
It seemed like An Cheng and An Lie already knew that she was not a man after two months of separation.

However, it did not matter. This was not a big deal to begin with. He would find out sooner or later.

"Thank you, Master."

An Cheng was very respectful. After knowing that Su Xiaolu was a woman, he admired her even more.

As far as An Cheng knew, all women could do was to pack up the fish goods after returning from the fishing boat, wash the clothes, do the housework, and have children. Most women were the same. Their lives were like this for the rest of their lives without many ups and downs.

A girl like Su Xiaolu, who was 12 or 13 years old, should already start to be restrained because she was about the age of marriage. However, she lived in a different style. What kind of parents could nurture such a child?