0.2 Mr. Stony Face

Jared gasped for air as he was pulled back by his scarf with a tight grip.

"Hey, where do you think you are going? I am not done talking!" Ariana pulled him back.

Jared turned around with a widened facial expression as though he couldn't register what had just happened.

Did this lady just grab him by his neck?!

"Have you lost it?" Jared asked genuinely because, by her actions, one might suspect she wasn't that stable in the head.

"Yes, I have lost it and I won't find it until you let me get into the Gondola lift!" she bounced her head and her curls fell onto her face.

"Listen here, lady, we are closed and whether you want to get in the Gondola or Mongolia, I could care less, so come back next winter or go somewhere else," he muttered.

"And who says I'm going to be alive till then?" she asked in a calm tone that almost choked him up.

What does she mean?

"Sorry?" he frowned.

"Look, sir, you don't know how much this means to me. I have waited so long to get here and after I finally got a ticket, you decide to close down the place, I don't know if you have ever wanted something so badly in your life but this is one of the things I must fulfill before I go, now please just let me get in, just for fifteen minutes, I promise I won't take more than that," Ariana tried her best to pull out her puppy eyes.

This usually works with guys. She hoped it would work out too with Mr. Stony Face.

Jared was silent for a while before he sighed reluctantly and looked at her.

"Fine, you can get in..."


"...with me,"

"What?!" Ariana blurted out.

"You didn't hear me clearly? I said-"

"I heard perfectly and that was an expression I used to express my disagreement," she said.

"Why would I enter the Gondola with you? It's my ride"

"Technically, I just gave you the ride so I have the right to call the shots. I came here to spend some quiet time alone but someone seemed to have ruined that for me so that someone will have to pay and spend time with me," he finished off with a charming smile.

"W-Wha-B-But you can"t do that!"

"Says who? It's my rink and I set the rules. Not happy with it? Feel free to leave," Jared shrugged unapologetically.

Ariana was stunned for the first time in a while. She was used to seeing negotiations in business deals but never once has she been given a deal in an ice rink. Might she add, her ride!!

She had to admit, she was impressed by the way he played his cards.

"So, a ride with me or no ride at all?" he asked.

"Lead the way," she gritted her teeth against her will.

"Ladies first," he smiled and moved aside.

Ariana glared at him before she walked past him to miss the ghost of a smile that was placed on his face.

"Sir, do you really have to-"

"Open the place up, Ferdinand, and make sure no one disturbs us," Jared ordered his assistant before he walked into the building, following the lady closely from behind.

He watched as her long blonde waves which stopped just above her waist bounced as she walked excitedly into the ice rink, unknowingly, he took note of the way she moved her hips so sensually as she sashayed down her runway like a model.

Thoughts he shouldn't be having with a stranger filled his head but he was quick to block it all off. Based on the personality he had seen so far, he was sure she would take his head off if he even as much tried to get close to her so he won't even entertain such thoughts.

The lights were turned on and the whole building lit up with sparkles to reveal the full glamour of the Sparks Ice Rink, one of the biggest and best skating rinks in town, owned by the Antiano's, Jared's family.

"Wow!" Ariana's hazel eyes were filled with light when the whole place lit up.

She walked hurriedly to the station to get in the Gondola lift when she turned back to stare at the man who was walking so calmly behind her.

"Walk a little faster, or I might get in without you," she hollered with a roll of her eyes.

Jared got into the station just in time as one of his men stepped in behind him to get into the control room so that he could start the ride after he got the signal from his boss.

"Can we get in number 3?" Ariana looked up at him expectantly.

"Picky, ain't ya?" he muttered under his breath before he nodded to his man to open the number the damsel asked for.

The third airy cabinet rolled in and the doors opened automatically for the passengers to get in and Ariana wasted no time hopping into the ride as Jared followed immediately. The doors closed on their own accord and the Gondola ride began.

Jared sat in the space provided while Ariana stood by the window as she watched the glow of the lights with a bright smile on her face, almost as radiant as the rays of beam outside.

"It hasn't changed at all, still so beautiful," she murmured with a pleasant smile.

"Sounds like you've been here before?" Jared asked.

"Once," she answered.

"With family?" he asked.

"Uhm," she mused.

"I wonder if it's still here," Ariana walked to the seat opposite Jared as she bent down, looking for something.

Jared moved forward with curiosity as she looked for something so diligently.