
It has been 2 years since Lukas joined the academy. His life at the academy had been pretty straightforward. He woke up everyday and did a series of exercises, training his body; then went to school.

He had made his way into the main academy after spending a year learning basic knowledge about this world. He was as knowledgeable as one could be at his age.

Lukas wasn't a loner. He had made some friends in the academy during his first six months mainly because of his looks and smarts. He had topped the monthly exams as soon as he transferred into the main academy.

During his stay here he found out that a lot of people were considering staying in the military for the rest of their lives. He had also figured that they were 3 types of people in the military.

The first type included people whose parents had ties to the military or were in the military themselves and wanted their children to be placed in certain positions when they were of age.

The second type were people who had suddenly lost their parents or guardians and had nowhere to go. They didn't want to go to the orphanage so they decided to join the military until they could fend for themselves. Lukas was an example of the second type.

The third type of people included people who were poor and couldn't fend for themselves even if they left. They decided to stay at the military to the bitter end. They had tasted poverty and didn't want to experience it again.

If someone were to look at this it would seem like the military were running a charity operation for kids. Hah! Charity indeed. There was a reason why they were the military. They showed no mercy to kids.

Everyday the kids were asked to run around a field as large as a soccer stadium five times. Lukas nearly fainted on the first day. If one couldn't complete it by any chance there would be no meals for the person. They were put through a series of heart wrenching exercises. They truly proved why they were the military.

Lukas had already gotten used to the demonic exercises they were put through. He even underwent more physical training on his own. Unlike his peers who were always grumbling about the hellish exercises, he didn't complain. He needed strength. Strength was always his priority.

He could never forget his experience with the warrior class four eyed wolf. The scene of his arm being ripped out, the pain he felt, the helplessness he felt, Lukas despised it. He had sworn to do his utmost best at gaining strength, and so Lukas treated his exercises seriously.

The results were fairly obvious; His previous childish face was gone, replaced with a slightly older face in his early teens. His silver hair were now reaching the nape of his neck. His previously pale skin were now tanned, a healthy brown color. He now donned a pair of earrings. He no longer looked like a 10 year old kid who was clueless.

His face was now taking on a boyish look, no longer androgynous. His 165 cm tall frame was now solid, looking lean and layered with the right amount of muscles.

As Lukas was reminiscing about his life in the academy, a voice jolted him out of his reverie.

"Hey Lukas!" the voice said.

Lukas turned to the direction of the voice and saw one of his friend named Jill walking towards him with a smile on his face. Jill wasn't tall, with brown locks and equally brown eyes. He was dressed in the same brown jackets, white inner shirts and brown trousers, the standard uniform for the military. His feet were covered in brown boots too.

"What's up buddy?" Jill asked as he sat down on a chair opposite Lukas.

"I'm good." Lukas answered. He turned his gaze outside the window and saw his classmates and other children going about their business outside.

"Pretty carefree huh?" Jill said. His gaze also outside the window.

"Why'd you say so?" Lukas asked.

"These guys are so carefree huh. It's my birthday tomorrow."

"Isn't that great?"

"Not sure Luk. I'm turning 14 tomorrow." There was a pause before Jill continued. "I'll be taking the test tomorrow. To see if i can awaken."

"I see" Lukas said, his gaze still outside the window.


Another pause.

"I'm scared."

Lukas finally removed his gaze from the windows and looked at Jill. He took a good look at Jill's face and noticed he was tense. Lukas moved his gaze outside again before asking.


"I have to awaken. But I'm afraid i won't. I'm afraid that i would have to go back to the streets again. Luk, the streets was hell for me. I don't want to go back there again."

Lukas understood the fears of Jill. Jill belonged to the third type of people who joined the military. The kind who were poor and couldn't fend for themselves if they left the military. To them, not being able to awaken was a direct trip to hell. The military had no need for people who didn't awaken.

Jill looked at Lukas who was still looking out the window. Jill smiled.

"I'm glad."

Lukas didn't respond.

"I have someone i can talk to. Just talking to you calms me down. I now have a bit of confidence to face my test tomorrow. Thanks Luk."

"You're welcome, Jill."

Jill stood up from the chair after giving Lukas one last look before going towards the door. As he was about to open the door Lukas called out to him.

"Best of luck."

Jill paused before smiling. "Yeah, I'll need it." He then closed the door, leaving Lukas alone in the room.

Lukas lay on the bed after Jill left the room. He was 13 years now. Next year he would be 14 years. He would be in Jill's shoes. It then occurred to Lukas. What would happen to him if he couldn't awaken? Would he have to live in constant fear of monsters?

To Lukas there was nothing scarier than not being able to defend himself. He couldn't even imagine himself not awakening.

"There's no use thinking about it now." Lukas said. He stood up, wore his brown jacket over his white shirts, wore his brown boots and made his way towards the gym.

Whenever he couldn't get something off his mind the gym was his second home. He would exercise until he couldn't think about anything else. Today would be no different.


-Zik Capital City, Aegis Empire-

In the capital city of the Aegis Empire, the city was very busy. Expensive cars moved to and fro, people moved from one place to another, the police in their blue uniforms patrolled the city, occasionally catching few thieves here and there. Everywhere was bustling, the usual sight seen in the city at all times.

In the centre of the city, a huge mansion could be seen. The mansion was built using the most expensive of materials, and the most quality of materials. People weren't allowed within 5 meters of the gate as guards were manned in front of the gate 24/7. The guards weren't just any guards. They were awakened.

The name Etienne were written in gold on the gate. The mansion belonged to the Etiennes, one of the 3 great families in the Aegis Empire. The family was fairly powerful with their patriach being a peak demi-god.

In one of the rooms in the mansion, a young girl of 13 was doing a set of unique exercises. It was one of the exercises in the Etienne family that aided awakening. The girl had blonde hair that was tied up with an hairband into a ponytail and green eyes that sparkled. Her skin was clear with sweat dripping from it after the exercises.

In the corner of the room another young lady watched as the girl finished her exercise. She also had blonde hair with gray eyes. She took a towel from the wall of the room and went over to the girl and handed it over. The girl took it and wiped herself clean.

As they walked towards the exit the girl with gray eyes said "Ayleen! you completed 20 more sets than you usually did today! that's a new record!"

"It's nothing Bella." Ayleen said trying to brush it off as nothing but the proud look in her eyes said otherwise.

"At this rate, i'm sure that none of our age mates will stand a chance against you!" Bella exclaimed.

Ayleen didn't reply, but it was obvious she thought so too. With her talent and the backing of the Etienne family, she was sure no one could stand a chance against her in the awakening ceremony.

Ayleen looked forward to next year as walked towards the shower. She was planning to shake the empire from it's root next year.