Infiltrating the Village Chief’s House

Before Su Meng left, she still managed to find out the location of Hong Si's old house. After leaving the Village Chief's house, she went straight to Hong Si's house.

When she arrived, she found that Hong Si's house did not fit in with other people's. Other people's houses were all newly built big houses, but Hong Si's house was a small stone house with a hole in the window.

This house looked like a product of the last century, and it looked like it would collapse at any time. No wonder he didn't come back and stayed outside. This house was too shabby.

Su Meng went in to take a look. There was only a low bed inside, with a few layers of sacks on it. There weren't even proper bedsheets. However, that wasn't important. The most important thing was that she could get Hong Si's things. As long as there were personal things that Hong Si had used, she could find him.