You Are No Longer Alone From Now Onwards

Su Yu was shocked. She widened her eyes and looked at Gu Chen. She sneered, "President Gu, you can eat whatever you want, but you can't say whatever you want!"

"I'm the daughter of the Su family. Why would I hate my stepmother and sister?"

Su Yu was calm as she looked straight at Gu Chen.

Gu Chen lowered his head and smiled. He raised his hand and pinched Su Yu's ear. He said in a low voice, "I'm your husband. If I can help you in any way, please don't reject me. Of course, in exchange, I will have a mission for you too."

"You can trust me completely!"

Gu Chen's gaze was sincere as he looked at Su Yu who was deep in thought. He knew that she would not trust him so easily and she would not tell him the truth.

Following that, Gu Chen promised, "As long as you tell me, I will agree to a condition of you. How about that?"

Su Yu's eyes immediately lit up.

She pondered in her heart. Even if she told Gu Chen, she was now his wife in name, for the sake of reputation and benefits, he would not betray her. In addition to the few days they had spent together, Gu Chen was indeed a very upright person.

Moreover, she needed this condition. She wanted to find out the cause of his mother's death as soon as possible and avenge her!

Thinking of this, Su Yu immediately moved her butt closer to Gu Chen. She hugged Gu Chen's arms with both hands and said, "Actually, I remember that my name is Su Yu. I'm the daughter of the Su family."

Gu Chen furrowed his brows. As expected.

He did not speak. He looked at Su Yu as if he was listening. Su Yu continued, "I remember that my mother was very beautiful and gentle. We lived in a very big house. She could play the piano and sing..."

Looking at Su Yu who was immersed in her memories, Gu Chen felt his heart tighten. Su Yu's eyes were filled with longing. These should be the warmest memories in her heart!

"After that, my mother was unhappy every day. In the end, she became thinner and thinner. Then, she passed away strangely. One day, Fang Yan brought me along and said that she would take me out to meet my mother. I missed my mother so much that I believed her. Then, she threw me on a mountain in the suburbs. There was no one there. I was so scared. I screamed and screamed. There was the sound of wild beasts..."

Su Yu, who was immersed in her memories, had tears in her eyes. Her whole body was trembling as she hugged Gu Chen's arms tightly.

Gu Chen was shocked. This Fang Yan was vicious. Did she leave a five-year-old child alone on the mountain?

Gu Chen hugged Su Yu with his big arms and coaxed her gently, "Don't be afraid anymore. It's all in the past. No one will dare to bully you in the Gu family in the future! You will never be alone. I will always be by your side when you are afraid."

Feeling the warmth, Su Yu finally calmed down.

She grabbed Gu Chen's shirt, and she continued, "I don't know how long I've been gone, but I met an aunt. I'm really hungry. I know she's a bad person, but I have to eat. If I don't eat, I'll never find my home. Later, I was sold by this woman to a remote mountain. Every month, I would run away."

Su Yu seemed to have recalled something interesting, and a smile hung on her lips, she looked up at Gu Chen and said, "There were a few times when I thought of death, but... but I couldn't. I thought of my mother's desperate eyes. Gu Chen, do you know hatred? It was like a fire in my heart, causing me pain and giving me strength!"

Gu Chen remained silent, his large hand stroking Su Yu's long hair. Hearing these words, he felt an unprecedented sense of depression in his heart. He wanted to find the human traffickers and the people who had stopped Su Yu from escaping. He wanted them to die!

Su Yu's eyes were filled with tears. She lay in Gu Chen's arms in a daze and fell asleep. Seeing that she was sleeping soundly and that the side of her face was like delicate and fragile porcelain, Gu Chen raised his hand and caressed it gently.

He muttered to himself, "My wife, you won't be alone anymore!"


Because Gu Chen had agreed to Su Yu's request, Su Yu requested to get it fulfilled that night and she asked to stay at the Su family's residence for a period of time. Gu Chen had no way to refute it. Early in the morning, Su Yu was humming a tune as she packed her luggage.

"Are you that happy to go to the Su family's house?"