Drunken Words

The strong wine burned his throat. Hu Changshou took a deep breath and put down the wine bowl. He smiled and said, "Miss Bai Xu, there's no need to thank me. I'm very happy to be friends with you."

Hu Changshou picked up a piece of fish for Bai Xu and said gently, "Miss Bai Xu, try this fish. It's a sea fish from the foreign land. It tastes very delicious and is very good for the body. Two years ago, this fish was very expensive, but it's cheaper now. You can buy five for a tael of silver."

The price of the white fish was now something ordinary people would occasionally buy to eat because there were too many of them.

The smaller ones were cheaper.

When it first appeared, not to mention ordinary people, even many rich merchants and nobles could not afford it.

Bai Xu ate the fish and thanked him softly. Then, she poured wine for Hu Changshou.

The two of them ate and drank slowly.

Gradually, Hu Changshou became drunk.