With a Man Again

After Su Meng finished her story, the girls were all very satisfied. Only Wei Xue's expression didn't look good. She knew a lot of what Su Meng had said. Now that Su Meng had finished, the girls understood Wei Ting as well.

However, even though she was unhappy, she did not show it on her face. Instead, she even had a sweet smile.

"Since you're done asking, why don't we take a photo together?" Wei Xue suggested, "But who should be the one to shoot?"

She looked around and finally fixed her eyes on Xiao Xiao. She pulled Xiao Xiao and said, "Why don't you help us take the photos?"

Xiao Xiao wanted to refuse because she also wanted to take photos with everyone. However, Wei Xue looked like she was determined to let her do it. Wei Xue had just given her a necklace, and after receiving such an expensive gift, she couldn't bear to reject Wei Xue over such a small matter, so she could only reluctantly agree.