Weeks after, the song finally got edited by the editors. Do you know what's amusing? They did overtime for it to be finished. They are passionate about their work and they don't rest completely anymore just to finish this song for us.

We listened to it here in the practice room and we all got goosebumps because of the results. It's freaking amazing. How come they produced such a song like this?

The multiple layers of our voice help the song to be extraordinary. Those adlibs from the vocalist and rappers are insane.

"I love our song," Jae Hwan told us while smiling.

"See? The outcome of your hard work is worth it" Jaesung complimented Jae Hwan.

"Thank you to all of you for guiding and encouraging me not to give up," He said.

"Jeez! Stop the dramas! Let's have a group hug!" Min Hyuck exclaimed and we formed a circle to have a group hug.