Had Its Own Rules

"Ugh..." Shen Jian was almost suffocated by the pressure, and his head was buzzing. Fortunately, Wen Le was still conscious. After a few seconds, he quickly got up from Shen Jian's body.

Shen Jian covered his chest, which was hurting from the impact. He gritted his teeth and got up to walk toward the door.

"What exactly is outside that can scare you so much?" Shen Jian moved closer to the cat's eye and looked outside.

However, Shen Jian was still scared because of Wen Le's reaction just now. Therefore, when he was still a little distance away from the peephole, he turned on the camera function of his phone and pointed the lens at the peephole.

This was a method that was circulating on the internet. It was said that this way, not only could they see what was outside the peephole, but it was also safe. If the peephole was destroyed by the bad guys from the outside, this could prevent the damage from being at the peephole.