Amazing Woman

Now that Su Meng was by Grandfather Wei's side, it was inappropriate for him to approach her directly. He decided to wait until Su Meng was alone before getting to know her.

At this moment, Xiao Chen's heart had already settled on Su Meng, so he no longer stared at the other beauties at the banquet. He only looked at Su Meng the entire time. Because he had been talking to Wei Xue just now, he didn't even hear Grandfather Wei's introduction of Su Meng.

When his attention returned, Grandfather Wei had just finished his last sentence.

Although it was a pity that he did not hear it, Xiao Chen did not care about these things. He only had one goal. After the banquet ended today, he would directly take down Su Meng!

However, although he did not listen, the others listened very seriously. After Grandfather Wei finished speaking, someone in the crowd whispered, "Su Meng? Why does this name sound so familiar? I seem to have heard it somewhere before."