Always Had Weird Dreams

"Did you know that I can actually see my reflection in the mirror in my dream? I yawned in front of the mirror, and the 'me' in the mirror yawned as well. Then, I thought that everything was fine, so I stretched and turned around to leave. Before I left, I turned around to look at the mirror and realized something strange."

"The person in the mirror didn't do the same thing as me. She didn't turn around! Not only did she not turn around, but she kept looking at me as if she was facing the mirror. When she saw me turn around, she actually smiled!"

At this point, Lu Si's mental state began to deteriorate again. She curled up in her chair and shivered as if she was very afraid.

"You said it was a dream. It's normal to have nightmares. Why are you so afraid of this dream?" Su Meng looked at Lu Si, but didn't go up to comfort her. Instead, she directly asked her questions.