What Does That Have To Do With Me

"Help you with what?" Su Meng absentmindedly listened to Wei Xue's words. Her gaze was fixed on the two people who were quarreling over there. Yes, that customer had struck the shop owner first and slapped him. Well, this meant that the two of them had started a war.

Wei Xue bit her lips and continued, "Mom is at the police station. They said that she had attempted kidnapping and that she needs to be sentenced to five years in prison!"

"Oh," Su Meng casually responded.

When Wei Xue saw Su Meng's reaction, although she was angry, she didn't dare to show it. She just smiled apologetically and pleaded, "Sister Su Meng, Mom went in because of you. Now, only you can help her. After all, we are family. You can't just watch her go to prison and not care, right?"

Only then did Su Meng turn to look at Wei Xue. Her face was cold. "Your mom should find a lawyer to help her in prison. Why would she look for me? I can't control the police."