0.41 An Eating Contest

"Hello," Jared answered the call.

'Hey, Jerry mouse. What's up?' Ariana's cheerful voice filled his ears and he found it hard to not smile.

He cleared his throat before he spoke so he wouldn't sound as excited as he felt.

"I'm good, Miss Ariana. And you? How was the discharge?" he asked, tapping at his desk with a wide smile on his face.

"It was peaceful, started work with a gusto and I feel great," she answered after a pause.

He could hear some noises coming from the background, it didn't sound like she was in the office so he guessed she was outside.

His heart dropped a little thinking that she might be with her fiance.

"Where are you? It sounds like you're out," he slid out the curious tone so it wouldn't seem like he was intruding.

"Yes, that's why I called, I need you to be here ASAP, without delay. Be here in fifteen minutes, not less, Antiano,"

"But-" he was cut off when she hung up the call abruptly.

A deep frown marred his forehead as he was left confused about why she would need him urgently. She didn't sound like she was in danger but it still made him worried.

His phone pinged with a notification when Ariana sent him the address. Having no other choice but to comply, he picked up his coat and phone to leave the office.


Jared walked around the busy park as he hastily searched for the familiar frenzy blonde hair that he had gotten used to for more than a week now.

He had gotten to the location she sent to him in record time but she was nowhere to be seen, he had called her several times since he arrived but it went straight to voicemail.

He heaved out in slight agitation, feeling disturbed not knowing what this lady planned to do this time around.

The park was crowded and boisterous as family and children's interactions filled the calm air with the warm sun shining down on them.

It didn't look like a place for someone like Ariana to hang out but he never knew what to expect from an erratic lady like her.

He squinted his eyes from the far distance to make sure who he saw was the one he was looking for before he strode towards her with zealous steps.

Boss Lady Ariana Jatropesh was dressed in her usual clad office attire and his heart swooned at the feminine appeal that spurt out of her aura just from standing in the middle of a greenery park.

Her back was turned towards him but he knew she was the one after spending an ample of time with her lately.

"Arian-" a smile was on his face as he was about to call her name when she placed her palm in the air.

"Hey there, Jerry, you got here just on time. Prepare your mouth and jaw because they are about to enter a strenuous battle," she said without turning towards him.

Jared frowned, not understanding a word of what she said as he followed her gaze to find out where she was staring so intently.

At the centre of the enormous park, huge cardboard painted with flashy colours was placed on the ground with a few plastic chairs and tables as people seemed to be flooding to check out the spectacle about to happen.

Jared looked up to see it was an eating contest about to be held and from what he could discern, a prize was going to be given to the winner as well but he had no idea why Ariana seemed to be interested in the eating contest.

"Miss Ariana, what is going on? Why did you call me here?" Jared asked as he assumed Ariana would never tell him what he intended to know.

"Well, Jerry, do you see that crowd that is gathering over there?" Ariana gestured with her head.

"Yes, I do. They are here for the eating competition. Do you want to watch the contest?" He asked even though he found it weird that one would just find entertainment from two individuals stuffing their faces unnecessarily just to win some cheap change.

"Watch? Of course not, it's quite the opposite actually, people are going to be watching me," Ariana muttered and flipped her hair to the side.

"You want to join the contest?" he belted out, surprised at why she would want to do such a hideous thing.

"Uhm," she bounced her head.

"Okay...good luck, I guess I will watch you from here," he trailed off, not wanting to question her decision.

It seemed like entering an eating contest was also on her death list, it was odd but he was pretty sure every other item on the list was of the same oddity.

Ariana turned towards him with a look that he had come to realise never meant something good.

"What do you mean by that, Jared? You're going to be my partner," she smiled innocently as he stared at her wide-eyed.