The Golden Weapon - 57

The "moments of glory" are few and often do not last long, however, they help you to face future problems with a lighter soul. Every man needs such moments, not too many, otherwise you will become a servant of "arrogance", and not too few, otherwise everyday problems could devour you.

Winning then helped me a lot, it gave me awareness and hope for my future.

After finishing my match against Lapi as a winner, I felt happy, I was really happy with my progress made during the last month.

Once out of the ring I reunited with Ri, who seemed really amazed by my progress.

At the same time, I also noticed some concern on her face.

'She seems to have something to tell me ...'

"Zeto ... you were fantastic, really, you surprised me ... that power you showed off in there ..." She said, now smiling.

"T-thank you ..." I smiled, looking away embarrassed, her words made me really happy.