Chapter 408, Where Are You Now? 1

She couldn’t help but call the system again to exchange for the one-time item “Siren’s singing voice”.

“I’m sorry, the host’s points are insufficient and can not be exchanged...”

“Deduct three years of lifespan!”This was already something that Chen Xiangxiang was very familiar with.

She swore that this was the last time, and she needed to obtain the recognition and recognition of these people.

As for the final competition... she already had the singing bonus, and since she was singing an original song, the song “I love you”was very complete and touching. She was not afraid of being eliminated at all.

She did not intend to win the championship and steal the limelight of others in this kind of singing competition that was filled with gods.

As long as she could please these people here today, her position in the music industry would be unshakable in the future.

System:”... Actually, you can return the beauty bonus and temperament bonus...”