

"I also believe this web page must have something to do with the mysterious disappearances of these 'missing people'."

"You're right. The purpose of 'Guropeji' is unclear. It's hard to say if it's a site for people to view and enjoy gory content. Or perhaps a site for people to share their sadistic fantasies. It's hard to say. However, what I can say for sure is that it's a site where people can get away with committing crimes. People who requested or voted for the video that you saw earlier can claim that they didn't commit any crime. No one can prove otherwise because the evidence is gone. All the evidence that can implicate them or link them to the site is lost. It's an ideal site for people who want to get away with a crime."

Detective Saito further explained, "As for its connection with the disappearance cases, there might not be a concrete evidence that links the 'Guropeji' web page with the disappearance of those twenty people. However, there's one thing we do know about 'Guropeji' and that is the voting system. You could choose a video to watch and you could even ask to watch a specific video or an act. The votes determine which video will appear on the 'Guropeji' page in future. I don't know if they realize it or not, but the voting form left a significant clue as to who the next victims might be."

I said, "Yes, that's what I thought as well. I mean, since the victim candidates are already decided, they can be warned beforehand. Right?"

Detective Saito nodded his head. "That's right. It's possible for the next victim candidate to get out of his predicament and avoid being killed. If he's aware of the voting process and knows that his video is going to be voted for then he can take some measures to protect himself. For example, he can go to his nearest police station and report his situation to the officers. Or he can call a friend and warn them of his predicament. Or he can try to escape. All these options will help him stay alive until his time comes. It's the first step towards catching the person who runs the site."

I was silent as I contemplated what Detective Saito just said. Then I spoke up, "But isn't it strange that the next victim was chosen randomly? What if the person who ran 'Guropeji' is actually choosing the victim himself? Wouldn't it make sense to pick a person who is more likely to never get out of the 'Guropeji' web page alive? He could choose a homeless person, someone with a criminal record or a person who's known to be involved in illegal activities. In other words, a person with little chance of surviving. A perfect choice in order to maximize the number of viewers on 'Guropeji'. Isn't that true?"

Detective Saito looked at me and smiled. He replied, "You've got a point there. It's a good observation. Maybe the killer is selecting his victims based on his own criteria. But then again, it's hard for me to believe that anyone would want to spend his entire life on 'Guropeji'."

I thought for a while before answering, "Maybe there are more than one people behind the Gore Page. Perhaps there are several people working together. One of them can decide on the next victim and another can set up the trap or the murder or whatever method is required for killing the victim. And then there's another person who uploads the video and manages the site."

"Hmm... It seems like you've done your research," Detective Saito said with a smile, "It's true that there may be multiple people involved in this case. I can't say for sure whether or not all these missing people were killed by the person or group responsible for running 'Guropeji', but we can definitely say that the person or group behind this web page is a twisted individual."

We continued talking for another half hour before he glanced at his watch and said, "Anyway, I think that wraps it up. Thanks again for coming here today, Kouichi. I appreciate you taking the time off to come here. Watch out for yourself and should you happen to see anything related to this case then please inform me immediately."

With that, he handed me his phone number.

"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind."

"Bye then."

I nodded and said goodbye and headed out from the police station.


I was famished after spending almost three hours at the police station and I wanted to have something to eat. However, I couldn't think of anywhere to go. I thought of going to a fast food restaurant and ordering something light, but I didn't know what to have. After walking around aimlessly for a while, I decided to walk into my favorite ramen shop, 'Daishi Ramen'. As I walked through the door, I heard a voice saying, "Welcome to Daishi Ramen!" The owner greeted me as I entered the store.

The interior of 'Daishi Ramen' was filled with the smell of fresh-cooked noodles and spices. There were two employees who were busy preparing and cooking the ingredients. They were also busy cleaning up and wiping down the tables and countertop. One of the employees saw me entering the store and he called out to the other employee.

"Hey, Koyuki!"

Koyuki's eyes lit up when she saw me and came over to greet me. She wore her usual uniform of a white button-up shirt, black pants and a black apron tied around her waist. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she was wearing glasses. She looked at me and gave me a warm smile and asked, "Hi, Kouichi. What can I get you today? You haven't eaten at our shop since the other day, right?"

Koyuki Hiyama was a second year high school student who worked part-time at the ramen shop called 'Daishi Ramen'. She was a friendly girl who always greets customers warmly. I suspected she was probably the reason the shop was frequented by so many young men, other than the fact that the ramen was indeed delicious. It's not just because they're attracted to a cute girl serving them their ramen; it's because of the way Koyuki treated every customer with utmost care and friendliness.

I looked around the shop and saw that it wasn't that crowded today. It was late afternoon and most people had already left for the day. However, I noticed a few customers still eating their lunch at the tables scattered throughout the ramen shop.

"Hi Koyuki, how are things? Have you been doing well lately?" I asked her with a cheerful smile. I was trying my best not to show any signs of nervousness to avoid embarrassing myself. I tried hard not to look away or blush when I talked to Koyuki. However, it was quite obvious that I failed miserably.

She did not seem to notice this as she smiled happily and said, "I'm fine. Thank you for asking. The shop was packed to the brim just now so I was busy helping out. I'm glad it's finally slowing down though. How about you?"

"Oh, you know. The same usual."

Yeah I knew. I was terrible at making small talks.

Koyuki patted my shoulder and said, "Well then, let's get started! What kind of ramen would you like?"

I took the menu that was placed on top of the table and read through the various types of ramen available: Shio, Miso, Tare, Tonkotsu and Chashumen.

After pondering for a while, I asked her what she recommended for today and she told me that today's special was 'Tonkotsu ramen' which meant that a large pot of pork bone broth was used to cook the ramen noodles.

"Sounds good," I said.

"Okay then. Please wait while we prepare your order."

Koyuki went to the kitchen area to start preparing my order. Meanwhile, I sat on one of the chairs and observed the ramen shop. The walls were covered with posters of famous ramen shops in Japan and there were photos of ramen bowls hung on the walls as well.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 3:00 pm. Koyuki finished preparing my ramen in no time at all and brought it to the table. She put a wooden bowl on the table and then poured hot soup into it. Then she added some toppings and handed me a spoon.

"Enjoy your food," Koyuki said with a smile as she left.

I looked at the ramen and then at Koyuki before picking up my chopsticks.

"This is really good."

I tasted the soup and instantly realized that it was indeed very flavorful. It had a rich taste, and it was made from freshly prepared ingredients. It wasn't salty or sour either. I could tell that there were lots of spices mixed into the soup and they complemented each other perfectly. It was extremely fragrant and I could smell the aroma wafting towards me. It smelled like it was infused with ginger and garlic.

I ate about half of it in no time at all. I slurped up another mouthful of soup and then continued eating. The ramen was filling and it kept me full for a long time after finishing it.

As I enjoyed the ramen, Koyuki returned to the shop and greeted me. "Good, you've finished your meal. Do you want anything else? Would you like a cup of tea or a dessert perhaps?"

"No thanks. I think I'm good." I said as I handed her back the empty ramen bowl.

Koyuki smiled and replied, "Okay, I'll be right back."

She quickly cleaned up after me and then headed to the kitchen area. I paid for the ramen using my smartphone and just when I was about to leave the shop..

"Wait, Kouichi!" Koyuki called out to me as she came running over to the counter.

"What's wrong?" I asked with a puzzled expression on my face.

Koyuki stopped in front of me and looked at me.

"Are.. are you free this evening?" she asked me in a low voice.