
System unlocked!

A white light was shining from it. It was like a beacon that attracted the attention of everyone around me. I felt like I was the center of the world. The world was watching me. All eyes were on me. I was in the spotlight. I was the star.

..or so I thought.

Koyuki was looking down at his lap. The other customers were enjoying their food or chatting among themselves. Nobody was paying any attention to us. Was it only me who could see it?

The light was so bright that I could almost see through the bag. The light was coming from a small object inside the bag. I reached into the bag and saw that it was the ancient tome! The one from the bookstore. The one I was thinking about just now. How did it end up in my schoolbag?

It was glowing brightly. It was pulsating. And then, all of a sudden, the glow disappeared. I put my schoolbag down. I decided to check the book out later tonight.

"Thank you for telling me, Koyuki." I didn't know what else to say. Suddenly, the embarrassing event just now seemed pale in comparison with what was going on in my mind. I felt like I was suffocating. Based on the recent events with Yumiko and Koyuki just now, in addition to the the ancient tome ending up in my schoolbag I could only conclude that I somehow had powers. I could do things I couldn't explain.

I was still confused. But there was one thing I was sure of. I had to find out more about this power. I needed to read the tome.

After finishing our meal in silence, we left the restaurant. After accompanying Koyuki to her apartment, I went back home. Honestly, it was a miracle she even let me walk her home after what happened earlier. Others would have reported me for indecent exposure. I guessed she still considered me as a friend.


As soon as I entered my room, I immediately opened the book and started reading. As expected I still couldn't understand it. It was written in a strange language. Did I really expect the book to transform to Japanese? In anime and manga, if a character found a magic book, he would be able to read it by chanting a certain spell so I tried to chant one. I couldn't find any spells that I could use. Maybe it was because I didn't know any of the incantations. Ha!

Joking aside, next I tried to think of a way to 'activate' the book. Maybe it was 'locked' and needed some ways to be activated. I tried to think of various ways such as a password, combination or a secret code. But none of them seemed to work. What was I thinking. It was not a laptop/cellphone or other kinds of electronics. And then, I had an idea.

I placed my hands on the cover of the book and concentrated hard. Then, I remembered that when I first opened the book, I felt something in my chest. Like a weird sensation. So, I focused on that feeling and tried to reproduce it. It was like trying to recall a memory. A distant memory. But I did not succeed. I tried again. Again, I failed.

For the next few hours, I tried various methods like meditating, reciting poems, praying, lighting candles, chanting mantras, and more. All failed. The book remained as it was. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't activate the ancient tome. I sat there for a while in silence. I was frustrated. Was it not meant to be activated? If so, why did it glow that bright like it did this afternoon? It was like the book was trying to convey something to me. Or giving me a sign. But I had checked the book's contents. There were no changes as far as I was concerned.

I looked at the clock. 11:30 PM. It was late. I was tired. I decided to stop for today. Tomorrow, I would try again. I placed the book on my desk and went to bed.


I woke up the next day with a terrible headache. My head was throbbing. The last time I had a headache like this was when I was suffering from a hangover after drinking too much the night before. It was a new year's eve and I mistook Dad's sake for my zero-alcohol beer. I was so drunk that I almost passed out. That was also the last time I was drinking alcohol.

I didn't remember consuming any alcohol last night. I was busy trying to make sense of the ancient to-

Wait a minute.

Where was the book? I remembered I put it down on the desk before I went to sleep.

I quickly checked my room. The book was not there.

It was nowhere to be found.

I felt panic. Where did it go? Did someone take it while I slept?

I went to the living room and asked Mom if she knew anything about the book. She said she didn't know. Dad was reading the newspaper while sipping his coffee. Dad never goes into my room so it was out of the question. I took some breakfast and then medication for my headache before returning to my room.

I checked my schoolbag and found the book wasn't there as well.

I couldn't find it anywhere.

What should I do? Where could it be?

"Kouichi? Are you going to school today? Hurry up or you'll be late!"

My mom called me from downstairs.

Oh sh*t! It was nearly 7 AM and the class started on 7:30 AM. I took a quick shower, put on my uniform and left the house in a hurry. I barely felt my headache at that time.


