The Beginning

-St Paul Hospital; London, England.-

In a rundown hospital in the slums of England, a young man with bald head and rough face lay down on a bed with his face facing the ceiling. Flies hovered around him and Mosquitoes sucked his blood. His skin was rough with festered wounds all over his body. The sheet used to cover his bed was dirty.

A normal person would vomit on the spot on seeing such a sight but the young man didn't mind. His face was blank without any expression. The reason was simple. According to the Doctor, he would die this week.

Lukas had been in this hospital for the past 5 months. He had been transferred from Major hospitals in the country to this rundown hospital. Pounds upon Pounds had been spent in order to heal him but to no avail. After exhausting all the funds his parents had to heal him, they died from stress and overworking.

Lukas knew that there was no cure for the illness he was suffering from.

He had already resigned to his fate. As a person who'd been sick for the past 3 years he knew that his death was imminent. There was no use fighting it. He had given up on his life from the moment his parents died trying to save him.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

As Lukas was reminiscing about his life, the machine he was living on started beeping. It was still some minutes ago when the nurse last checked on him. He could ring the bell now and some nurses may attend to him. But he didn't.

He was sick of this life. He was sick of this world. He was sick of everything. Lukas looked around the room one last time before he closed his eyes. He really wished that this was the last time he closed his eyes, and that he would never wake up again.


Dr Harry was an alcoholic. After drinking himself to stupor last night he woke up with a terrible hangover. After checking his cheap watch for the time he stood up and walked to the toilet to relieve himself. After taking care of his business he left his office with a pack of cigarettes in his hands. He started walking towards the rooftop to take a smoke. That was when he heard it. A beeping noise from his left.

He frowned, contemplating whether to answer the beep or ignore it. After 10 seconds he sighed and started making his way towards the hospital room. As he pulled the door open he staggered as a wave of nausea hit him after a putrid smell assaulted his nose.

He quickly covered his noise with his mask before making his way into the room. After inspecting the patient he sighed. The patient was dead. Probably died an hour or two ago. Dr Harry covered the patients body before bringing out a torn notebook.

'Time of death: 8 am. Cause of death: hereditary illness.'

Dr Harry took one last look at the room before making his way out of the room.

Lukas Bellingham was dead.


Chirp. Chirp.

Lukas slowly opened his eyes and looked around. He was shocked by what he saw. The sky was a mesmerizing blue color. The blue sky was vast with different birds flying around the sky. The clouds were attached to the sky like ice cream on a cone.

Lukas brought his gaze downwards and looked at his surroundings. There were trees to his left. Huge trees. To his right was a vast lake, or was it a river? Lukas wasn't sure. He forced himself to stand up and walked towards the direction of the lake. He was thirsty. As he bent down to scoop the water he froze.

"Is that me?"

Lukas looked at his face for a whole minute. He was bewildered.

"Is this really me?" Lukas mumbled to himself.

Lukas looked at the face reflected in the water. He was so shocked. His mouth opened wide. The face reflected in the clear lake was beautiful. It was also young. After getting over his shock, Lukas studied the face in detail.

Silver hair. Ocean blue eyes. Pointed nose. Clear skin. The previous owner of the face couldn't be older than 10 years.

It was hard to even tell if it was a boy or a girl. Lukas drank from the lake before he stood up. He wandered around the edges of the lake before sitting down. He had come to a conclusion. He couldn't remember anything. The only thing he knew was that his name was Lukas. He couldn't remember anything else. Who he was, how he got here, where he was. He couldn't remember if he had parents or not. He was confused.

He stood up again and started wandering. This time he went in the direction of the forest. After walking for about 10 minutes he finally came to the entrance. He looked at the trees once more and was once again dumbfounded. He was wrong. Huge wasn't the right words for the trees. Colossal was. The trees spanned about 2 meters in width and over 30 meters in height. Huge branches spread out from the trunk of the trees. They were sheltering the forest from the sun. Tall grasses grew at the base of the trees reaching about 1 meters in height. They were taller than Lukas.

Lukas gulped before making his way into the forest. After walking in the forest for another 10 minutes Lukas went from afraid to angry. His previously beautiful face had been whipped by the grasses. His clothes were torn. His legs were blistered. Numerous bugs had bitten him. He was angry and frustrated. He stopped walking and sat down.

He was exhausted. He examined his body and found out that he was bleeding in many places. He sighed before forcing himself to stand up. He had to leave the forest. He couldn't even turn back. He tried turning back before but to his dismay he couldn't find the way back. Left with no choice he kept pushing forward.

As he was about to faint from exhaustion he felt something rustling the leaves. He frowned. He forced himself to stay awake and listened carefully. Then he heard it again. His heart started beating furiously. He slowly turned his head to the direction of the rustling. And he saw it.

A growling head with four ferocious eyes emerged from the grass, towering over him. A 5-meter dark-furred animal he could only describe as a monstrous wolf, revealed its 4 inches long teeth with a snarl.

Lukas had already wet his pants at the sight of the monster. The monster growled before it pounced. Lukas couldn't see anything. The monster was still around 10 meters away before disappeared and reappeared with Lukas left arm in its mouth. Lukas slowly looked at his left arm and saw nothing but blood spurting out. Lukas looked at his arm in the monster mouth before he fell down to the ground. Lukas screamed.


Leonard and his group were walking in the same forest Lukas was. They were looking for a Four eyed monster wolf to complete their quest.

"Leader, after this job are we going to the pub again?" A young woman with huge tits and shapely bum asked. She was holding Leonard's arm as she rubbed her tits on his arm. The men at the back were enjoying the sight of her shapely bum swaying. That was the main reason they chose to stay at the back.

"Of course, once we finish this quest we are. If we can get the liver of the wolf we can get up to 50 silvers! With such a huge sum we wouldn't have to work for the next 2 weeks"

As the young woman was about to ask another question they heard a scream. Leonard and his group paused. They looked in the direction of the scream. Then they heard a growl. Leonard looked at his men before running in the direction of the scream. His men followed suit. They soon arrived at the source of the scream.

A four eyed monster wolf was munching on a small human arm while the owner of the arm, a young boy no older than 10 was screaming while bawling his eyes out.

Leonard and his group hid in the tall grasses while preparing to kill the four eyed monster wolf. They couldn't believe their luck. They couldn't understand how a young boy found his way to this part of the forest but thanks to him they could get their hands on the liver of the wolf if they killed it now.

Leonard signaled his hands and 3 men moved out and surrounded the wolf in a triangle. The wolf didn't notice them as it was engrossed on the arm it was eating. The men started mumbling and under their feet different circles started forming. Each of the circles had different symbols and the symbols were spinning rapidly.

The wolf stopped eating and looked at the angles where the men were located. It roared and tried to pounce on them but it couldn't move. It was too late. A triangular prism enclosed the area the wolf stood.

"Boss! Now!" one of the men shouted.

"Get the kid out of the way now!" Leonard shouted. 2 people from his group moved and took the boy who was still screaming out of the way. Leonard then rushed to the front of the monster wolf. A magic circle formed while Leonard mumbled.

Leonard shouted as the circle neared completion. A bright light erupted from the circle and engulfed the wolf on cue. As the light seared the wolf's skin, it yelped. Its fur couldn't save it from the flames. The wolf ceased yelping after 15 seconds and lay motionless.

It was dead.