Chapter – 12 – Beast guild, Information and Bank

We exited the building and started walking away from the building.

"I think I will go and register at the beast taming guild. That seems to be my best professional path. A beast tamer. It also suits me, doesn't it? Anyway, you guys are going to register at the alchemy guild, aren't you?" I asked looking at Oli and Jani.

Oli and Jani looked at each other smiling "We will be going to register at the alchemy guild very soon. Where do you want to go, idiot?"

Muni scratched his head "I don't have any non-combat specialisations and warrior guild is in adventurer association itself. So, no separate registration is required. So, I will come with either one of you"

"So, do one thing, you go with them and we will meet after lunch, is it okay?" I said

"Hey Veda, what are you going to do about the eagle. You said you only have 5 silvers with you right, I've got 3 silvers. So, that's only 8. We could get a loan for 60 silvers from the beast taming guild. Even still we would need 32 more silvers. How do you intend to get that amount?" Oli asked me.

"I don't know. I have to think and you don't need to give me your silvers. That's your savings and we need some backup funds for other necessities. And don't even think about selling the soul beast I gave you. If you sell it behind my back, I will stop speaking to you forever. I will cut off all the contacts I have with you and move away. You understand" I looked at Oli sharply.

She averted her eye from me and started speaking with an embarrassing look "Yeah, yeah, okay, I won't. I won't sell. … Hey, how about I take a loan from the adventurer association or alchemy association. I can apply loan for alchemy equipment also if I remember." Oli said joyfully.

"Or better, we could make this idiot join the alchemy guild and take a loan to buy equipment with his money and you could use it. And Oli's loan could be used by Veda to buy the eagle" Jani gave another idea.

Before I could say anything, Oli interjected "You go and register at the beast taming guild and ask for the availability of a loan. After we open the bank accounts, we could all apply for the loan at the respective guild maybe today itself then we could buy the eagle tomorrow. What are you waiting for? Go, go, go." She pushes me in the direction of beast tamers guild.

I walk with a silly smile on my face. 'She really is crazy.' I shook my head and walk toward the beast tamer guild. I went in. There was a girl sitting and reading something. I knocked lightly on the table to get her attention.

"Excuse me, I would like to register," I said to her.

"If you have registered at the adventurer association, please give me your ID. If not go to the adventurer association and get yourself registered." She said expressionlessly in a monotone. I gave her my Id.

I got myself registered. All I had to do was say, I wanted to register and they put my id card on a machine similar to one Milly used after we acquired our skills. Easy way to get registered. The id had a piece of additional information besides affiliation it now shows


Name: - Veda Ambu

Age: - 15

Species: - Human

Gender: - Male

Occupation: - Not selected

Place of Birth: - Mattha, Chera kingdom, Jambu empire

Affiliation: - Adventurer Association, Beast-tamer Guild

Force affinity: - Aatma, Mana, Ki

Elemental affinity: -

(1.) Aatma: - Earth, Water, Dark and Fauna

(2.) Mana: - Earth, Water, Dark and Fauna

(3.) Ki: - Earth, Water, Dark and Fauna

Mental capacity: - 9 Dantian Capacity: - 9

Number of soul beasts: - 00 / 04

Level: - 0 [ 80 %]

Strength: - 13 Vitality: - 23 Wisdom: - 22

Constitution: - 16 Agility: - 20 Charisma: - 14

Intellect: - 17 Dexterity: - 21 Perception: - 21

Ki – Level: - 1 [85%]

Mana – Level: - 1 [26%]

Aatma – Level: - 1 [73%]

Skills: - Accuracy, Bowmastery (Intermediate) [14%], Knifemastery (Intermediate) [13%], Focus (Intermediate) [13%], Swordmastery (Intermediate) [1%], Weaponmastery (Basic) [87%], Status, H2O [1%]

I didn't have anything else so I was about to leave the beast taming guild. That's when I saw a library. I am about to become a beast tamer so I need to learn a bit about what my future beasts could be. I didn't know many beasts especially those with my elemental affinity. I have minimum knowledge about the beast taming profession since those basics were taught at the school. I asked the clerk at the beast taming guild if I could avail the facilities at the library. She said yes and I went and looked inside the library. There was a librarian in the library. I asked her where the books I want were. She pointed and I went in and took the books I want. There was a lot of information about various beasts which I didn't know. As a beast tamer, I have to take care of the beasts carefully. I have to treat them with very much patience and love. Forcing my ideals and practices will only negatively affect my relationship with the beast. There were also books relating to flying type beasts that had information about the eagle I wanted. I started reading it.