I arrived just in time. It was 7:29 AM. Another minute and the gatekeeper would have barred me from entering the school grounds.

I entered the classroom quickly and took my seat. I was still catching my breath when the bell signaling the start of the first lesson rang. The teacher came in and started lecturing.

The day went by quickly. I didn't pay any attention to the lessons. My mind was elsewhere. I tried to concentrate on the lesson but all I could think about was the ancient tome. What was it trying to tell me? Why did it glow that bright yesterday afternoon? Was it telling me to read the book? But how was I supposed to do that when I didn't understand the language? And now the book is missing.

There were also the situation with Yumiko and Koyuki. How should I interpret it? Based on what Koyuki told me yesterday and what I surmised from the situation, I could only conclude that I was somehow special. That I had some kind of power. The power to affect other people's mind. Maybe even to control them, like those historical figures mentioned in the book. I had no idea if my powers were real or not. But I had to find out. And I believed the key was the ancient tome. I had to find it.

I almost toppled over my chair when a voice suddenly echoed in my head. It was a female voice. A young girl's voice.

I felt my heart skip a beat. Was I going crazy? The voice sounded like it came from within me. Like it was coming from inside my head. I thought I was going mad. I looked around to see if anyone else heard the voice. But no one was paying attention to me. No one seemed to notice anything unusual.

Now it read my mind. It sounded amused. I detected the underlying tone of teasing in its voice. If I was going crazy, I might as well play along.

I asked the voice

I felt like I was dreaming. Or maybe it was a hallucination brought about by my headache. I asked again

it suddenly changed its speaking style to sound exasperated. It sounded annoyed.

I replied with a question of my own

I was still not convinced but I decided to play along.

I felt my heart skipped a beat. I was speechless.

I nodded.

My heart started beating fast. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. So it was true, I really had the power to control others.

I swallowed hard. My hands were trembling. I was too excited for my own good.

Do you even need to ask? I took a deep breath and nodded.

Strange characters started appearing in front of my eyes. It was a complex pattern of letters and numbers. As I stared at it, they transformed and rearranged themselves into a language I recognized.


The Eye of Infinity System (EIS)

EIS Level: 1

XP needed to level up: 10


Stamina: 20/20 (refill rate: 5/hr)

XP: 0 (used to increase EIS Lvl)

SP: 0 (used to unlock and level up skills)

Learned Skills:

[Passive Skills: Area of Effect Lv. 1]

[Basic Skills: Hypnosis Lv. 1]

Purchaseable Skills/Unlocks:

[Passive Skills]

1) Area of Effect [Lv 1]: 10 metres

SP needed to level up: 20

Description: Determines maximum range of all other EIS skills

[Basic Skills]

1) Hypnosis [Lv 1]: 10 minutes duration

SP needed to level up: 20

Stamina consumption: 10

Description: Determines the duration of all other EIS skills. It also gives user minor Mind Control ability, to put others in a trance-like state, making them highly suggestible and allowing the user to affect or influence their minds to their commands.

Note: Target may notice he/she was under EIS influence if he/she saw user executing any EIS skill (especially if EIS level is 6 or below).

[Advance Skills]

1) ?????? (prerequisite to unlock: Hypnosis [Lv 2], 40 SP)

2) ?????? (prerequisite to unlock: ???, 40 SP)

3) ?????? (prerequisite to unlock: ???, 40 SP)

4) ?????? (prerequisite to unlock: ???, 40 SP)


1) ?????? (prerequisite to unlock: ???)

Points earning methods:

1) Any [Basic/Advance/Ultimate] skill: +2 SP, +5 XP

Note: in addition to the above:

-1 SP if the target notices the user; +1 SP if it was the first time target being subjected to EIS

-2 XP if the target notices the user; +2 XP if it was the first time target being subjected to EIS





1) User can only target 1 person at a time

2) A person already subjected to EIS can't be targeted again on the same day. Wait for 1x24 hour before another EIS.

Note: there might be a way to circumvent the above limitations on higher EIS levels.


I was left flabbergasted. Is this really happening?? It was just like in a novel I once read! Now I have a system of my own!