Hard Choice

Madame Yin smiled. "Quick, come in."

Liu Zijin couldn't help but laugh. He turned around and whispered in Wang Huilan's ear, "Xiaolu is very cute."

Wang Huilan felt her face heat up and nodded in agreement.

Su Xiaolu was indeed very cute. She was very good-looking and was filled with childishness when she wheedled with her master. She was adorable.

Madam Yin also smiled and echoed, "Miss Su is indeed cute. When Huilan is cured, you and Huilan will have such a cute little girl in the future."

This was the first time Madam Yin had seen Liu Zijin. The more she looked at him, the more satisfied she was.

Liu Zijin was dignified and respected her niece, Wang Huilan. His smiling eyes were filled with love.

Su Xiaolu had just wheedled, and Madam Yin was also shocked. Who wouldn't like such a young lady?

Liu Zijin smiled and replied, "Okay."