The ex girlfriend turned psycho stalker

Trent was running as fast as his average legs could take him. He wasn't particularly fast, or good at running. Akane had already caught up to him and was running at his side. Terrance also wasn't far behind.

However the behemoth gorilla of a woman was rapidly catching up to the group and continuing to shout at them.


Trent shouts over his shoulder "I DONT MISS YOU!!!!! LEAVE ME ALONEEEEE!!!! ONE HUNDRED FEET SHANIQUA!"


This continued for a few more minutes. Trent was beginning to slow down further, his breath heaving. Akane was still running next to him, a small sheen of sweat on her face as the maid outfit fluttered in the wind. Terrance was not too far behind. They were drawing quite a bit of spectators on the street and in the passing cars.

Trent was looking left and right trying to find a safe haven. There was nothing he could see. As he rounded the corner for the next block, he spied his salvation. There was a police car sitting on the side of the road. He ran over to the car and stopped heaving his breath. The police officers looked over at him with questioning looks while they were eating their food.

Trent, gasped and heaved, he grabbed the door of the car trying to catch his breath. Akane and Terrance also stopped, Akane right next to him, and Terrance a little bit away, it seemed him and police did not get a long very well.

Shaniqua rounded the corner and skidded to a halt almost flipping over. She saw Trent holding the door of the car door of the police car. She quickly turned around and booked it. She had warrants out, and a protection order against her from Trent. She was not supposed to be within one hundred feet from him, or thirty three meters.

Trent looked over seeing her disappear, He sighed finally catching his breath. The officers in the car finally finished eating their food and looked over at him. The one in the driver side of the car across from him opened his door and got out of the vehicle. "You ok son? You look a little frightened" He said walking around the car towards him.

Trent finally took a deep breath, Akane standing near him also breathing a little heavy. "Yes Sir, It seems they have stopped chasing me now" He said.

Terrance slowly walked over now and said "Yo Trent, looks like dat gorilla girl finally took off, damn bro. What gives? I thought Ya said you dropped dat hoe"

Trent took a deep breath, then he began "Sooooo I did drop her, I only went out with her that one time! I swear! But I cant get rid of her! She stalks me constantly, and says we are soul mates, she wont even respect the protection order!" he started telling them all. The police listening as well.

"At first it was kind of cute, but she just got worse, and worse, and worse. Till finally she crossed all kinds of boundaries." He lamented.

"She has broken into my apartment multiple times, She stalks my social media looking for pictures and shows up where I am. The last time I went on a date she showed up with some random kids pretending to be my baby mama! THEY WERE NOT EVEN HER KIDS!!!!!" he took a deep breath at this point.

The officers were both standing there with jaws agape. Terrance also had a dumb founded look on his face. Only Akane seemed to be able to reign in her surprise, but her eyes were wide like saucers.

The officer out of the car finally regained his senses "Would you like to file a report?" he asked, he was willing to deal with the paperwork on this one, He just wanted to see how this story would play out.

Trent shook his head "No thank you Sir, she is gone now, that is enough. It would not do anything anyways, It would just be one more of the thirty something she has had filed on her now..." he trailed off. In fact there was even more than that, those kids she "borrowed" that night were all reported missing a day before, and when they magically showed back up, crying about some giant female gorilla wearing jean clothing, The police had to get involved. She now had several warrants out for her arrest for kidnapping, and unlawful imprisonment, as well as abuse of a minor for neglecting the children. Many had soiled themselves and not been changed.

Trent explained a bit of this to everyone, Akane finally showing more surprise. He stood there talking with them all, before the officers finally got back in their car and drove away. He had gotten their numbers in case he needed assistance. They were actually quite keen to see more of this story.

Trent waved to them as they Left, and Terrance finally stepped back out from the background where he had been listening. "Yo Trent, So whats up with the maid bruh?" he then leaned in "She is really cute... " whispering too him.

Trent twitched his eye before sighing out. He may as well tell Terrance, they had been through a bit, and he was actually one of the few people Trent would have called once things settled down a little bit. Trent broke down what had happened that day so far, explaining the whole thing to Terrance. Terrance was nodding and listening every now and then asking a question. "So this long lost uncle of you'sve left you a mint, and some phat crib, and dis cute girl here also, and it all is yours?"

Trent nodded in response.

"But dat shady ass attorney be trying to mess shit up right?" Terrance asked again.

Trent nodded once more and added "Yeah, he seems slimey as hell I dont know what his end game is, but I think we wont be done with him yet. I think he has to be the one inspect the "improvements" on the property, I also have to get the checks from him."

Terrance nodded this time, but it was Akane who spoke up in her soft girlish voice. "Master?"

Trent looked over and smiled "Go ahead and speak you dont need to ask" Akane simply counted that as permission. "I overheard that lawyer saying how much he would be able to sell the property to a developer for on a phone call before you showed up. He already had a buyer lined up and was hoping you did not even show, or had at least been late." she stopped and thought for a moment "I think he will do everything he can to prove you have not done significant improvement on the property. He is a bad man" she ended with matter of factly.

Both of them looked at each other then back to Akane. "Sounds like things just got a lot more complicated.... dammit." Trent said. They had started walking back towards the house when Trent stopped and pulled out his phone "Why are we walking? I am loaded now, lets get a cab!" and he called the fastest local cab he could find. They waited on the corner chatting for a bit.

"So whats da plan now bruh?" Terrance was asking.

Trent had wondered this himself. He had to make a plan on how to tackle all of these hurdles. But first, he needed to have a little fun. He had worked his ass off for years. Finally something good happens and he wants to celebrate a little. In his mind he made a list.

Step one, get a car, he did not want to be walking everywhere anymore. It was way to troublesome.

Step two, get some new clothes. People didnt take him seriously dressed as he was. While sometimes this would benefit him to be underestimated, he still wanted to have some nice clothes to wear out every now and then.

Step three, Check out this new house and figure out how deep of a hole he was in.

Step four, throw a massive party and invite a bunch of people to celebrate his new position in life. He had already messed up and told all of social media his business, so he may as well live it up a little.

When the cab pulled up they all got in, Trent sitting in the front passenger seat. The Driver turned over to him and asked "So where to buddy?"

Trent smiled and looked back "Go to this car dealer." he says and hands the driver his phone. The driver looked at him, looked at the dealership and shrugged "Its your fare buddy" and took off down the road.

After a little bit of a ride they finally pulled up at the dealer. The emblems of a prancing pony, a raging bull, and linked rings could be seen lining the top of the marble front of the large building. Large tinted glass windows lined the entire face with not a pillar visible. Rows of high end exotic cars were lined up across the front. They all got out and the cab asked "Would you like me to wait?"

Trent grinned "Nope, Thank you" and then pulled a hundred from his envelope handing it to the cab driver saying "Keep the change". The cab driver looked at the hundred, he pulled a special pen out and stroked the bill, but no color was seen. He blinked and then pulled a card out of his pocket "Thanks a lot buddy! if you ever need a ride again, you call me first!" with much sincerity.