The Mystery of Madam Zhao's Identity 3

"No matter how this turns out in the end, I'm still me, the children are still our children. We won't change. We'll always be there for you as long as you need us."

As long as she needed them.

Su Sanlang kept the unspoken words to himself.

If Madam Zhao did not need them, their family would still be here for her. They might not disturb Madam Zhao's life, but they would definitely stand up for her when she needed it.

No matter what happened in the end, he treated Madam Zhao as his wife. He could do anything for her.

And the children would treat her respectfully and be filial to her.

"Sanlang, my heart is in a mess. I don't know what decision I should make. I really want to know, but I'm also afraid. Our lives now did not come by easily. We're very happy and I cherish it. I'm afraid I'll lose them."

Madam Zhao choked.

She wanted to know who she really was, but she was afraid that once she knew, everything she had now would leave her.