0.36 A Stall By The Streets

"Finally!! I am done!!" Ariana exclaimed as she opened the door to get into the car.

Jared, who had been waiting for her patiently for two hours now, looked up when her sweet perfume seeped into his nose.

"How was the meeting?" he asked courteously.

"It was fine. We went through the last details and the launch is going to take place very soon," she said with a sigh as she began to knead the knots on her shoulders.

"That's great. Are you okay?" He asked with slight concern.

The doctor had told her to rest as much as possible but she didn't listen to him which made him worried that she might have stressed herself too much tonight.

"Yeah, just some tense muscles," she sighed as she worked her fingers into her neck.

"Are you sure you don't need to take any drugs?" he asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"I already took my evening dose, Jared. I am fine, just a little-" she paused when she felt her hand hooked to her hair.

"Oh, God," she hissed under her breath.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Uhm, I think my bracelet may have gotten stuck to my hair, can you help me with it?" she said as she turned her head towards him and bent slightly.

Jared ignored the way her scent filled his nose to tingle his skin and moved his hand towards the knot to loosen it.

He took her hair strands out of the loop in her silver bracelet slowly so he wouldn't hurt her.

"Be quick, my neck hurts," she hissed.

"Almost done. There," he murmured as he successfully took her hair off her bracelet.

"Thank-" Ariana raised her head a little too quick as Jared's chin was still above her which made her hit him hard.

"Aw!" they both hissed out at the sudden pain.

"Are you okay-"

"Let me see-"

They both grabbed each other to check the damage at the same time which made them still as the air shifted quickly.

Jared had his hand on her head and she was holding onto his chin while their eyes interlocked to be stuck for what seemed like a lifetime.

Her hazel orbs were fixated on his honey eyes as she took in a sharp breath to calm the raging storm which seemed to have sprung up due to their proximity between them.

"Uh..." Jared murmured as he kept his eyes on her.

"Are you okay?" she turned her eyes down to his chin.

"Y-Yes, I am fine," he nodded

"And you?"

"I'm...okay," she mumbled before taking the initiative to move away from him.

An awkward silence settled into the car as they both tried to fan out the slight friction in the air.

"Uh, we should get going now," Jared said as he turned his key to start the car.

"Yeah," she nodded and moved to take her seat belt quickly.

Jared drove out of the street as he roared his sleek black car down the road with ease despite his insides almost getting churned by her secret gazes at him.

"I am feeling quite hungry...can we stop by to get something to eat?" Ariana asked.

"Ariana, it's almost three hours now. We should head back to the hospital before your doctor gets worried," Jared said in a calm tone.

"But I can't eat the hospital's food. It's too bland! I will collapse!" she exclaimed.

"Don't exaggerate," he rolled his eyes.

"Please, Jerry! Let's just get something to eat by the roadside. Oh, there! Let's stop there!" She pointed to a small roadside stall.

"What? There? Why not a restaurant or something?" he frowned as he kept his eyes on the road.

"There is no time for that. Let's just grab something here," she insisted.

"Come on,"

"Okay, okay," he sighed as he parked the car by the side of the road.

Ariana was quick to step out of the car as she walked towards the stall with a lightness to her feet.

She seemed more agile now and Jared couldn't help but smile as he walked behind her but when he saw the stall they were about to eat, his lips turned down with disapproval.

It wasn't like there was something particular about the place but just that it looked a bit shabby for his normal outing and some guys were sitting at a nearby bench drinking beer and laughing out too loud to his liking.

"Miss Ariana...are we really going to get something here?" he asked again, just to confirm.

"Good evening, ma'am. Get us two of your best sandwiches please," Ariana had already gone ahead to order.

"What would you like to drink?" she turned back to ask.

Jared turned his gaze to the midget kitchen which was by the little tent the old lady had set up and resisted the urge to throw up knowing what type of food will be getting into his system.

"Jerry?" oblivious to his worries, Ariana asked.

"J-Just water..." he muttered as he tried not to judge the place by its appearance, wait a second, was that a bug he saw on the table?!

Jared's eyes bulged out as the moths gathered around the light hung up in the makeshift kitchen.

"And some water with any juice of your choice!' Ariana ordered.

Jared stood uncomfortably by the roadside as they waited for the food to be made and all he wanted to do was to leave this place.

He wasn't used to eating from such stalks and he wouldn't find it odd if his stomach didn't sit well with the food here as well.

"Here you go," their food was ready in time and Ariana took it with a smile on her face.

"Get the bill please, Jerry. I have no money on me," Ariana said as she took their food.

Jared stepped forward to pay the lady after she told him the price but when he turned back, he did a double-take as he couldn't believe his eyes.

He saw Ariana walking towards the bench by the side as she dropped their sandwiches on the table before taking a seat.

Were they eating here?!!