0.31 A quirky Secretary

"Yes, get that file ready in two days because I need to sign it," Ariana said.

"Yes, ma'am," Shimaya nodded as she tried to fight off a yawn.

She had been woken up from her sleep in the middle of the night by her boss, only to be asked to do the most ridiculous thing.

Deliver snacks to a hospital!

Who on earth calls their employee while sleeping?! Of course! No one else but Ariana Jatropesh!

Shimaya had delivered the snacks successfully and went back to sleep only to be woken up three hours later by the same person.

Her boss!

Ariana had ordered her Head Secretary to go to her office and get all the files which needed her signature and immediate attention and get them to the hospital.

Shimaya had to take her bath on such a cold morning(her heater was broken), eat nothing but an apple as she stepped out and moved to the company before she went back to the hospital, only to be reprimanded by Ariana for coming late.

Can't she get a break?!

"And about the new project, tell the department to make another report to add in the prices of everything they would need, and also to be more specific about the chemicals," Ariana said as she typed on her laptop.

"But boss, that's like the sixth proposal already," Shimaya said as she took the file.

"And? Do I look like I care?" Ariana raised an eyebrow.

"I need the report to be perfect with all the necessary details so that the investors would be satisfied, and if it is going to take a hundred takes then so be it!" Ariana belted out.

"Yes, ma'am," Shimaya lowered her head.

"But boss, may I ask why you are in the hospital?" Shimaya asked as Ariana continued her work.

"Why else? I came to rock my hips and party," Ariana said sarcastically.

"Stop asking me dumb questions, Kinder, why else would one be in a hospital?" Ariana rolled her eyes.

"Well, I didn't know Wonder Woman got sick," Shimaya muttered under her breath.

"What was that?" Ariana looked up.

"N-Nothing," Shimaya shook her head.

The knock on the door which followed saved Shimaya from any more questions as a dashing young lad stepped into the room.

"Hey, I didn't know you had a guest," Jared said as he turned his gaze to a stunned Shimaya.

She blinked her eyes and opened them again. She blinked again and opened it up as her mouth flew open as well.

W-Was that J-Jared?! Freaking Antiano?!!!

In her boss's room?! A Jatropesh's room?!!

Shimaya choked on her spit.

She had been in this business long enough to know that an Antiano doesn't just step into a Jatropesh's room like that!

They're rivals! Hot-headed, full-blown rivals! Literally, in all they do, they always compete!

"Oh, she is not a guest, just my Secretary," Ariana said as she looked up from her work.

"I see. Your hands were already itching to do some work," Jared joked as he stepped into the room.

"Can't help it. After all, I am-"

"the CEO of two companies. We know, Ariana," Jared teased and she rolled her eyes at him.

"Did you get it?" she stretched her hand towards him.

"I want to hear a thank you first," Jared said as he placed the bag behind him.

"Only after I taste the food. I must be sure it's up to my taste," Ariana said.

"Of course, it is. After all, it was made from our restaurant," Jared said as he dropped the bag next to her.

"Oh, I never knew the Antianos were chefs now?" Ariana teased as she opened the bag.

"Sorry for my manners. Good morning," Jared turned towards Shimaya who was standing like a deer in front of headlights.

"Uhm...morning?" Jared said again when she didn't answer him.

"Kinder Joy!" Ariana clapped her hands which made Shimaya jolt up from her reverie.

"Y-Yes, ma'am?" she stuttered.

"Are you thinking about your lost pet or what? Someone is greeting you," Ariana hissed.

"O-Oh, good morning, sir. I-I just didn't, you know, you're an Antiano and all of that. I mean, this isn't a secret plan to assassinate my boss, right? Not that I would mind, I mean, uh-" Shimaya couldn't get a balance on her words.

"Okay..." Jared laughed slightly.

"Go get some coffee, Kinder, it seems you haven't still woken up," Ariana waved.

"S-Sure," she said and moved to leave the room.

"What a quirky Secretary you have there," Jared said with a smile as he moved to sit down beside Ariana.

"Sometimes, I wonder where I found her from," Ariana shrugged.

"Hmm, looks yum," She rubbed her hands as she took out the waffle and milkshake.

Jared removed the files from her bed and dropped them on the table while he took his share of breakfast.

"Let me taste the grand Antiano's waffles," Ariana said as she took a huge bite from the waffles which were served with syrup.

She closed her eyes as she chewed the morsel and Jared waited for her response.

"Not bad, Jerry mouse," she mused and nodded her head in approval.

"I told you you would like it," he smiled as he ate his food.

"Why didn't you rest a little before you brought so much work here? Does your doctor know about this?" Jared asked.

"Jerry, I didn't argue when I was asked to say here for a night or two, but I will not let you guys take me away from my work! Do you how much loss I incur the minute I leave my office?" she hissed as she took another bite.

"Ugh, a few days of rest won't hurt. You were so busy that you forgot to take your pills yesterday that you even entered the men's restroom. Imagine I wasn't there to help, you could have been in serious trouble,"

"Oh, you will never let me hear the end of it. When I die, I will have enough rest that I want, but for now, let me work all I want to!" Ariana hissed.

"You-You shouldn't talk about death so casually like that," Jared murmured as his mood died down from her words.

"Just eat, Jerry," she waved it off like nothing.