Fang Yan's plot

Su Yu had just arrived at the living room on the first floor when she heard Fang Yan stand up and walk towards her.

She saw Su Yu's confused expression.

Fang Yan smiled disdainfully. "It's like this. The Su family's ancestor worship ceremony will start at nine o'clock tomorrow. This is your first time meeting the elders of the Su family on such a grand occasion. I have to give you some instructions so that you don't embarrass your father tomorrow and make him dislike you."

"Thank you, Auntie."

Su Yu nodded obediently.

Fang Yan continued, "You know that paying respects to the ancestors is a very important matter. Everyone will wear the clothes to pay respects to the ancestors tomorrow."

Su Yu nodded as if she was very educated.

Seeing that she was ignorant, Fang Yan leaned her head closer to Su Yu and whispered, "The rules of the Su family are completely different from other families. To pay respects to the ancestors, one must wear colourful clothes. The brighter the clothes, the better. It represents the Su family's fortune."

Really? Even a child would not believe such nonsense.

Su Yu nodded her head with a serious expression and said gratefully, "Thank you, Auntie. Don't worry, I will wear red clothes. I hope that everyone in the family will like me tomorrow."

Fang Yan nodded her head in satisfaction. She said that she was busy and left the hall.

"You didn't believe her words, did you? I don't think my wife is that stupid."

Su Yu looked up and saw Gu Chen looking at her from the corner of the stairs.

Su Yu raised her eyebrows and smiled. "I believe everything Auntie said!"

Seeing his 'little wife' in such a state, how could she be an obedient little sheep? Gu Chen did not say anything more.

He only hoped that the Su family would not be too lively on the day of the ancestor worship ceremony.


"Did Su Yu oversleep? It's such a big matter, yet she doesn't take it to heart!" Su Wen stood beside the black business car and looked upstairs anxiously.

With his hands on his hips, he turned to look at Fang Yan and said, "Didn't you tell Su Yu that we would be leaving at eight o'clock on time?"

Su Zhen sat in the car with a cold smile on her face. She listened to her parents' conversation and scrolled through the fashion news.

Fang Yan smiled and said, "Hubby, how could I not make myself clear? Su Yu is a sensible child. I heard the commotion. Maybe the couple wants to be intimate with each other for a while longer. Let's not rush them. Let's hurry up and leave. The elders are waiting for us!"

Su Wen felt that it made sense.

He looked up at the window of Su Yu's room and got into the car. He said to the driver, "Let's Go!"

The car slowly started and disappeared from the Su family mansion.

Gu Chen lay on the bed and looked at Su Yu who was changing her clothes. He teased, "My wife is really punctual. She told you to leave at nine o'clock and they just keep on horning. Yet you didn't go out. I guess Fang Yan is going to suffer today!"

Su Yu was wearing a bright red short skirt and standing in front of the mirror, wearing lipstick.

Hearing Gu Chen's words, Su Yu turned her head and rolled her eyes at him. "The contract said that we shouldn't interfere in each other's private affairs. I hope you can keep the agreement."

"Also, I've never said that I'm a good person, unlike some people who have a completely different heart under their gentle appearance."

Gu Chen was so angry that he almost laughed. This girl thought of him that way in her heart?

Ignoring Gu Chen's resentful gaze, Su Yu wore her clothes and walked downstairs slowly.

When the butler saw Su Yu come out, he looked embarrassed and said, "Miss Su Yu, master and the others have left. What about your clothes?"

"What? Father and the others have left. Then quickly arrange a car to catch up with them! Don't talk about the clothes. What if we're late?"

Su Yu was at a loss and flustered. The Butler looked at her helplessly. She was from the countryside and could not attend any big events.

After chasing them all the way, they finally reached the Su family ancestral hall.

"There is one car here!"

"At this time? Whose car is this? This person thinks nothing of offering sacrifices to his ancestors. I must teach him a lesson later!"

"Young people nowadays are becoming more and more disrespectful of the family rules."