Old Friend

Chu Jin really despised the physique of scholars.

Sun Baoshan nodded seriously. "I will."

Chu Jin left quickly. He was depressed and needed to find someone to drink.

After Chu Jin left, Sun Baoshan also left the Chu Residence. He couldn't help but smile. He quickly mounted his horse and walked home.

The coldness from last night had already subsided. Now, he was neither hungry nor cold. He had also begged for a chance. He could not contain the smile on his face. Now that he was in high spirits, nothing could make him feel cold.

The curious residents discussed animatedly and said that the Chu family's daughter was getting married.

The dozens of betrothal gifts that Sun Baoshan had brought were all accepted.

No one noticed that a sad person had left sadly.

Sun Baoshan waited all night. The Chu family waited all night. Hu Changshou also waited all night.

Now that it was settled, Hu Changshou sighed and left quietly.