Leaving the Academy

Lukas woke up to the sound of his alarm ringing. He turned over and turned off the alarm before looking at the time on the clock. 7:20 am.

Lukas lay on his bed for a while before taking off his nightwear. He put on his bathrobe and entered the bathroom to take his bath.

He awakened as a Mage 2 days ago. Today was the day he was leaving the academy. He had been planning for this day since he entered the academy.

He studied intensely and took 1st place in every monthly exams held. He had accumulated a total of 3 gold from the exams as he spent his money sparingly. 3 gold was 30,000 coppers. It was a huge sum for him.

He had already packed all his clothes the yesterday. There wasn't much to pack though, just a couple of shirts, jeans and his shoes.

Lukas exited the shower and dried himself off. He wore a black shirt, black jeans and white sneakers before grabbing his backpack.

He took one last room at the dorm. It had been his home for the past 4 years. He felt grateful to the military for looking after him all these years. He felt sentimental as he took one last look at his room at his room before closing the door.

He walked down the staircase and went towards the exit. Before he could leave he heard his name.


Lukas turned and saw a middle aged man walking hurriedly towards him.

The man was very tall, well over 2 meters. He had jet black hair and deep blue eyes, with a bit of beard on his chin. He was dressed in a tank top, fully showcasing his well sculpted muscles and rock hard abdominal muscles.

"Mr. Drey." Lukas greeted as the man approached him. He was the one in charge of physical training in the academy. He showed no mercy to the kids during training, to the extent almost everyone hated him. Lukas wondered why he stopped him.

"From the backpack and the way you're dressed I take it you're not joining the military?"

"Yes sir. I'll be leaving today." Lukas replied.

"Why though?"


"I mean why are you leaving the military?"

"Oh, no particular reason. I just feel that the military isn't the place for me."

Drey put his hands on his forehead before looking at Lukas.

"Look, the military is a great place for you. From what i heard you don't have any parents or relatives. The world outside is a scary place if you don't have any backer. With your smarts and talent it won't be long before you start making a name for yourself. When that time comes many powers will try to snuff you out. I feel like you should have an idea of what i'm talking about."

"You should stay in the military. We can be your backer. With the military behind you no one will dare touch you. You will also have access to a lot of resources. The journey before being you awakened is nothing compared to the one you will face. With us as your backer the road to become a Mage God will be smoother.

So, what do you think? It will be a waste for someone of your talent to rot outside. We're extending an olive branch to you now. Will you take it?" Drey asked.

Lukas kept quiet for a while as he contemplated the offer extended to him. So this was why Mr. Drey stopped him. He was here to recruit him.

Lukas would be lying if he said he wasn't tempted. He was very tempted. This was a one in a lifetime opportunity for people like him who had no one to rely on.

Lukas wasn't naive. He already had an idea of what happened outside. It was a strength based hierarchy. Strength was everything. Lukas knew that choosing the military would pave the way for him to get where he wanted to. Like Mr. Drey said, Resources was everything. He couldn't hope to become a Mage God without a steady supply of resources. There were so many factors in play that Lukas really wondered if he would actually be able to succeed on his own.

For a moment Lukas really considered choosing the military.

"Mr. Drey, I'm sorry but I cannot accept your offer."

Drey closed his eyes before opening them and looking at Lukas.


"Like I said sir, i don't think the military is the place for me."

"Okay. I understand."

Drey put his hand in his pockets before bringing out a gold note. He handed it to Lukas while saying

"Here. A gold note."

"Sir?" Lukas looked at the gold note in shock.

"Don't look at me like that kid, it's yours." Drey laughed.

"Thank you very much sir!" Lukas exclaimed, bowing his head until it almost touched the floor.

"You're welcome kid." Drey looked at Lukas for a moment before asking.

"Where are you going now kid?"

"Aegis Imperial High School sir."

"Oho that's quite an ambition you've got there! Well I think it'll be fairly easy for you to get in."

Drey ruffled Lukas hair before saying.

"It's quite sad you know. I was hoping you would join the military. We certainly need someone like you." He sighed before releasing his hands from Lukas hair. "Best of Luck kid. I know that whatever you set your mind to you can do it. I'll be cheering you on from here. Now, go on, let me not waste anymore of your time."

Lukas saluted before making his way out. He looked back at the imposing building of the military before sighing. He really wondered if he had made the right choice. He shook his head before making his way down the street.

He hailed a cab, opened the door and sat in the backseat.

"Destination?" the cab driver asked.

Lukas replied as he looked out the window.

"Aegis Imperial High School."

"That'll be 500 coppers."

"So expensive! Are you taking me around the planet?!" Lukas cursed at the cab driver.

"Young man our cab services is one of the best. You can ask around. We'll be there in a jiffy, while promising you a very smooth ride."

"Smooth ride my ass! 100 coppers! that's the best i can pay!"

"Young man we-"

"95 coppers."


"90 coppers."

"Please fasten your seat belt sir."

"Much better."

Lukas relaxed as the cab sped, leaving the military grounds until the academy were nothing but a tiny dot in his eyes.

Soon he couldn't see the academy again. He closed his eyes, relishing in the morning breeze as the car sped past.

His next stop was the Aegis Imperial High School.