Go To the Tomb Again

Wen Le could not sleep well because he dreamed about the female corpse every night. His spirit was getting weaker and weaker.

Not only that, he had become very unlucky ever since he came back. Either the chandelier fell on him, or he suddenly slipped while walking. He felt that he was getting weaker and weaker.

Since he was in the grave robbing business, he would know something about this. He used to think that those old sayings were nonsense, but in order not to cause trouble, he followed everything that he could. Now that it was so strange, he knew that he had gotten himself into trouble.

Therefore, he found a few feng shui masters to help him crack it, but he did not expect that those feng shui masters were only famous but not powerful. None of them could help him.

It was only until a few days ago when he unexpectedly received news about Su Meng that he decided to contact her.