
Trent thought about the offer for the free week. It was a very tempting offer. He then remembered the current state of his bank account and sighed. "While I may be tempted to take your offer in the future, I am not currently in a position to do so." Trent answered honestly. What man has not wished for a house full of hot young maids running around.

Miles noticed his demeanor and nodded understanding. Everyone had their reasons, but he had left the door open for future business for sure. Miles thought about this for a moment. He sipped his tea. It was quite good. He let the jasmine flavor tingle his palette. After a bit he decided on something. "In the interest of future business, how about this. I will loan you a couple of girls of your choice. We can discuss time frame later. You can always return them if they are not to your satisfaction."

The simple act of tasting Akane's tea had pushed a threshold for Miles. It was very good, exquisite even. Any man who could maintain a slave of this level was worth catching as a customer. It was not every day you found a man with this level of taste.

Trent considered, This seemed like a win win for him. The more Trent thought about it, the less downside he could see. There were a lot of benefits to having a man and company like this around. Trent had noticed this just with the douche bag from earlier. Certain people would see their involvement and stay away. What Trent did not seem to consider, was what kind of attention and from who keeping this kind of company would attract.

"Well if you insist, how can I refuse such a generous offer?" Trent replied. Trent had actually considered this, and with having already used their appearance, might as well make it official. Trent knew how rumors and word spread.

Miles smiled widely, like a fisherman who had just hooked a very large catch. "I do insist. I will have some excellent girls sent your way by this evening. Choose a couple of them that are too your liking. You can send the rest back in the morning" Miles grinned widely. He had used this tactic before with many potential customers. It always ended up netting him profits. He would send some of the best, well trained girls he had, to show off what kind of merchandise he dealt in. He had yet to have a single customer not purchase one of the girls outright.

After a little while, and the full cup of tea later, One of Miles men knocked on the door, then opened it. "The cleaning is done Sir" He says, and then retreats from the room. Miles turns back to Trent and smiles again. "Well it looks like our work here is done Sir." Miles says and then pulls a business card from his pocket. "This is my personal number. Do call me if you have any questions or concerns." offering the card to Trent.

Trent receives it and looks it over. It has a very simple white color, with a name, and a phone number. Nothing else. He pockets it and nods to Miles. He offers his hand out to him "Thank you for cleaning up my mess"

Miles takes the offered hand "I do hope this will not be the last time" Said with a chuckle. He then released and walked out of the door.

Trent walked out of the office behind him and was quite surprised. While the main damaged areas were still there, all the mess and stains had been cleaned and sanitized. If it was not for the damage still being there, He would never have known a party had happened. Trent did not need to lead Miles out, and soon it was simply Akane, Trent, and Terrance left in the house.

Trent was looking at a clock thinking about how long had gone by, and wondered if that guy would even come back. To his surprise, not long later there was a knock at the door.

Trent walked over and opened it, seeing the man from earlier standing there. The man held out a briefcase to Trent. "Please Sir, take this and consider our business finished. I beg of you" He then bowed offering the briefcase up.

Trent arched an eyebrow and Terrance came over to see what was up. Trent took the offered briefcase, and handed it to Terrance who held it up for him. Trent opened the case and saw many stacks of hundred dollar bills, a couple of bricks of white powder, and even some small ingots of precious metals and stones. Trent did his best not to act surprised. He turned back, "This will do, Now do not ever let me see you again" Doing his best to mask his shock, which he did with a smile. The face this produced was horrifying.

When the man looked up and saw it he instantly paled, pissed his pants, and then ran away at high speed.

Trent turned back around, Terrance had his phone out and was laughing so hard he almost dropped the briefcase. Trent managed to slap it closed and take it from him. "Whats so damn funny, aside from that guy running away peeing himself, am I really that scary?" Trent asked honestly.

Terrance simply replied "BRUH! YOUR FACE!!!! CHECK DIS SHIT OUT !!!!!" and then flipped his phone around seeing the small video that played. It started right after Trent opened the briefcase. Trent did not even see Terrance pull his phone out. If he had not shown him, he would never have known this video existed. He would have to ask about this later. But for now, Trent looked down and saw the video of his face.

As soon as he saw it he damn near peed his own pants laughing. The face was so horrifying it was funny. "OH GOD! REMIND ME TO NEVER MAKE THAT FACE AGAIN!!!!!" The corners of his mouth had twisted up in a smile, while the lower corners drooped forming a frown. Then center lips were held tight, and teeth were showing on the sides. One of his eyebrows was cocked high with his eye closed, while the other eyebrow looked angry, but his eye was bulging out. Even his neck had distorted to create this face.

It was no wonder the man had pissed himself. Trent quickly pushed them inside and closed the door behind them. He walked Terrance and Akane into his office and then opened the briefcase again. There were ten stacks of hundreds, two bricks of white powder, over a dozen rounds of gold, two dozen rounds of silver, and at least twenty different gemstones. The man had offered his entire life savings to Trent in exchange for his life. Trent Re-evaluated how high up the food chain these "Cleaners" were.

Terrance looked in the case and his brain was somehow a tuned to this. "BRUH, you have over half a mil right here! At least six hundid and fifty two thou worth bruh!" Terrance figured out the value of all of the items in his head before Trent could even pull out his phone. Which he did. The stacks of cash were in fifty thousand sets. The powder he had no clue on, and would have to find some way to hide it till he could figure out what to do with it or how to get rid of it without causing too much trouble. Maybe he would talk to Miles. Calling his police friends were out of the question in this situation.

When he worked out the price of the rounds, and estimated the gems roughly, the accuracy at which Terrance had come to was pretty damn crazy. "You figured that out in your head?!" he said to Terrance.

"Duh cuz, I can see da dolla signs in my head" Terrance answered. "Gold is at about eighteen hundo, silver is almost a couple hundo each, few thou worth of gems, dat columbian white probably go for ninety k. Dat cash is easy to count".

Terrance thought about this and decided to ask Akane, "Is there a safe or anything in this house?"

Akane thought a moment, and then remembered something. "Master use to keep a key in his nightstand, I think there was a picture in this room covering one that it opens." and then Akane looked around. She pointed. "That one".

Trent got up and walked over to it, grabbing the edge of the frame, he tugged, and then it rotated outward revealing a decently sized wall safe behind the desk. Trent looked at the key hole, then ran upstairs into his bedroom and ripped the night stand drawer open. He found the key and ran back downstairs.

Trent held the key up, and then slowly slid it into the lock. He turned it around a few times and heard tumblers fall. After the fifth spin, an audible click was heard, and the door of the safe cracked open. Trent salivated as the door swung open.