Deja Vu

After the driver turned on the warm air, Su Meng's body relaxed. It seemed that she was really tired and did not wake up.

In the face of One's sudden gentleness, the driver looked at him curiously from the rearview mirror. It was rare that their boss would actually care about people. However, he did not expect his gaze to meet One's. Even through his glasses, he could still feel One's cold gaze.

The driver was so scared that he quickly averted his gaze and focused on driving.

The car drove all the way into the mountains. At first, there was still a road. If they drove further in, there would be no road and it would be all mountainous. It was raining today, and the dirt road was muddy. The mountain road was difficult to drive, and now it was even more difficult to move forward.

They could not drive further in, or it would be even more troublesome if the wheels got stuck.