Awakening (II)

"Miss, we're here" the driver said to Ayleen as the car came to a stop. Ayleen and Bella alighted the car and came face to face with a skyscraper. The building was about 100 meters in height, and it had a majestic look to it. It was the Awakening center.

The awakening center wasn't just for testing the children, it was the place were awakened gathered for different purposes. It housed everything that the awakened needed in the Aegis empire. It was more of a headquarters for the awakened.

Ayleen and Bella made their way into the crowded building, getting looks from the people inside due to her looks and how expensively she dressed. She didn't let it distract her and walked with utmost confidence to the floor designated for awakening with Bella on her tail.

At the awakening center they were many kids chattering to themselves, trying to get the nervousness out of their system. As Ayleen and Bella entered the wide room all eyes turned to them and the chattering died down. It was soon replaced by murmuring.

"Hey, who is that girl? she's so pretty!" a boy whispered.

"Shh! you don't know her?! where did you come from? the woods?!" another boy replied.

"I don't know her. who's she?"

"She's Ayleen de Etienne! she belongs to the powerful Etienne family!" the boy replied with a look similar to reverence in his eyes.


"Geez! how clueless can you be? See let me explain to you." the boy said, obviously proud about the knowledge he was going inform the other boy.

"There are 3 Ducal families in the Aegis Empire, The Laurents, The Augers and The Etiennes."

"The Laurents are mainly active at the sea and are responsible of protecting the empire from sea monsters. They are the kings of naval warfare."

"The Augers are the spear of the empire. They are mainly melee combatants awakened such as the beserkers, lancers and swordsmen."

"The Etiennes are a family of powerful mages. They are responsible for maintaining law and order in the empire. Ayleen is part of the Etienne family. I'm sure she'll be aiming to become a mage!"

"Ohhh. hey, how do you know all these things?"

"I'm a noble."

"You don't look like one."

"You bastard!"

Lukas overhead the conversation between the two boys and glanced over at where the two girls were seated. Now that he observed them closely he found out that they were really pretty.

As if noticing someone staring at them the prettier girl turned her head and looked at him. Her green eyes sparkled before smirking. She then turned her gaze away from Lukas. Lukas frowned before turning his gaze away from her too.

The door suddenly opened and a middle aged man entered the room. He was dressed in an elegant white suit. He was fairly handsome and every action of his screamed nobility.

He scanned the children present in the room. Some were brimming with confidence, some were extremely nervous while some had an indifferent expression on their faces.

"Hello. My name is Louis. I'll be handling your awakening test." He paused. His eyes scanned the children present. He nodded in satisfaction after seeing their obedient gazes on him before continuing.

"As you all know, there are different classes among the awakened. There are also hidden classes among the awakened. Unfortunately, not everyone will become awakened. Only a select few can become an awakened. We'll be undergoing the test in a few minutes.

There are two processes involved in the awakening.

First, You'll be tested on your ability to feel and grasp mana. This is the major test as those who can't feel mana would not take part in the second part of the awakening test. Those who successfully pass the first test will now take place in the second test. I'll let you all know about the second test when it is time."

Louis paused again. He then turned pointed towards a door.

"Each one of you seated here have your card given to you with your name written on it. You will take the test according to your name. When I call out your name you will go to that door and take the test. Those that passed will remain behind, and those that failed will exit this floor."

"Also, lest i forget, we will be ranking your results, with the best being S-rank and the worst being F-rank. Best of luck."

Noise broke out at the mention of the test being ranked.


"They're ranking the test?!"

"Crap! They're ranking the test!"

Louis ignored the noise and got down to business immediately.

"We will now start the test. Carrie Anderson"

As Louis called out the name a young timid girl with glasses stood up and walked towards the door timidly. She entered the room and closed the door behind her. A few minutes later she came out with an ecstatic expression on her face. It was obvious already; she passed the first test! She was now an awakened. Before she could revel in her joy the electronic board in the middle of the room lit up. Her name and her score was displayed on it boldly. As if that wasn't enough, Louis read out the score displayed on the board in an emotionless tone. His voice wasn't loud but everyone heard it.

"Carrie Anderson. F-rank!"

Gasps were heard around the hall. Soon the hall was deadly silent. Everyone was in shock. They were truly ranking them!

Amidst the shock only a few people remained calm. Ayleen was one of them. She knew that they were going to rank the results. This was what she was waiting for. This was what she worked hard for. She was going to prove that she was the best among everyone gathered here. So despite the noises and protests about the rankings, she was quiet.

"Next, Mason Crux" Louis voice reverberated in the hall. The boy whose name was mentioned stood up and entered the testing room. He soon came out but unlike Carrie, he walked towards the exit with a depressed expression on his face. He was not an awakened.

"Next, Freddy Micheal" Louis voice sounded again. His voice was like a judge sentencing people to their deaths in the ears of the children. Soon Freddy came out and walked towards the exit. He was not an awakened.

Soon, the noises completely died down and only apprehension filled the hall. Over 300 people had taken the test but only 53 had awakened, with the best result being a D-rank. Everyone was tensed, as the ones who seemed confident now shaking in their boots. Louis kept calling out the names and results of those who awakened without any regards to their feelings. What a vicious man! The only thing they could do was wait for their turn.

"Next! Noelle Silva!" A young girl with silver hair stood up and walked towards the door. She was very pretty, her looks on par with Ayleen. She went confidently and soon entered the room. A few minutes later she came out, but her expression was exactly the same as when she entered the room. It seemed she awakened as she didn't walk towards the exit but went back to her seat.

"Noelle Silva! A-rank!"

Gasps were heard through out the room. Disbelief were written on everyone's faces.

"What?! A-rank?!"



"So Lucky!"

Different reactions were heard through out the room. As if that wasn't enough, the next result was equally as outstanding as Noelle's.

"Harry Adams! A-rank!"

"What is going on?! Another A-rank!"

"Just what is happening?! Is A-rank so easy to achieve?!"

Noelle looked at the boy who achieved the same rank as her. He was the same boy who tried to hit on her when she arrived at the center. She studied and saw that he was a bit handsome, with brown hair and brown eyes. He noticed her staring at him. Harry smirked before winking at her. Noelle shuddered at the wink before ignoring him completely.

"Next! Bella de Etienne!"

Bella stood up and went towards the room to take her test. She soon came out with a smile on her face before taking her seat beside Ayleen.

"Bella de Etienne! B-rank!"

Another outbreak of murmuring broke out but Louis paid them no mind.

Louis kept on calling names and people kept reducing. Soon they were only 47 people left in the hall yet to take the test. A total of 158 people had awakened and only Harry and Noelle had the best results so far, A-rank.

"Next! Ayleen de Etienne!"

Ayleen stood up and walked towards the room. She came out soon enough, her expression ever so confident. Louis announced the results in an emotionless tone.

"Ayleen de Etienne! A-rank!"

Another A-rank! The few people left looked at each other in shock, another person with an A-rank result! This time the murmuring were reduced due to the people present being lesser than normal, and the fact that they were 2 A-ranks results before.

As Ayleen walked towards her seat, she locked gazes with Noelle, nodded her head as if acknowledging her as her rival before making her way towards her seat.

Louis called out the rest of the names, and no one awakened among the names. They all left with dejected expressions on their faces.

Now only 1 name remained. Louis looked at the list of names before calling out the last name on the list.

"Lukas Kerr!"

Lukas stood up from his seat and walked towards the door. It was his turn to take the test.