Blackwater eagles are flying-type soul beasts of the eagle family. They are one of the most common types of eagles seen in the southern part of the empire. They are the type of bird that like to live up big trees or hills near water sources. Their main tactic for hunting is to hunt prey near waterways when they come to drink water. They mainly hunt small animals or boars, but if they are very large or high level, they may hunt animals like bulls or buffalos. If there are no land animals to hunt, they hunt fish. Their hunting nature earned them to be called water eagles. The colour came in front of it because they have black wings. They also have a brown body with a blue or white colour on their chest areas. The male of the species can be identified by looking at the extra-long feathers on their head that look like they have been combed and curled upwards at the end. The males are also larger than females, they have a larger wingspan and higher number of tail feathers and tail width. The blackwater eagles live a lonely life for the most part of their bachelor life after they separate from their parents around 1 year from birth. They start to mate from around 6 years of age. They mate for life, i.e., once they find a mate they never leave for another mate. They stop mating if their mate dies. They lay eggs a maximum of 2 times a year. They lay upto 4 eggs a single time. They are very hard to train because they are very prideful and independent creatures. They don't like to follow commands, will rebel and cause trouble for weak-willed and forced instructions. You need a lot of patience and willpower when dealing with these kinds of beasts. These birds are mostly seen to have an affinity toward dark, water or wind, with some rare cases recording lightning affinity. Normally these birds can grow upto sage level on their own. When they are at sage level, they will be having upto 9 feet in height and can have a wingspan of upto 22 feet. I closed the book and returned it to the librarian. After returning the books I exited the beast guild.

I walked towards the bank. I waited outside the bank after looking inside if the other 3 came. After waiting for a long time, I felt like going inside and starting the procedure. So, I walked in and saw that there were many people inside the bank. It was very busy, maybe because the lunch break has just finished. There were four or five counters, and most of them had a long queue. But one, in the end, didn't have any queue, so I went there. There was a clerk who was busy looking at a pile of paper in front of him. I asked him

"Excuse me, how do I open a bank account?"

He took a set of paper from the side and gave me without even looking and said "Give it back after filling these." I filled in the details; it was basic details and some basic declarations. I gave it after filling it. He looked at that.

"Give me your card." He said after reading the form.

I gave him my id and he put it inside an ID verification machine. Yeah, that is the name of the machine in the adventurer association as well as the guild used to verify and update my id. The machine gave a beep sound and he gave me the id back. He then looked around for a few moments, then sighed.

"I'll be back in a sec. I have to get the supervisor to approve the form by signing. He seems to be somewhere in the back. Let me look for me. Wait a bit" He took the form I gave him and went to the backside of counters where there was a door to another area.

"Hey, how long have you been here?" Oli came and tapped on my shoulders.

"Not long, take those forms and fill them. The guy just went to the back with my form to get it approved by his supervisor." I said to them.

All of them took the forms from the nearby clerk and started filling them. The clerk who had my form came back.

"Your application has been approved. Your account has been opened. Do you want to make an initial deposit?" He asked me.

"Would 5 silvers suffice?" I asked him and he nodded. I gave him 5 silvers I had on my ring.

"ID also," He asked as I gave him the coins. I gave my id along with the coins. He put it inside the same machine again after typing something on a separate machine which had a small area for seeing what was written. He gave after the verification machine gave a beep. On my Id on the under skills now there also shows a bank balance. It shows 5 silvers.

I finished looking at it and was about to go when a guy came from the back of the counter and asked the clerk

"Hey Samson, is this the Ambu kid?"

The clerk replied "Yes"

The guy looked at me "Are you the child of Adhi and Nila?"

"Yes," I answered.

"Follow me to my room" He pointed his finger to a nearby room. I went with him.

"Sit," He also sat down opposite me on his chair and between us was a table with lots of paper on it. "Your father had opened a deposit plan when you were some 2 years old. I was the one that helped him at that time. He asked me that you receive the money with interest when you opened an account here when you are 15. Now that both the conditions are fulfilled, I would like to transfer the amount into your account."

I looked at him in a daze. He continued "Your father had deposited a total of 13 silvers and 50 bronze. It has been over 8 years and no additional deposits or withdrawals have been made and the account has accumulated interest of 16 silvers and 50 bronzes. So, you will get a total of 30 silvers. I will give you papers to sign for the transfer of the fund" He then took a form from his side started scribbling something and gave it to me and pointed near the end "Sign here"

I signed the form and gave it back. He asked for id and I gave him that. He put it inside the verifier machine and gave it back. Now the account balance was 35 Silvers.