messages I had received during the hour I spent in Ri's office. I had two unread messages.

The first from Pak, he asked to see me at lunchtime in a pizzeria called "Oro Rosso".

The other message was instead from Liza, she had asked me to meet at Libert's room after the final.

'It's not that I have all this desire to see Liza ... but ...' I thought maybe she might have changed her mind, especially after, maybe, having talked about it with the other Ring leaders.

[Ron is one of the Ring leaders]