0.39 An opportunity To Seize

"Do you know Ariana Jatropesh?"

Jared spat out the coffee he was drinking as it went down the wrong pipe from the sudden question thrown his way by the man sitting across from him on the sofa. His face turned red immediately as he coughed out to get rid of the tightness in his throat.

"Be careful there," Romano said as he handed him a piece of tissue.

"T-Thank you," Jared took the tissue from him as he dropped the cup on the table to clean off the stains on his suit.

He took a slight peek at his father to see him staring down as he waited eagerly for his answer.

What was he supposed to say?! Jared fretted inwardly!! He definitely couldn't tell his father that he had been spending much of his free time tagging along with the aforementioned female in her several rendezvous nor could he just feign ignorance to the question as well.

He knew he had to brace himself for something like this when his father called him to his office as soon as he got to work today.

Had his father somehow found out about who he has been spending his time with lately?

Jared forced himself to meet his father's tepid gaze as he casually leaned back to cross his leg above the other.

"Ariana..." he stroked his chin lightly as he pretended to be in deep thoughts.

"Yes, I'm sure you might have come across that name a few times in the news or magazines. What I want to know is if you know what our position is before hers currently in the industry," Romano asked as he took a sip from his mug.

"Our position? That we came out second in the annual record and the Jatropesh was first?" Jared muttered.

It was something known in the industry for years now that the Antianos have always had to stand in the second position many times when compared to the affluent Jatropeshs.

Although they had been able to beat them on multiple occasions it didn't make much time before the Jatropeshs would climb back up to claim the top spot which was why everyone termed them as 'rivals' as it seemed all the Antianos ever wanted was to be In the top and remain there for as long as they could.

"Yes, not only are we inferior to their mother company but Gold's Foundation which was opened not less than five years ago is slowly beginning to overtake our products in the cosmetics region. Strategies have been planned out on how to overtake the race but it seems they keep on coming stronger than ever which gives me a headache," Romano spat with distaste.

"But our main goals should be to satisfy the consumers instead of planning out how to surpass one another as though we were playing sports," Jared said with a guided tone.

He didn't want to seem like he was defending his father's greatest rival, but he wasn't also going to keep shut when he needed to say what needed to be said.

"You don't understand, Jared. If you have read the articles you will realize my worries. Ariana is an orphan and literally has no one supporting her from behind but she makes sales like rain pouring out from the sky. I can not let a kid like her jeopardise my reputation more than she has already done," Romano rang out as spikes of irritation peeled from his eyes.

She isn't trying to jeopardise you. She is merely trying to live each day as it comes.

Jared wanted to retort but he thought the better of it seconds later and held back his tongue. He wasn't really in the mood for an argument this morning.

"Okay...so why are you telling me all of this?" Jared sighed, wanting to get out of the room as soon as possible.

"Because we have an opportunity in our hands that we need to seize before it's too late," Romano murmured.

"And that is...?" Jared raised an eyebrow.

"With this," Romano dropped something on the table and gestured for Jared to pick it up.

Jared had a curious look on his face as he leaned forward to take the card on the table.

His fingers brushed against the red and cream envelope with a female icon on the top before he brought out the card inside.

It seemed to be an invitation or sort.

"Belle Le Grand is one of the most famous fashion designers in Paris and stretching out to the whole of Europe as well. She normally holds her charity Gala annually but this year, she decided to shake things up by inviting companies from different countries to attend the usually private party," Shimaya read formally from her tablet.

"Many companies across the globe have been invited for this event and everyone looks forward to the Gala which will take place in two weeks in Paris because they believe they can all score a deal with the famous designer. Speculations from this come from the gala she held last two years when she randomly picked a company to join her new line after the CEO's daughter saved a waitress from getting harassed by a guest," Shimaya looked up slightly to see Ariana staring out in space as though she wasn't paying attention as all to the information she was passing.

She doubted her boss even heard two words coming from her mouth.

"Is that all?" Ariana looked up and Shimaya nodded.

Her stern hazel eyes glided over the flowery pattern of the invitation card before she used her foot to open the trashcan close to her desk and dropped the card into it without hesitation, to the shock of her secretary.

A gasp let Shimaya's mouth as her widened eyes remained fixed on the dustbin.

"We're not going," Ariana announced before she turned her attention to the laptop on her desk.

It seemed her statement caused more impact on Shimaya than her action. Shimaya did a double-take to ensure she heard right.

"P-Pardon?" she stuttered out.

"You heard me perfectly the first time, Kinder Joy, I won't be repeating myself," Ariana said in a disinterested tone as she opened a file.

"Y-Yes, but why? Why would you do that?!" Shimaya shrieked but composed herself when Ariana turned her gaze to her.

"W-What I mean is, boss, you shouldn't just refuse such an offer. It will be beneficial to both companies and you will also need an authority such as Madam Belle's if you want the recent launch to go smoothly as well," Shimaya tried to explain calmly.

"Tell me, Kinder. Are you really concerned about the company or you are just finding a way to get rid of me for some days?" Ariana let out and Shimaya's cheeks flushed red.